The 9 Best Foods to Relieve Constipation

Drink Foods to relieve constipation Is one of the best ways to release stomach waste, feel better and improve your health.

Natural laxatives, in the form of certain foods and herbs, have been used for health purposes. Constipation is the term used to identify a decreased intestinal transit time leading to the retention of waste that must be excreted in the colon.

Foods for constipation

In general, it is accompanied by a variety of symptoms such as bloating, gas, back pain, or fatigue.

The main cause is a diet low in fiber and water. Stress, inactivity, certain medications, an imbalance in the intestinal flora, thyroid problems, and a magnesium deficiency can also cause constipation.

To cope with constipation, many people turn to laxatives for quick relief. In fact, laxatives are one of the over-the-counter medications most commonly bought in excess today.

List of foods to reduce constipation

The following is a list of foods that, because of a set of properties, can help you regulate your bowel movements:

1- Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the oldest and well researched natural laxatives out there. While it is not a food in itself, the gel it contains is edible and from it come most of the properties of this plant.

Contains enzymes, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes that help heal the bowel. For example, Anthraquinones Are a type of compound present in aloe that act as a laxative by increasing the intestinal water content, stimulating the secretion of mucus and increasing the natural intestinal peristalsis (contractions that break down food).

The aloe vera gel also has anti-inflammatory components that reduce inflammation and improve the function of the digestive organs. Some of the other benefits of aloe vera are its ability to normalize the acid / alkaline environment by balancing the pH, decreasing the formation of yeast and encouraging the growth of friendly bacteria.

2- Chia seeds

One of the benefits of Chia seeds Is its ability to function as a natural laxative. Chia seeds form a gelatinous substance when combined with water, which moves easily through the intestines.

As a fiber carrier in the diet, chia seeds swell and expand in the digestive tract, absorbing water. Its laxative effect is enhanced when fluid intake is increased, helping it to move through the intestine easily.

3- Seeds of flax

Flax seeds are an excellent source of fiber, so they increase the volume of feces and help them pass through the intestines. As an added benefit, flax seeds help in the treatment of constipation and also diarrhea!

Virtually no flavor, and one of the benefits of flax seeds is that it is easy to use in everyday preparations such as oatmeal with milk, bakery products and milkshakes.

Just remember that every time you eat a lot of fiber, you should also make sure that drink a lot of water , Since a high amount of fiber without moisturizing liquid can exacerbate constipation.

4- Green leafy vegetables

Not only are they a great source of fiber, green leafy vegetables also provide plenty of magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies in adults.

Magnesium is an electrolyte that has the natural ability to safely feces stools and help absorb water from the bowel.

Without enough magnesium, it is difficult for feces to move easily through your digestive system, since magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant that can help stop cramps in the abdomen.

If you find that increasing foods rich in magnesium results in watery stools, you can adjust your intake without problems.

5- Probiotic foods

Probiotics are good bacteria that are found in the intestines and are able to balance various types of harmful bacteria. They help create a healthy environment in the intestinal mycoflora and can help you stay free of digestive problems, including constipation or diarrhea .

Probiotic foods include Kefir , Kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi and yogurt with probiotics. Just make sure that when it comes to buying dairy products, always choose organic products as they are easier to digest, such as goat dairy products, organic kefir, raw dairy products or dairy products that do not contain casein A1.

It is possible that excess dairy products in general (especially if you have symptoms of lactose intolerance) can cause inflammation and contribute to digestive dysfunction.

6- Fruits high in fiber (berries, figs, apples, plums, pears)

The fruit provides high levels of fiber and water in addition to antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation throughout the digestive system.

While fresh fruit such as berries, melon and apples are more moisturizing and satiating, dried fruits like figs, prunes or dates are also a good source of dietary fiber. Just let it soak for about 20 minutes to make them easier to digest.

Apple cider vinegar is also an excellent choice for treating constipation naturally.

For most people, fruits help relieve constipation and at the same time make them feel satisfied, but these are various individual reactions.

7- Coconut Water

Coconut water is good for many reasons; Not only has a pleasant taste as an alternative to sugary drinks , But also helps maintain healthy electrolyte levels, preventing dehydration and cleansing the urinary tract.

For centuries, coconut water has been used as a natural moisturizing boost due to its high electrolyte content, especially potassium (which provides 12 percent of its daily value in each serving of a cup).

