Introductory Texts: Features, Structure and Types

The Introductory texts Are the texts with which a book is started and its main function is to present the work and the author.

It is the precedent to the body of the book and can be written by the author, publisher or any third party who has knowledge of the subject that occupies the book.

Introductory Texts

They briefly explain the fundamental characteristics of the work and encourage the reader to delve into the text. The introductory texts of novels are always characterized by leaving elements to the curiosity of the reader.

These opening texts are also called preliminary documents to the theoretical construction. They briefly explain why the work was written, the way it was written, the context and the implicit ideologies.

Despite having the previous descriptions, there is no rule to structure them, but they do have common characteristics. It may also be useful for you to know How to Start an Introduction: 4 Effective Tips .

Characteristics of introductory texts

1- Introduce or introduce the work

This is the main function of the introductory texts, although as we will see next it has other functions.

2- Orient the reader on the content

They serve to locate the reader on the topic to be developed. Often the titles of the books and the back cover do not make clear the central theme of the work.

3- Justify the purpose of the work

They tell the reasons or reasons that led the writer to develop the book, as well as its end with it.

4- Indicate sources of information

Indicate which sources and authors served as support for the work. Although this is bibliography .

5 - Warn about the modifications

Some authors modify their works edition after edition, the introductory texts show which parts have been modified and why.

6- Thank the collaborators of the work

They also serve to highlight the work of people who, although they are not direct authors, have helped to realize the same.

7- They seek to sympathize with the reader

One of the premises of the introductory texts is to be attractive and friendly to catch the reader definitely.

Structure of introductory texts

Almost all works or books have introductory texts, these are structured so that the reader has a basic idea of ​​the subject and motivate him to continue reading.

Although the introductory texts have a common structure and aims can be located concretely with several names, they can be Preface, preface, preliminary study, introduction and introduction.

The central idea of ​​all of them is to present a brief summary of the main content of the work. Although the terms presented are not synonyms they can count as introductory texts. Most of the introductory texts have the following structure:

  • Title: Is the outside and visible part of the book. The titles refer to the content and try to summarize it.
  • Summary: The abstract is one of the best examples of introductory text, it is abbreviated and precise the content of the work. Abstracts can not be used to interpret, analyze or critique the work or the writer. Editorials usually require summaries not very long, estimated between one and two paragraphs for the same.
  • Abstract: The abstract is the same abstract but in English. The abstract is translated into English so that the people of that language can see what the book is about and if you are interested in having a translation.
  • Dedication: Is not mandatory. But if the author wants to place it can go on the next page to the title. Dedications often include short lines and justification to the right. They are addressed to individuals, institutions and whom the author deems pertinent.

Types of introductory texts


It comes from the Greek"pro"which means"before"and Logos "Which means"speech." It is a note that is always at the beginning of the work, the prologue can be circumscribed to different genres, including literary or journalistic. The ideal of the prologue is to facilitate the understanding of the text

Most of the times they are narrated by the author of the work to explain what under their eyes is the fundamental of the content. Other times the prologues are written by people of renown who endorse the work, this is a symbol of recognition among writers.


It is one of the ways to display information based on data and results of the investigation . The presentation is explicitly addressed to the reader and often has the objective of dedicating and thanking others.

The presentations usually show information about the way the book was made, as well as the purpose of the book and its usefulness to the readers.


The introduction describes the scope of the work and gives a brief summary of it. Some introductions show antecedents that are important.

At the time of reading the introduction, the reader"prefigures"the topic in words of Paul Ricoeur . The introductions appear in all research papers and books, of all forms of introductory texts these are the most recurrent.


In the preface, the author usually indicates his intentions and objectives with the content of the work. Other authors, literary genres , Use them to introduce the novel narrating a segment of its content as part of the plot.

Purposes of the introductory texts

As has become clear, the introductory texts are intended to give the reader light on the work. It is the first opportunity that the author has to capture the interest of the reader and defend the merit of it.

Many prologues offer keys for the correct interpretation of the work. The brief sketch that is made must be clear, brief, eloquent and intriguing if it is literature.

Finally, they give an account of the trajectory and merits of the author of the work to strengthen in the reader's mind that the writer is a person with experience and, because of his background, reading promises.


  1. Contributors to Wikipedia (2017) Preface. Retrieved from:
  2. (2016) Introductory texts . Retrieved from:
  3. Flores, M. (2014) Texts Introductory . Retrieved from:
  4. Navarro, M. (1996) Creative processes for the construction of texts: interpretation and composition. Editorial Magisterio. Colombia.

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