What are the Qualitative Properties of Matter?

The Qualitative properties of matter Are part of the physical properties of matter. They are those that can not be expressed in magnitudes, which means that they can not be measured.

Much of the qualitative properties of matter can be perceived through the senses, such as color (with sight), smell (with smell), taste (with taste) and texture (with touch) . To this group of properties, they are known as organoleptic properties of matter.

What are the Qualitative Properties of Matter? On the left, solid state. On the right, liquid state.

Other properties of matter are malleability, ductility, physical state, gloss and opacity.

Take into account a nut chocolate to explain the qualitative properties of matter. The chocolate is brown, has a pleasant smell and a sweet taste. Its texture is soft and crisp (by nuts).

It is malleable, since chocolate sheets can be obtained. However, it is not ductile because threads can not be made with this material.

Like a slash, the chocolate is solid, but if it melts its state will be liquid. It is not shiny and opaque.

Organoleptic properties of matter

The organoleptic properties of matter are those that can be perceived with the senses. These are color, taste, smell and texture.

The matter can have color or absence of this, which is perceived through the eyes. In the case of color, it will be of some of the tones present in the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, indigo) or combinations that may arise between them.

In case it does not present color, it will be white, black and some intermediate tone between these two.

With regard to flavor, there are four types: sweet, bitter, acid and salty, which are perceived thanks to the taste buds of the tongue. The taste buds in our language are able to distinguish these flavors.

As for the smell, these can be of two types: pleasant and unpleasant and are perceived by smell.

Some pleasant smells are that of the cakes when they are baked, that of the perfumes, that of the wet soil.

Some unpleasant odors are the smell of sewage, excrement and sweat when no antiperspirant has been used.

Finally, the texture is perceived thanks to the receptors on our skin. This can be smooth, smooth, rough and rough.

Qualitative properties: States of matter

Another of the qualitative properties of matter is the physical state in which these are presented.

The main states are three: solid, liquid and gaseous. Plasma and Bose-Einstein condensates are also present, but these are not as frequent on Earth.

The difference between the states of matter lies in the concentration of the molecules. In solids, the molecules are so close to each other that it is almost impossible to move them.

The solids have definite forms, which depend on their molecular composition and environmental conditions.

In liquids and gases, the molecules are further apart, allowing them to move. They do not have definite form but they adopt the one of the container in which they are

Other Qualitative Properties

Other qualitative properties of matter are hardness, ductility, malleability and opacity.

Hardness refers to scratch resistance. This property can not be measured in magnitudes. However, a comparative scale has been used to classify the materials according to their hardness.

This is the Mohs scale. This scale organizes the materials on a scale of one to ten.

What are the Qualitative Properties of Matter?  1

Malleability is the property of some metals to be pressed and compressed to thin sheets. For example, aluminum can be pressed to obtain foil.

For its part, ductility is the property that some materials, metals, have to be stretched to form strong strands. For example, copper wire and gold wire.

Finally, opacity is the property that explains the relationship between the intensity of light that impinges on an object and the amount that this object transmits.

According to their opacity, the materials can be of three types: transparent, translucent and opaque.

If the object allows the passage of light without any problem, it is a transparent material.

If the object transmits less light than it receives but still allows the passage of this, it is a translucent object.

Finally, if the object does not transmit light at all, it is an opaque material.

Examples of Qualitative Properties of Matter

What are the Qualitative Properties of Matter?  2

What are the Qualitative Properties of Matter?  3

What are the Qualitative Properties of Matter?  4

What are the Qualitative Properties of Matter?  5


  1. States of matter. Retrieved on August 1, 2017, from
  2. Qualitative properties. Retrieved on August 1, 2017, from en.wikipedia.org
  3. Qualitative and Quantitative Physical Properties of Matter. Retrieved on August 1, 2017, from mrsgooyers.wikispaces.com
  4. Qualitative and Quantitative Physical Properties of Matter. Retrieved on August 1, 2017, from slideplayer.com
  5. Properties of Matter. Retrieved on August 1, 2017, from mrhoover.weebly.com
  6. Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Retrieved on August 1, 2017, from en.wikipedia.org

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