What is the Pineapple Diet?

The Pineapple diet Is characterized by being based on one of the fruits that more fills or satiates (together with the banana), in addition to contributing a great multitude of benefits for our organism.

When we define what is pineapple, or ananas comosus (in its more scientific name), we speak of the plant that belongs to the family of bromeliáceas, a set of evergreen vegetables belonging to the tropics.

Pineapple diet

But, inquiring more about the pineapple plant, we should note that it shows a rosette of pointed leaves with an average length of 90 centimeters in length. In addition, it is denominated like a multiple plant that can weigh up to 24 kg in some occasions.

It originates in the tropical zones of South America, practically in its entirety, with a percentage in its composition of 85 percent. It also contains high amounts of fiber and carbohydrates.

As for their vitamins, we observe how C predominates exaggeratedly against others, although they do not fall short either. The rest of their vitamin components are supplemented by B6, B1 and E.

The minerals it contains are quite varied. Magnesium, iodine, copper, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and manganese are easily located.

Finally, and already ending, it should be noted that its composition has other substances such as folic acid (ideal to prevent diseases related to pregnancy), citrus, malic and oxalic.

What does the pineapple diet consist of?

During the last years a diet based on the food of which we are speaking is circulating through the most elitist social circles. This is a diet known as"shock", as the main goal is to lose weight aggressively in only a half-day.

The main objective and of course more important is that in a period of three days the user who decides to do it must lose a total of five kilos. If the effects are not completed in the mentioned time, it could flood until the four and even the five days.

The diet of pineapple shines because of the simplicity it enjoys, since it is relatively easy to prepare any type of intake, something that also helps is that you do not have to be constantly counting calories or think very much about having breakfast or snacking.

In addition to losing weight, it will help us to cleanse ourselves on the inside, quickly observing the effects of carrying it out. Our body will release during the days that this diet lasts a multitude of toxins, and of course the accumulated fats that lead to the loss of heaviness that we may feel in the stomach if it turns out that we carry a few extra kilos.

As mentioned before, the duration of this diet usually varies, although the most established is the three days. The pineapple will always be the central axis of all our daily intakes, whether breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack or dinner.

In addition, a bonus offered by this diet is that it can be combined with other foods to make it more bearable, especially with chicken and tuna. If we include these foods together with the pineapple we will also add proteins and vitamins that are crucial when it comes to food.

It is important to say that the realization of this diet always has to be supervised by a specialist doctor at all times and under his advice, as we have pointed out, it is a crash diet where several kilos are lost in a short and short period of time.

Adequate calories

When it comes to diet, it is important to know the amount of calories we should or will ingest. The formula varies depending on the type of gender.

  • Women : Taking into account that two kilograms of pineapple attached to two ounces of tuna are 1220 calories, slightly more than the daily minimum required, it will not be a really complicated task to try to lose weight in a direct way.
  • mens : If we talk about the male gender, it is still something totally insignificant compared to what is recommended, which would be at 1800 calories.

Side effects

Not all are advantages in this type of diet, as we find another side in this currency. In fact, we talked about the possible side effects that can occur.

Being an important digestive, we tend to the current loss of fluids in our body. That is why if we do not drink in a correct way we can get to suffer dehydration with dizziness, fatigue or different headaches.

In addition, by ingesting a small number of calories, we will feel weak and unable to perform energetic activities, something that will lead directly to stress and passing through depressing behavior.

Weekly menu with pineapple diet

Here we show you a three practical menus based on the two most important nutritional accompaniments along with a three day and begin to perform successfully:

Pineapple and chicken

  • Breakfast : 2 to 3 slices of pineapple, 1 tea or infusion with saccharin (or better without taking no sugar).
  • Midmorning : Refreshment or pineapple juice, but nothing of a bottled soft drink that has preservatives and sugar. You must do it yourself and to do this, it is prepared by boiling the peel of the pineapple for 20 minutes, once cooked it is allowed to stand, strain and refrigerate to drink it as a soda.
  • Food : Dehydrated broth prepared with: 4 leeks, 2 turnips, 1 little celery, 1 carrot and 3 artichokes. Grilled chicken.
  • Snack : Refreshment of pineapple (in the same way we have taken the mid-morning). 1 low fat pineapple yogurt (and no sugar).
  • Dinner : 4 to 5 slices of pineapple.

