What are the Differences between Science and Technology?

The main Difference between science and technology Consists in the utility of each of them.

However, it is known that practitioners in both fields could not prosper without each other.

Robot illustrating technology and scientific laboratory

The words science and technology can be used often and interchangeably. However, to make a first distinction, the goal of science is to seek knowledge for its own sake.

While the goal of technology is to create products that solve problems and improve human life. In short, technology serves to apply science among others .

Main differences between science and technology

1 - Science can be defined as an organized way of gathering knowledge on a topic, through various observations and experiments. The technology Is the practical use of the laws of science for different purposes.

2 - Science is nothing more than a process of exploration of new knowledge, while technology is putting scientific knowledge into practice.

3 - Science is very useful to acquire knowledge about a natural phenomenon, and its reasons. On the contrary, technology can be useful or harmful, that is, technology is both a blessing and loss, so that, if used in the right way, it can help humans in solving a Series of problems, however, if misused, can cause the destruction of the whole world.

4. Science remains immutable; Only the additions made to existing knowledge create novelties. On the contrary, the technology changes at a rapid rate, in the sense that, the improvement of the previous technology is done constantly.

5. Science emphasizes discovery, as the facts and laws of nature. Unlike technology, it focuses on inventions, such as the development of the latest technique, to facilitate the work of humans.

6- Science is the study of the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, to create premises. On the contrary, technology tries to put these premises into practice.

7- Science deals with analysis, deduction and development of theory. On the other hand, the technology is based on the analysis and the synthesis of the design.

8- Science is used to make predictions while technology simplifies work and satisfies the needs of people.

Other differences between science and technology

Technology is often seen as the offspring of science, but the relationship has become more symbiotic, both science and technology have advanced in recent decades.

The core of all biological and chemical sciences and all processes and technological advances lies in physics. From the foundations of physics, as far as we know, all other sciences and technologies are built.

Science is achieved by observing, forming hypotheses from these observations and proving them. But technology needs science to advance the goods it produces, but none of the steps of the scientific method can be achieved without the means of modern technology.

For example, cells and microbes could not have been studied without the advent of microscopes, which could not have been produced without the knowledge of how light passes through and is magnified by the lenses. Each discovery in each field leads to advances in both fields.

Comparison between science and technology


  • Motto: Science is knowledge.
  • Mission: The search and theorizing of the cause.
  • Result: Create virtually value-free statements.
  • Methods of evaluation: Analysis, generalization and creation of theories.
  • Objectives achieved: Corresponding scientific processes.
  • Focus: Focuses on the understanding of natural phenomena.
  • Method of development: Discovery (controlled by experimentation).
  • Main quality: Get correct conclusions based on good theories and accurate data.
  • Skills required: Experimental and logical skills.


  • Motto: Technology is to do.
  • Mission: The search and theorization of new processes.
  • Result: Activities always in charge of value.
  • Methods of evaluation: Analysis and synthesis of design.
  • Objectives achieved: Main technological processes.
  • Focus: Focuses on understanding the environment.
  • Development methods: Design, innovation and production.
  • Main quality: Make good decisions based on incomplete data and approximate models.
  • Skills needed to excel: Design, construction, testing, planning, quality assurance, problem solving, decision making, interpersonal and communication skills.

Definitions of science and technology


The word science is explained as a system of obtaining knowledge, through experimentation and observation to clarify natural phenomena.

The approach used by science is methodical and rational and its main questions are: what are the objects present in the universe? How do they work?... In turn, it is a discipline that has several branches such as physics, chemistry, biology, geology, botany or psychology.

In simple terms, science is the set of knowledge acquired as an analysis of all the things that exist around us.

Knowledge is based on facts and evidence, related to the topic, rather than opinions and personal choices. Therefore, statements and laws generated by science can not be questioned, as they are well observed and tested.

Science can be used in the development of the latest technology, such as curing diseases and solving many other problems. Research is carried out continuously, to expand scientific knowledge.


On the other hand, technology is a combination of techniques, skills, processes, designs or products that is dedicated to the creation of instruments or gadgets or to complete scientific research.

In this sense, it is a set of knowledge that has practical application in the creation, design and use of products for industrial, commercial or daily use.

Also, we are surrounded by things that are created with the help of a certain technology, that is, if we work, communicate, travel, manufacture, secure data, business and almost everywhere, you will be in the presence of technology.

Normally, most people use technology to simplify their work and also to expand their skills.

Etymology of words

The word science comes through ancient French, and is derived from the Latin word scientia for knowledge, which in turn comes from scio -"I know".

From the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment, science or scientia meant any systematically recorded knowledge. Therefore, science had the same kind of (very broad) meaning that philosophy had then.

In other languages, including French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, the word corresponding to science also carries this meaning. Today, however, the primary meaning of"science"is generally limited to the empirical study involving the use of scientific method .

The word technology is a term with origins in the Greek"technology","τεχνολογία"-"techne","τέχνη"("craft") and"logia","λογία"("saying").

However, a strict definition is elusive; "Technology"may refer to material objects of use to mankind, such as machines, utensils or utensils, but may also cover broader subjects, including systems, organizational methods and techniques.

The term can be applied generally or in specific areas: examples include"construction technology","medical technology"or"cutting edge technology".

In a general way, we can say that science is knowledge, but technology is about doing. When it comes to solving problems, both disciplines work together. Science helps to acquire knowledge of things existing in the universe and also to make predictions about future results.

Technology, on the other hand, helps simplify the job by providing various products, which help you get better results in less time.

However, it has some Impacts Or negative uses too (loss of jobs from people replaced by machines, for example), so it should always be used positively.


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