The 75 Best Phrases of José Martí

I leave you the best Phrases of José Martí , A prominent politician, philosopher, writer, thinker and journalist of the nineteenth century, of Cuban and Spanish nationality. It was part of the creation of the revolutionary party of Cuba, in its fight for the independence of the same country.

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Jose-marti's sentences

1.- A man full of selfishness, is a delinquent man.

2.- Man loves freedom, even if he does not know his love for her. His life is driven by it and moves away from where freedom does not exist.

3. The only beginning of the depths of a cave, surely becomes more powerful than an entire army.

4. Just as he who gives his life to follow a great ideal is admirable, he who takes advantage of a great ideal to follow his personal desires of glory and power is totally abominable, even if he also risks his life.

5. Just as the bones to the human body, the wings to the bird, and the air to the wings, so is freedom to the essence of life. Everything that is done without it, has no good course. It is totally imperfect.

6. Only when women stay in motion and give their helpful help, when they naturally maintain calm and calm, give their support and give applause, those women virtuous and recognizing the effort with their sweet love, then there Are invincible.

7. Happiness if it exists on earth and is obtained by the sensible exercise of reason and serenity, the knowledge of the full harmony of the universe, and the frequent practice of generosity.

8.- He who receives money in order to administer it for the benefit of its owner, and uses it for his own interest or against the wishes of his rightful owner, is a thief.- José Martí

9.- Voting is the most delicate benefit of any other, since not only the interests of the voter are involved, but also their life, honor and future are involved.

10.- A child who lives without thinking about what is happening around him and who is happy without asking if he lives with honesty, is like a man who feeds on the work of a scoundrel, since he is on the road to also be a sassy.

11.- A genuine man watches over his principles, being radical is nothing more than that: watching over his principles.

12. Only those people who spread betrayal, hatred and death, out of spite of the prosperity and peace of others, are those who do not deserve compassion.

13. Some very famous men, those of much conversation and few facts, soon disappear. Action is the dignity of greatness.

14.- Freedom is the right that every man has to be honest, to think and speak without fear of being judged and without hypocrisy.

15.- Charm is nothing more than a product of everything unexpected.

16. Just as the stones that fall beneath the mountains, so also the righteous ideals reach their objectives, overcoming all obstacles and barriers, it may be possible to speed up the process or make it difficult, but it can never be stopped.

17.- To use only for our sole and exclusive benefit what does not belong to us, is totally a robbery.

18.- If we are free men, it is not to do evil, it is not to be indifferent to human suffering, not to take advantage of the people, to created and sustained through the spirit of political union, just as it refuses to Contribute to the political state of which we all benefit.

19.- That man who lives in disgrace and without freedom, feels as if his clothes were filled with mud from the streets.

20. Men are like stars, some generate their own light, while others only reflect the brightness they receive. A complete constellation.

21. All human beings have in their interior an ideal man, just like each of the pieces of marble, which contain a rough state, from which a beautiful statue can emerge, as well as that made by that Greek of the god Apollo.

22.- You have to light the oven so everyone can bake bread.

23. Even if it does not seem like it, when we drink we also find happiness.

24. An ambitious appetite for glory leads only to sacrifice and death, but innate instinct leads to self-preservation and life.

25.- Peoples are made of hatred and love, most of the times, more hate than love.

26. That love, which is like the sun, burns and melts everything, which the ambition and privilege of creating for centuries the violence of a humanistic spirit, with a natural instinct of oppressed souls, will go all the way to the Drift with only a simple and fragile push.

27. If I survive, I will spend the rest of my life at the oven door, to observe that no one is denied the possibility of obtaining bread, and thus I will give a lesson of charity, especially for those who do not have flour.

28.- Culture, which shines our talent, is not really our own, nor can we put it at our disposal. Rather, it belongs to our country as a priority, which it gave us, and humanity, from which we receive it as a right from the moment we are born.

29.- All freedoms, like privileges, prevail or are put in danger together, you can not hurt or strive to achieve one, without damaging or encouraging everything.- José Martí

30. It is man's duty to lift man.

31.- It is a sin, not to do what you really can do.- José Martí

32. He who could have been a whole torch, and inclines to be only a chain, is a deserter.

33. The force of passion must be balanced with the force of interest.

34. Men who take action, especially those whose actions are based on love, come to live forever.

35.- Talent is a gift that brings with it the obligation to serve other people, not ourselves.

36. Perhaps those so-called enemies of freedom are such, only because they are judged by their strong voice.

37. He who uses the power he owes to voters through and against injustice is a complete thief.

38. It is terrible to speak of freedom, to all those who live without it unfortunately.

39. One is so guilty of all oppression that we do not encourage ourselves to begin to relieve.

40. Many lie down with their lovers, I remember my brilliant ideas.

41.- Who does not see things as they are, in its totality, should not be called radical.

42. Fortunately, there is a pleasant balance between the whole character of nationals, as in that of all men.

43. All children, from the moment they can think, must do everything they see, must suffer for all those who can not live with full honesty, must work in order that all men can Become honest someday and must mainly be honest to themselves.

45. The giving of life is a merit, only and exclusively when it occurs without any specific interest.

46. ​​Only man is a living duty, a deposit of great powers and virtues that he must never leave in an unconscious state, man is a wing so that the whole world can fly.

47.-Truly, all men in the world, accustomed to talk too much danger.

48. Keeping busy in something that is completely useless when you can do something useful, to understand the simplest thing when you have the absolute intelligence to try the difficult, is simply to take away all talent from your dignity.

49.- All the struggles that are waged by those nations of the world, are extremely weak only when they lack the support of the heart of their women.

50. The highest hills culminate in their peaks, nations culminate in their men.

51. It is necessary to begin to make virtue a fashion.

52. Love is the union of each and every one of men, it is the way to teach others, and in the center of the world.

53. Only some lines of poetry are enough to soften a whole century.

54.- I use day-dreams and night-time to dream with my eyes open.

55.- The first duty of a man, always to be, to think first for himself.- José Martí

56.- Everything is beautiful and constant, so must life be always.- José Martí

57. Books comfort us, appease us, prepare us, enrich our lives.

58. Man is accustomed to suffer, when he does not have real afflictions, he seeks and obtains the way to invent some.

59. A sensible love is not love.

60. Education is freedom.

61. I lived inside the monster and I know him even beyond his gut.

62. Truth only awakens once, and never dies.

63.- Many comment that he died of cold, because I know the truth, and really died of love.

64.- I come from many parts, and I know that I go to all parts of the world.

65. A good soul on earth, suffers greatly.

66. In this world, there must be a certain degree of honor just as there must be a certain amount of light. When there are many men without honor, there will always be others who bear the honor of many men.

67. The peoples of the world have the rulers they deserve.

68. The deeper my wound is, the more beautiful my singing will sound.

69. Life on earth is a mortal combat hand in hand, between the law of love and the law of hate.

70.- They say that nature is beautiful, that life is a commitment with which we come to the world, that death does not frighten, that no one should grieve, as long as there are books in the bookstores, some radiant light in the Heaven, friends and family.

71. The duty of all men is to be there where it is most useful.

72. Man can never be more perfect than nature. The sun burns us with the same light that warms us in those cold days. The sun has spots and spots, those ungrateful men speak of their spots, those who are fully grateful speak of their light.

73. Only tyranny fears the complete establishment of freedom.

74.- My verses are like a dagger, that by the same flowers are born.

75. Freedom has a very high price, there are two options, resigned, or pay its high price.

76. People can only become free, if they are truly educated.

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