What Does Dynamics Study?

The dynamic Studies the forces and torques and their effect on the movement of objects. Dynamics is a branch of mechanical physics that studies bodies in motion, taking into account the phenomena that make this movement possible, the forces acting on them, their mass and acceleration.

Isaac Newton Was responsible for defining the fundamental laws of physics necessary for the study of the dynamics of objects. The second law of Newton Is the most representative in the study of dynamics, since it speaks of the movement and comprises the famous equation of Force = Mass x Acceleration.

What Does Dynamics Study?

In general terms, scientists who focus on dynamics, study how a physical system can develop or alter within a given period of time and the causes that lead to these alterations.

In this way, the laws established by Newton become fundamental within the study of dynamics, since they help to understand the causes of the movement of objects (Verterra, 2017).

When studying a mechanical system, the dynamics can be understood more easily. In this case, the practical implications associated with Newton's second law of motion can be seen in greater detail.

However, Newton's three laws can be considered by dynamics, since they interrelate with each other in executing any physical experiment where some kind of movement can be observed (Physics for Idiots, 2017).

For classical electromagnetism, Maxwell's equations Are the ones that describe the functioning of the dynamics.

Similarly, it is argued that the dynamics of classical systems involve both mechanics and electromagnetism and is described according to the combination of Newton's laws, Maxwell's equations, and f Lorentz uerza .

Some of the studies linked to the dynamics


The concept of forces is fundamental for the resolution of problems related to both dynamics and static. If we know the forces that are acting on an object we can determine how it moves.

On the other hand, if we know how an object moves, we can calculate the forces acting on it.

In order to determine with certainty which forces are acting on an object it is necessary to know how the object is moving in relation to an inertial reference frame.

The equations of motion have been developed in such a way that the forces acting on an object can be related to their motion (in particular, with their acceleration) (Physics M., 2017).

When the sum of the forces acting on an object is equal to zero, the object will have an acceleration coefficient equal to zero.

On the other hand, if the sum of the forces acting on the same object is not equal to zero, then the object will have a coefficient of clarification and therefore will move.

It is important to clarify that an object of greater mass will require a greater application of force to be displaced (real-world-physics-problems, 2017).

Laws of Newton

What Does Dynamics Study?  1

Many people wrongly say that Isaac Newton invented gravity. If so, he would be responsible for the fall of all objects.

It is therefore only valid to say that Isaac Newton was responsible for discovering gravity and raising the three basic principles of motion (Physics, 2017).

1- Newton's First Law

A particle will remain in motion or in a state of rest, unless an external force acts on it.

This means that, if no external forces are applied to a particle, the motion of the particle will not change in any way.

That is to say, if there were no friction or resistance by the air, a particle that moves at a certain speed could continue its movement indefinitely.

In the Practical life , This type of phenomena do not occur since there is a coefficient of friction or resistance of the air that exerts force on the moving particle.

However, if one thinks of a static particle, this approach makes more sense, since unless an external force is applied to that particle, it will remain in a state of rest (Academy, 2017).

2- Newton's Second Law

The force found in an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. This law Is most commonly known by its formula (Force = Mass x Acceleration).

This is the fundamental formula of dynamics, as it relates to most exercises treated by this branch of physics.

In general terms, this formula is easy to understand when one thinks that a mass object will probably need to be applied more force to achieve the same acceleration as one of smaller mass.

Newton's Third Law

Every action has a reaction. In general terms, this law means that if a pressure is exerted against a wall, it will exert a force of return towards the body that presses it.

This is critical, since otherwise it is possible that the wall would collapse when touched.

Categories of Dynamics

The study of dynamics is divided into two main categories: linear dynamics and rotational dynamics.

Linear Dynamics

Linear dynamics affect objects that move in a straight line and involve values ​​such as force, mass, inertia, displacement (in units of distance), velocity (distance per unit time), acceleration (distance per unit of time elevated to Square) and momentum (mass per unit speed).

Rotational Dynamics

Rotational dynamics affect objects that rotate or move along a curved path.

It involves values ​​such as momentum, moment of inertia, rotational inertia, angular displacement (in radians and sometimes degrees), angular velocity (radians per unit time, angular acceleration (radians per unit of time squared) and angular momentum Moment of inertia multiplied by angular velocity units).

Commonly, the same object can show rotational and linear movements during the same path (Harcourt, 2016).


  1. Academy, K. (2017). Khan Academy. Retrieved from Forces and Newton's laws of motion: khanacademy.org.
  2. Harcourt, H. M. (2016). Cliff Notes. Retrieved from Dynamics: cliffsnotes.com.
  3. Physics for Idiots. (2017). Retrieved from DYNAMICS: physicsforidiots.com.
  4. Physics, M. (2017). Mini Physics. Retrieved from Forces And Dynamics: miniphysics.com.
    Physics, R.W. (2017). Real World of Physics. Retrieved from"Dynamics: real-world-physics-problems.com".
  5. Real-world-physics-problems. (2017). Real World Physics Problems. Retrieved from Forces: real-world-physics-problems.com.
  6. Verterra, R. (2017). Engineering Mechanics. Retrieved from"Dynamics: mathalino.com".

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