What is Diagnostic Research?

The Diagnostic research Is a type of study whose main purpose is to analyze a given situation exhaustively.

This type of research seeks to identify which factors intervene in a given scenario, what are their characteristics and what their implications, in order to generate a global idea of ​​the context of the study object, and thus allow decisions to be made based on that information collected and analyzed.

Researcher looking through microscope.  You may be looking for a cure for a serious illness.  This is one of the reasons for the importance of research.

That is, a diagnostic investigation focuses mainly on the analysis of situations and offers, after this analysis, the appropriate basis for decision making.

The most relevant characteristics of a diagnostic investigation

Raises a problem

Like all investigative processes, diagnostic research emerges as a response to a problem or situation that warrants a solution.

This problem must be relevant; It is expected that, after identifying the characteristics of the scenario and determining the actions to be taken to find the resolution to that problem, many people will benefit.

Once the diagnostic investigation is done, the result will determine if there is indeed the problem, what factors are involved and to what extent there are injured actors, among other aspects.

Study the characteristics of a scenario

The main objective of the diagnostic investigation is to analyze a specific situation based on the observation of the scenario and its entire context.

In order to study a situation in depth, it is necessary to identify all its characteristics, to detail them and to discover their implications.

So, fundamental part of a diagnostic investigation is to observe the study problem as a complex phenomenon.

Diagnostic research identifies the specific characteristics of both the situation to be studied and its context, classifies them according to their implications and examines them in detail.

It is based on a delimited field

A diagnostic investigation should cover a specific area. Its scope must allow it to be possible to know fully all the aspects that have to do with that chosen scenario.

If the field chosen is very broad, it will be difficult to delve into the subject and get to know all the implications that exist.

It is important to remember that the most important thing in a diagnostic investigation is the opportunity it offers to understand a situation and its factors.

For this reason, the researcher must be careful in choosing the topic around which his research will be developed: the delimitation of the research is fundamental to obtain a good result.

Identifies the factors involved

When conducting a diagnostic investigation, it is very important to recognize the main elements, which have an impact on the problem.

Since the diagnostic investigation seeks to study a situation and its context in a comprehensive way, it becomes necessary to know all the factors that intervene in it.

And this includes both the protagonist elements and those that have less incidence, but which are still an important part of the circumstance under study.

Taking into account subjects, contexts and actions

In a diagnostic investigation, since this is a deep exploration, it is necessary to take into account not only the subjects that are part of the problem to study, but also their actions and their contexts.

The problems in general are complex and admit the participation of different factors. It is wrong to base a diagnostic investigation on the observation of a single element.

Situations are the product of different components, and diagnostic investigations seek to analyze all the factors involved, whether subjects, contexts or actions.

Analyze situations

The purpose of diagnostic research is to recognize a specific situation and to understand all aspects of the situation.

After identifying the main factors, the diagnostic investigation focuses on analyzing the relationship that exists between these components, what are the scope of the situation, who participate and other key elements.

It is the analysis of these factors that is the true goal of a diagnostic investigation.

Seek to generate changes

The person conducting a diagnostic investigation should ultimately seek to intervene positively in the context that is part of its subject matter.

The intention of a diagnostic investigation is to solve a problematic situation existing in a given context.

The role of researchers is to actively participate in the identification of the problem, and to lay the foundations on which they themselves, or other actors, can make decisions related to the data and conclusions obtained from the research.

Helps to make decisions

Before making decisions regarding a given situation, it is necessary to know all its implications.

The diagnostic investigation allows to generate a complete analysis on a problem and its context, and gives rise to the decision making.

For this reason, diagnostic research is considered the starting point for the application of solutions.

It is essential that the object of study is well understood so that it can then take appropriate action.

A diagnostic investigation offers the possibility to understand the situation as completely as possible, and favors the making of assertive decisions.

Helps detect problems

It is possible that, in the middle of a diagnostic investigation, conflicting situations are identified that were not initially evident.

It may even be that these problems arising in the midst of research are a fundamental part of the underlying conflict.

Since diagnostic research seeks to penetrate all aspects and peculiarities of a particular situation, it allows the problematic and its context to be characterized as the study is deepened.

A deep and objective look at a problematic situation allows us to discover the underlying difficulties that may be as important or even more relevant than the original problem considered in the research.

Prioritize issues

Once the most relevant aspects of the study object are identified, the difficulties that are presented and the fundamental problems that need to be solved, the diagnostic investigation allows to categorize these opportunities and to order them according to their importance.

Knowing the problems that exist in a given context, and analyzing them objectively, rationally, empirically and profoundly, it is possible to identify the relevance of each factor and to recognize which ones need faster responses, or particular treatments with actors who can participate in Efficiently.


  1. Noriega, C."Diagnostic evaluation in introduction to research"(2006) at the University of Palermo. Retrieved on 4 August 2017 from University of Palermo: palermo.edu
  2. "Methods of research"at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Retrieved on 4 August 2017 from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico: unam.mx
  3. Marí, R., Sánchez, P. and Gastaldo, I."Approach to the model of pedagogical diagnosis"at Universitat de Valencia. Retrieved on 4 August 2017 from Universitat de Valencia: uv.es
  4. Farooq, U."Types of Research Design"(6 October 2013) in Study Lecture Notes. Retrieved on 4 August 2017 from Study Lecture Notes: studylecturenotes.com.

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