What is the Fourth Generation of Computers?

The Fourth generation of computers Includes advances in computing made between the early 1970s and mid-1980s.

The most important feature of this period was the creation of microprocessors, circuits integrated by thousands of conductors that perform the logical and arithmetic functions of a computer.

Fourth generation of computers Altair 8800, 1975.

In this context, the terms LSI (Large Scale Integration) and VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) emerged, which refer precisely to this process of technological miniaturization: the fourth generation of computers allowed the Possibility of integrating a huge number of circuits into a small chip, which completely transformed the reality that was then lived.

These microprocessors are very fast and occupy very little space, which meant, at the time a true technological revolution. Thanks to this finding, PCs (Personal Computers), which could perform the same functions as a larger computer, could be massively produced at a low cost within the fourth generation of computers.

The first microprocessor

INTEL was the company that created the first microprocessor. Its creator was Ted Hoff. The idea was to place all the elements of a computer on a small chip.

Then, in 1971, the company commercialized the Intel 4004, which was the first programmable processor that was available to consumers: this chip could be customized through different software so that it could be able to perform different actions.

One of the most important aspects of this microprocessor is that it reduced production costs: the new device was capable of generating the same power that a room-sized computer generated in a machine so small that it could be placed loosely on a desk.

On the other hand, this invention generated in the fourth generation of computers would later enable this technology to be used in other types of devices, such as cell phones, video game devices and even in pacemakers.

First computers with microprocessors

In the mid-1970s, after perfecting the first microprocessor prototype, computers began to appear more massively.

In 1973 appears the first computer with microprocessor: was called Micral and was designed by the French André Truong Trong Thi and François Gernelle.

This computer used the Intel 8008 microprocessor. Although some were sold for personal use, it did not have as much mass demand.

In 1974 appears the first commercially announced American computer: Scelbi. This computer also used the Intel 8008 microprocessor and came out with 4 KB of internal memory.

The rise of PCs

In 1975 the American company Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) begins to commercialize the Altair 8800, computer created by Ed Roberts, co-founder of MITS.

The programming language he used was"Basic,"whose license was given by the creators of that language (Bill Gates and Paul Allen, founders of Microsoft) to be the main language of Altair.

In this period, there were more and more technological advances. In 1976 Intel introduced the 8080 microprocessor, which is five times faster than the 8008 used in the Altair computer.

In that same year, the company Zilog commercializes another microprocessor called Zilog Z80, that presented improvements to the Intel 8080.

In 1976 Apple Computer was founded, founded by Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs. That same year they introduced to the market the computer Apple I, that did not have special acceptance by the public.

However, in 1977 they market the Apple II, which begins to attract the attention of consumers. With this computer, Wozniak and Jobs begin to introduce themselves with force in the technological market.

In the following years of the 70s, Apple became a company with greater reach, and other companies also created and commercialized different prototypes that were offering better and better solutions to consumers. Some of these companies were Commodore, Radio Shack and IBM.

In the decade of the 80 there were several important events. In 1981 IBM offered its first personal computer, and in 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh computer.

Characteristics of the fourth generation of computers

During this period many technological advances were experienced which were a preamble for future technologies.

Computers of this generation were more powerful, practical and accessible not only to scientists, scholars or scholars, but to different types of people who realized that they could also use these machines.

The following are the main features of the fourth generation of computers:

  1. The use of microprocessors, which allowed the miniaturization of the structure.
  2. The technological terms LSI (Large System Integration) and VLSI (Very Large System Integration) are introduced, associated with the number of electronic components within a single chip.
  3. Its size is smaller, which made a computer could be used in the home and could be considered a portable machine.
  4. The cost of production is lower, given the simplification of the structure.
  5. It introduces the concept of PC (Personal Computer), which means that these machines became more accessible to the general public.
  6. Significant advances and improvements were made in speed and reliability of the systems.
  7. He constantly increased the number of circuits inside a chip.
  8. Networking between computers begins to develop to share memory, information or even some software.
  9. Following the development of the network connection between computers, the concept of the Internet begins to be introduced.
  10. The language"Basic"was the characteristic in the computers created in this period.
  11. As a result of the increasing demand for computers, there were many improvements in software development.
  12. The GUI (Graphical User Interface) is developed, a form of interaction between the user and the computer that allows to project images on the screen and access them through the mouse or touch surface.


  1. "Intel's first microprocessor"on Intel Retrieved on July 18, 2017 from Intel: intel.com
  2. "The hardware. Evolution and characteristics"in Faculty of Engineering. National University of the Northeast Recovered on July 18, 2017 from Faculty of Engineering. National University of the Northeast: ing.unne.edu.ar
  3. "Timeline of computer history"in Computer History Museum Retrieved on July 18, 2017 from Computer History Museum: computerhistory.org
  4. Mackenzie, I."The man who invented the microprocessor"(4 May 2011) on BBC News. Retrieved on July 18, 2017 from BBC News: bbc.com
  5. "1971: Microprocessor Integrates CPU Function onto a Single Chip"in Computer History Museum Retrieved on July 18, 2017 from Computer History Museum: computerhistory.org
  6. "The birth of the IBM PC"at IBM Retrieved on 18 July 2017 from IBM: ibm.com
  7. "Definition of: GUI"in PCMag Retrieved on 18 July 2017 from PCMag: pcmag.com
  8. "The history of SCELBI as told by Nat Wadsworth"at Scelbi Computer Museum Retrieved on 18 July 2017 from Scelbi Computer Museum: scelbi.com.

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