What is the Laboratory Rack and What Does it Serve?

The Laboratory rack Is a laboratory device used to hold multiple test tubes upright at the same time.

It is most commonly used when several different solutions are needed to work simultaneously, for safety reasons, for the safe storage of the test tubes, and to facilitate the transport of multiple test tubes.

Laboratory rack

The laboratory racks also aid in the organization of the test tubes and provide support for the test tubes with which you are working.

They are commonly used in laboratories to keep test tubes standing so equipment will not fall, roll, spill, or accidentally break. Test tubes are delicate equipment, usually made of glass.

It allows the test tubes to be kept in a safe place when they are not being actively used. It also allows for simple organization during experiments; All samples from the same particular site or the same samples containing a particular substance may be placed in the same rack.

Finally, the laboratory racks help to maintain the good maintenance of the equipment. A test tube that is always placed on your rack is less likely to break or crack.

The laboratory racks and their characteristics

A laboratory rack is a wooden or plastic container that holds the test tubes in a laboratory.

It has several small holes, each designed to hold a test tube standing vertically. The laboratory racks are made in a variety of sizes and allow an organized laboratory to be maintained.

These equipment can be differentiated by different colors, which helps with the identification in the process of several samples in the test tubes.

Some racks offer a four way tie at both ends and sides. This allows different sections to be connected to store large samples together in an organized manner.

High quality laboratory racks should withstand chemical corrosion and should be easy to clean and disinfect.

Function of laboratory racks

A laboratory rack is an apparatus used in a laboratory to hold and transport the test tubes during experiments while examining the cultures.

They can also accommodate other laboratory tools, such as pipettes and stirring rods.

These equipments are made in a variety of materials, the most common being metal, plastic and polypropylene. This allows them to be able to serve different purposes and can withstand several elements, such as extreme heat and sub-zero temperatures.

They can be designed to accommodate a variety of test tubes of different sizes and can hold several test tubes simultaneously. Laboratory racks may also be referred to as test tube containers.

Importance in the laboratory

The use of glass has many advantages in a scientific environment and in the test tubes, since the glass can be sterilized, it is easily cleaned, it allows the easy visualization of the contents, it is not reactive with many common chemical reactors and conducts the heat Evenly.

However, the glass is very prone to break under conditions of sudden shocks, such as dropping a test tube from a laboratory table.

In addition, the test tubes are completely round and have no handles. They are round because this allows the loss of mass when materials are transferred from one container to another, but this means that a test tube that is placed horizontally on a table can roll and fall.

All these characteristics make laboratory racks a vital component of any decently equipped laboratory.

Types of laboratory rack

- Classic rack

The classic racks are usually found in any laboratory. They are made of wood, stainless steel, or plastic. It usually has eight holes, 10 holes, or 12 holes to hold the test tubes.

- Interlaced cubic rack

This type consists of different cubic racks that can be detached and can be detached based on the side on the side that is needed for use.

Each compartment can hold a size of test tube, but each of the four sides of the hub can hold the tubes in various ways that can be adjusted depending on the use.

Not only are they used for test tubes, they can also be used to hold culture tubes, centrifuge tubes, and micro centrifuge tubes.

These interlocking racks can also facilitate the transport of different tubes of different sizes.

- Stackable rack

They are made of polypropylene and can be placed in the autoclave. Although they may look like classic racks, they differ in that they can be disassembled to facilitate the storage of both grids and test tubes.

- Drying rack for test tubes

They can be used for a variety of purposes, including drying and storing the chromatography plates, as well as drying the test tubes by placing them in an inverted position inside the holes.

Placing the test tubes in an inverted position not only helps them to dry, but also minimizes the accumulation of airborne contaminants and other substances.

The drying racks are usually made of polypropylene and can be placed in the autoclave.

- Inclined rack

The inclined racks are used to hold the holes to the required degree to be placed and can be dried after the medium has been inserted into the test tube.

They are also used to incubate certain liquid cultures at an angle so that all test tubes are uniform.

- One piece rack

It is designed to hold only a test tube or any tube that fits in space. It can be made of wire or polystyrene.

The polystyrene have friction connection and can only store tubes that fit in size to the rack. They can store conical or round tubes.

- Road racks

They are racks designed for smaller vials or ampoules. They are often made of plastic.


  1. What are the uses of a test tube rack? Retrieved from reference.com.
  2. Test tube rack. Retrieved from wikipedia.org.
  3. What is the definition for a test tube rack? Retrieved from reference.com.
  4. Rack. Recovered from tplaboratorioquimico.com.
  5. What is the function of a test tube rack? Retrieved from reference.com.

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