Misophobia: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

The Misophobia Is the pathological fear of dirt, pollution and germs. This phobia, like all the others, can seriously alter your life, but the good news Is that he has a cure.

If you suffer from this phobia, you are terrified of getting sick from a virus or bacteria, washing your hands permanently, or bathing many times Day to get rid of dirt and microbes.


Many people with misophobia also wear gloves before touching things, permanently disinfect the kitchen and bathroom, and some even avoid going out Of their homes for fear of germs.

Experts believe that misophobia is related to the Obsessive compulsive disorder (TOC), because in the misophobia behaviors occur (Washing hands, showering, disinfecting everything permanently) as a result of pathological fear.

In other words, if you suffer from this phobia you have obsessive thoughts about dirt, pollution and germs, and then you act on Consequence, having compulsive behaviors, which you can not avoid.

The difference between people overly concerned about pollution and misophobes is the ability to tolerate uncertainty.

For example, if you climb the subway and take the railing, maybe there would be germs on the surface, which would be transferred to your hands. Is a Doubt, an uncertainty, because you do not know if there are really dangerous germs there. But you can live with it. You get over it, and as soon as you get home, you Wash your hands and go.

But a misophobe is not able to tolerate this uncertainty. The feeling of insecurity causes extreme anxiety and the need to do something to the Respect, immediately. Then remove a disinfectant wipe from your pocket to clean the railing. Or directly, do not use the metro or other Means of public transport.

Causes of misophobia

Although the causes may be several, many phobias originate in a traumatic event occurring in childhood. Other times the phobia can be acquired by Imitative behaviors.

For example, if when you were little your mother was always obsessed with cleaning and disinfection, this may have caused you Germs and dirt.

Sometimes, in people predisposed by their uncontrolled anxiety, the misophobia may appear as a result of reading or watching on TV many news Related to contagious diseases, or by watching films whose plot revolves around these issues.

Symptoms of misophobia

People with mild misophobia probably only feel tense when they think they are in a polluted environment, such as a bathroom Public or a hospital.

Other people have more intense symptoms, such as sweating, tachycardia, desire to flee, weakness, dizziness, and may even have panic attacks yes Believe they are surrounded by germs without being able to do anything about it.

Many patients with misophobia are aware that they have a problem, although not all act in the same way. Some minimize your symptoms or Try to hide them, while others seek professional help right away.

You probably have misophobia if:

  • The obsession with pollution and germs is invading your life and most of the things you do in the day have to do with your fear of The microbes.

  • If you have cleansing or disinfection rituals that take more than an hour a day.

  • If these actions are the only ones that relieve (momentarily) your anxiety.

  • If you know that your fear is exaggerated but you can not avoid washing and cleaning everything over and over again.

If you present these symptoms, there is no doubt, what you should do is consult a professional right away, because there are treatments that can Help you control this obsession and lead a more normal life.

If you have misophobia, you fear contaminating yourself with the germs of other people, and you will probably avoid social situations such as work meetings, Outings with friends or family celebrations.

Or in the event you attend such events, you will surely avoid physical contact or the closeness of other people and wash your hands with a Frequency much higher than usual.

Over time, these behaviors can isolate you socially.

Your friends and family probably will not understand what happens to you, maybe they think you're harsh or even paranoid. The misophobia Then it could lead to social phobia or agoraphobia. In other words, you no longer want to leave the house or see anyone.

Treatment for misophobia

All the specific phobias have treatments in common, the main ones are the Cognitive behavioral therapy And exposure therapy. Others Treatments that may help are relaxation techniques and drugs.

But it is important to emphasize that before beginning any type of treatment, the patient must be evaluated by psychiatrist or psychotherapist, to arrive To a correct diagnosis and in this way, determine the appropriate treatment for each case.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

It is a kind of psychotherapy in which the therapist tries to modify the patient's behavior when faced with a stimulus; In the case of Misophobia, when he thinks he is exposing himself to germs.

Cognitive behavioral therapy helps the patient control their anxiety and change the negative and irrational thoughts associated with their phobia, By other more positive and realistic thoughts.

In most cases, exposure therapy is also included as part of cognitive behavioral therapy.

Exposure Therapy

As its name indicates, in this treatment the patient is exposed to the stimulus that causes his symptoms. Gradual exposure is usually used, That is to say, the treatment is started with short sessions and slight stimuli and little by little the degree of exposure is increased.