In fact, coconut water can be so curative for constipation that some people need to adjust their consumption.

8- Oats

The oats Contains soluble and insoluble fiber (8 grams in a cup of uncooked oats). In addition to containing a greater amount of soluble fiber than any food (55 percent), oats contain 45 percent insoluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber - parts of the plant that can not be degraded by the digestive system - mechanically stimulate the intestinal wall. In this way, it is combined with the effect of soluble fiber generating a relief of constipation.

When buying oats, do not use instant oats, which have already been partially cooked and often contain sugar, salt or other unnecessary ingredients. Traditional oats take a little more time to cook, but l is well worth the wait.

9- Psyllium shell

When combined with water or other liquid, the psyllium husk swells and becomes thicker, which stimulates the intestines to contract and helps to accelerate the passage of feces through the digestive tract.

Since the psyllium husk helps make defecation easier, it also helps treat hemorrhoids naturally.

The psyllium husk can also be used to help relieve mild to moderate diarrhea. That is, more than a stimulant, it is an intestinal regulator, as it absorbs a significant amount of water when it is in excess in the digestive tract, which helps stool can be firmer.

How to use these foods

  1. Chia germinated seeds and flax seeds (2-3 tablespoons a day with water)

Both seeds provide a significant amount of fiber. In addition, flaxseed oil helps lubricate the colon. You can add the 1 tablespoon daily.

  1. Apple fiber (1 teaspoon 2 times a day)

An insoluble fiber that helps feces become bulky, allowing them to pass through the digestive system more easily.

  1. Magnesium (250 mg 2-4 times per day)

Magnesium improves bowel motility. Add this supplement in a step-by-step manner and evaluate the results.

  1. Probiotics (at least 15 billion organisms)

Maintaining a healthy intestinal tract is essential to avoid digestive problems.

  1. Aloe Vera Juice (1/4 cup 2 times a day)

Helps reduce inflammation and improve stool frequency.

How does the constipation develop?

When bowel movements are normal, feces are formed by the absorption of debris, unwanted nutrients, electrolytes and water in the intestine.

Usually, these bind together to make a smooth, yet solid substance that is able to pass easily through the digestive tract. Most of the nutrients from the foods you consume are not actually absorbed in the stomach, but in the small intestine, while the large intestine mostly absorbs water.

After traveling through the stomach and intestines, the waste moves into the colon, where after the absorption of water and electrolytes, they are removed from the body.

Changes in diet can reverse constipation. Our body has a surprising natural ability to cleanse and detoxify on its own - we just have to provide the right nutrients and water.

The low consumption of water and nutrients can lead to the accumulation of toxins in our bodies, since the digestive tract is not properly lubricated, while the liver and kidneys, the main organs of detoxification, slow down its functioning.

Eating more fiber, eliminating inflammatory foods that cause constipation and adding foods that act as natural laxatives is a much safer approach than relying on laxative capsules, juices, or pills.

Most experts agree that it is important to go to the bathroom at least three or more times per week as a minimum. If this does not happen to you, the first thing is to change certain habits of life.

Increase fiber intake

While fiber enhancement alone may not resolve all cases of constipation, it is certainly one of the first steps to follow. Be sure to get between 25-40 grams of fiber per day.

It is possible to obtain fiber from natural sources (real foods), do it whenever possible instead of artificially created fibers. While many fiber-rich foods act as natural laxatives, synthetic fibers found in processed bars, shakes or dairy products and labeled as"high in fiber"may not work in the same way.

Focus first on eating whole foods, especially a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Almost all types of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seeds, nuts and beans are good sources of soluble and insoluble fiber, as well as important electrolytes, vitamins and minerals that your digestive system needs.

Higher nutrient intakes generally increase the ability to form solid stools and pass through the digestive tract successfully.

An important tip

One important tip is to take into account which foods act as natural laxatives. Each person is different, and not everyone reacts to food in the same way.

For example, some fruits / vegetables contain FODMAPs (oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and fermentable polyols), types of carbohydrates that are difficult for some people to digest, which can worsen swelling / constipation problems and cause symptoms of Syndrome Of Irritable Colon.

Therefore, it is recommended to test your own reaction to food, and try to avoid anyone who has noticed that it causes digestive discomfort.

And what other foods for the constipation do you know?

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