Pineapple and tuna

  • Breakfast : 2 slices pineapple, 1 slice whole wheat toast, black coffee
  • Half Morning : 1 low fat pineapple yogurt (and sugar free)
  • Food : 1 can of tuna in water, 2 slices of pineapple
  • Snack : 1 juice or natural pineapple soda without sugar
  • Dinner : 1 can of tuna in water, salad of lettuce seasoned with lemon juice and salt, 2 slices of pineapple.

3 day diet

Menu day 1
  • Breakfast : Two or three slices of fresh pineapple with a tea or an infusion
  • Midmorning : Refreshment of natural pineapple (we can prepare by boiling the pineapple peel for 20 minutes, once cooked let it stand, strain it and put it in the refrigerator so we can take it fresh).
  • Food : A cleansing broth (based on 4 leeks, 2 turnips, a little celery, 1 carrot and 3 artichokes), a grilled chicken breast with a slice of pineapple
  • Snack : Pineapple refreshment (we will have made ourselves) with a pineapple yogurt
  • Dinner : 4 to 5 slices of natural pineapple
Menu day 2

The menu of the second day will be entirely the same as that of the first day:

  • Breakfast : Two or three slices of fresh pineapple and a tea or an infusion
  • Midmorning : Natural pineapple soda (which we can prepare by boiling the pineapple peel for 20 minutes, once cooked let it stand, strain it and put it in the refrigerator so we can take it fresh).
  • Food : A cleansing broth (based on 4 leeks, 2 turnips, a little celery, 1 carrot and 3 artichokes), a grilled turkey breast / We can also eat a slice of grilled tuna and a slice of pineapple with A tea or infusion
  • Snack : Pineapple refreshment (we will have made ourselves) with a pineapple yogurt
  • Dinner : 4 to 5 slices of natural pineapple
Menu day 3

The menu of the day number three is going to be the most reduced and aggressive of the diet and will be translated to the following intakes:

  • Breakfast : Two or three slices of pineapple
  • Midmorning : pineapple juice
  • Food : Two or three slices of pineapple
  • Snack : pineapple juice
  • Dinner : pineapple juice.

History of pineapple

Its origin is framed within countries such as Paraguay, Brazil or Argentina, and its fame is relatively early, since its cultivation began to be realized extended in century XIX in Hawaii, when it was even considered to be a luxury food.

By then the pineapple was only within the reach of the high spheres due to the multiple benefits that it contributed to the health as well as the incredible flavor that characterized him.

Historically, Christopher Columbus himself was one of its great promoters, because he managed to bring the pineapple to Europe for the first time for later commercialization.

To this day it is being cultivated in most of the tropical countries that exist in the world.

Types of pineapple

  • Smooth Cayenne : The most common, common, famous and popular in the world. It is the one that everybody knows and that is usually eaten assiduously in the houses.
  • What in : Typical of Australia and South Africa. When we place it in front of the Smooth Cayenne it is observed smaller and with a much more rounded form. It shows low levels of juice inside.
  • Red Spanish : Although curiously called"Spanish??", it is grown in Cuba and Puerto Rico and is intended to be the pineapple that we find in canned cans.
  • Pernambuco : Cultivated in Brazil, it offers a more powerful flavor and aroma than all its predecessors.
  • Dwarves : This type of pineapple is one of the smallest we can find in the market, even reaching a size smaller than the Queen.
  • Amazon : One of the biggest and tastiest. Besides its good flavor, it is characterized by its white flesh and its large size.

Benefits of pineapple

  • Reduces the risk of macular degeneration : This feature has more to do with the fruit in general than with the particular pineapple. According to a study by Archives of Ophtalmology, consuming 3 or more servings of fruit per day greatly reduces the risk of advanced Macular Degeneration (AMD).
  • Shows digestive and anti-inflammatory abilities due to bromelain : This component is a digestive enzyme. This, in turn, contains proteins, which show anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, anti-oedematous and fibronolytic properties.
  • High antioxidant content : Shows a high content in vitamin C , The most potent vitamin against antioxidants.
  • Reduces the risks of different types of asthma : Pineapple contains a nutrient called Beta-carotene , Which greatly reduces the risk of developing asthma.
  • It has also been refuted by the Nutrition Department of the Harvard School of Public Health that Prevents prostate cancer .
  • Decreases blood pressure considerably : It also helps us regulate our blood pressure, making our blood circulate more freely through our body. How does it help this process? Mainly avoiding the formation of clots, in addition to reducing the accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels and in the arteries.
  • It works as a type of diuretic and potent detoxifier : This food contains a great variety of purifiers, which are precisely the diuretic qualities that help to create this process.


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