When the patient achieves Face what causes your fear , The anxiety begins to diminish, because the dreaded consequences do not appear, and the body Begins to"understand"that there is actually no danger whatsoever.

In therapy of exposure is very important the support of the therapist, who will guide the patient during this long journey, helping him control his Anxiety and to continue the treatment.

Relaxation techniques

All the techniques that help To control anxiety , Such as progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing techniques, yoga and the meditation May be helpful in alleviating the symptoms of misophobia.

In this article You can learn various relaxation techniques.


The Anxiolytic medications Also help control the misophobia.

The dose and period during which the patient can use this type of medication will be defined by the psychiatrist in conjunction with the Psychotherapist, so that the medication does not prevent the patient from learning to naturally control their anxiety, which is what is sought with the therapy of exposition.

The important role of the family

Family members play a primary role in the treatment of the patient with misophobia, so as not to reinforce the disorder and help it to move forward.

For example, if a misophobic woman does not want to drink in a glass because she supposes that she is contaminated and her husband washes it for her, it is hurting the patient. It is a difficult situation to bear in some cases, because the person with misophobia is very distressed and the Family members can give in.

However, the family can support the phobic to control their anxiety and overcome their fears. People who excel more Easily these types of disorders are those that have good family support, according to experts.

Those who live alone or isolated, will hardly find the right way to get out of their problem. So if anyone in your family suffers Misophobia, do not hesitate to accompany him in his consultations with health professionals.

If your family member still does not recognize that washing your hands 30 times a day is not normal, your role will be to calmly and affectionately point out whenever you have Opportunity, at some point you will become aware of your misophobia and probably ask for help.

As you can see, misophobia is a problem that can be overcome. Do not hesitate to consult if you have the symptoms. And if it is someone in your family, it is also important the attitude you take about it.

Some real cases

Did you know that the phobia of germs affects thousands of Spaniards? According to the President of Association of Patients with OCD , 0.8% of the population Spanish suffers OCD and of these, 50% have misophobia.

Some of these people get to wash their hands 40 times in 20 minutes and burn their clothes after a single use, if they believe that they could have been contaminated With some kind of germ.

This comments the husband of a lady with misophobia

My wife does not even let her family get close to her, because of her irrational fear of being contaminated. His obsession with germs is so intense that he often throws the clothes he has worn only once, does not go to crowded places, like a mall for example, and does not visit his mother.

Her misophobia affects all those who live with her. We must exercise extreme caution when entering the bathroom or bedroom, we must enter nudes and leave the clothes in specific places, so as not to"spread germs all over the house."

She believes that viruses and bacteria can be transmitted through the air or on clothing, and associates pollution to particular places or people.

The misophobes feel, think and act by focusing primarily on their fear. His whole life revolves around eliminating germs. They believe that what they do Is never enough to prevent contagion or contamination.

This is what happens to Lola

He has his hands damaged by using too much bleach, which he uses all the time, especially in the bathroom and kitchen. Her husband and her children must be stripped and undressed when entering the house, because otherwise, she suffers a great anguish. Its activity is focused on cleaning, rubbing and starting over. They always lack hours a day to complete disinfection, and are never satisfied.

As you can see, this is a case of severe misophobia. However, there are even worse cases.

Like Samantha, a girl from England who died because of her misophobia and her OCD; Her parents did not know how to help her.

She was a law student when the symptoms started, and she quit the race. His obsession with germs was so intense that his parents had to use Gloves to touch anything in the house.

He forced them to take off their street clothes when entering the home, remaining alone in underwear. Of course, when symptoms intensified Samantha He did not leave his house, nor did he allow anyone to enter except his parents.

He spent long hours in the shower and his skin was damaged, probably due to excessive washing.

Her parents, both septuagenarians with health problems, tried to help her, but Samantha refused to leave the house to go to a therapy, and neither Let no therapist enter the home.

At one point she agreed to go to the hospital, but once she was hospitalized, she did not receive the help she really needed, because her health insurance did not Covered psychotherapy.

Samantha passed away at the age of 40, due to an infection in her skin that worsened and ended with her suffering.

Of course, these cases are really extreme, but no one has to get to this point to seek help. You do not have to live the rest of your life. With this fear. Consult a psychologist or psychiatrist (or both), as they will surely show you the way to go to get out of this situation and Have a better life

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