The 21 Best Fruits for Diabetics (Natural)

The list of Fruits for diabetics What will I give you next? Will allow you to carry a healthy diet, with which you can control this metabolic disorder and you can lead a good quality of life.

When talking about diabetes you are usually advised to take care of your glucose levels because your pancreas may no longer produce insulin in type 1 diabetes, or it may produce it but not in the amounts your body requires in type 2 diabetes.

Fruits for diabetics

If you live with diabetes you may have been suggested to take a diet in which you control the amount of carbohydrate you eat to avoid having glucose levels above normal.

This control is very important because it totally prevents damage to your cells caused by high glucose.

It is beneficial for anyone, alive or not with diabetes, to take care of the amount of carbohydrates you eat because of this will depend the level of quality of life and health you have now and in the future.

You will also notice that you feel tired, drowsy or even hyperactive after consuming large amounts of sugar.

Learning how to choose the carbohydrate amounts that best suit you according to your physical activity, weight, complexion, age, sex, health status and taste preferences is the best way to prevent other complications if you live with diabetes.

As any process at the beginning will require you to learn new things and experience them for yourself.

After this you will enjoy good health and spontaneously and naturally choose what comes best to your body.

How do we know what fruits have less sugar?

There are two measures that measure the amount of sugars in fruits, and any food that is converted to glucose in the blood.

You are interested in choosing fruits that nourish you but that become glucose in your veins as slow and balanced as possible.

Glycemic index and glycemic load

The glycemic index and the glycemic load are the two measures with which we know how much blood glucose you will have after eating a serving of fruit.

What is the difference between the two measures?

He glycemic index Measure how much blood glucose there is after you have eaten 50 g of a carbohydrate-rich food, in this case a fruit.

Compare foods on a scale of 1 to 100. The value of 100 corresponds to the case where you take a glass of 50 g of pure glucose.

The ranking looks like this:

Index Value Classification
70 to 100 High
55 to 70 Medium
55 or less Low

According to these values ​​it is advisable to choose fruits for medium and low glycemic index for your diet.

Fruits with a high glycemic index will produce more glucose in your blood and faster. This can be difficult to control at normal levels if you live with diabetes.

The Glycemic load Is a measure that compares how much a blood glucose raises a food and also considers the amount of that food. This is not considered the glycemic index.

The glycemic load classifies foods, including fruits as follows:

Value of glycemic load Classification
More than 20 High
11 to 19 Medium
10 or less Low

In this case it is best to eat fruits of medium and low glycemic load.

Why do not the classifications between glycemic index and glycemic load match?

Because when not considering the portion, the glycemic index considers that large portions of some fruits will have a high glycemic index.

However, these fruits when consumed in proper amounts can be beneficial to you.

This means that fruits with a high glycemic index can be consumed but in less quantity than those with a low glycemic index. So you can help your body properly regulate your blood glucose levels.

In what can I trust more?

Both measures are reliable, however, the glycemic load when considering the amount of food gives you a clearer idea of ​​how much fruit is suitable to consume.

The best fruits for people with diabetes and how to consume them

Here are the best fruits to choose from because of their nutrient content and their glycemic index and load. These values ​​refer to unprocessed fruits and when consumed raw.

IG refers to the glycemic index, CG refers to the glycemic load and TP refers to the amount of food that has that glycemic load.

The glycemic index of some fruits is not reported in the official references so the table below appears as undetermined (nd), however you can be guided by the glycemic load.

Number fruit Index




Size of the


1 Lime Na 1 120 g
2 Lemon Na 3 120 g
3 Grapefruit 25 3 120 g
4 Apricot Na 3 120 g
5 Cantaloupe Na 4 120 g
6 Guava Na 4 120 g
7 Watermelon 72 4 120 g
Referring to Fig. Oranges 40 4 120 g
9 Pears 38 4 120 g
10 Plums Na 5 120 g
eleven Blueberries Na 5 120 g
12 peach 42 5 120 g
13 Strawberry 39 6 120 g
14 Apple 39 6 120 g
fifteen Pineapple Na 6 120 g
16 Kiwi Na 7 120 g

Fruits that are known as vegetables

The following are fruits of trees that for being of salty flavor and having much smaller amount of sugars are considered nutritionally like vegetables.

When considered vegetables, their glycemic index is much lower, as is their glycemic load. The values ​​shown are for raw and unprocessed vegetables.

Tomato, pumpkin, bell pepper and zucchini can be consumed in greater quantities than the fruits mentioned above because of their low content of sugars and high fiber content.

The last on the list is avocado, which has many benefits in its consumption but should be consumed in moderation because of its high fat content.

Number fruit Index




Size of the


17 Tomato fifteen 1.5 123 g
18 pumpkin fifteen 3 245 g
19 Pepper fifteen 3 149 g
twenty Zucchini fifteen 16 g
twenty-one Avocado Na 4 230 g

Ideas on how to consume them

Most of the fruits listed above can be consumed in about one cup without causing a dramatic increase in your glucose levels.

So you can combine them and create delicious healthy and nutritious salads of different flavors can be acidic, sweet, salty, even bitter or you can make combinations of these flavors.

I personally love to combine sweet flavors with salty or to make sweet and sour combinations and give a final touch to the saucer with lemon to enhance the flavors.

A breakfast that I love for its rich flavor and freshness is papaya combined with chicken breast or tuna in squares.

The good thing about including fruits in the dishes is that in the end they have a very colorful appearance.

They are pleasing to the eye, to the taste and beneficial to your body by the amount of different nutrients that you are giving.

Why eat fruits?

We know that fruits are nutritious because they contain fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, but you may wonder if it is a good idea to include them in the diet, since in recent years it has been said that they are high in sugars.

The answer is in the quantity and quality of sugars you consume and definitely the fruit is a good source in quality and quantity of several nutrients besides carbohydrates.

The fruit does not contain excessive amounts of sugars if you learn to consume it in adequate amounts.

In addition it will bring you several benefits that other foods can not give you. They are easy to transport, come packaged naturally, and most have a very pleasant taste.

The most important tip is to choose the fruits that have the most nutrients but which do not contain as many simple sugars at the same time.

The more simple and less sugars fiber Have faster food will reach your blood and the likelihood that your body can regulate glucose levels decreases.

What is the best way to consume them?

The best way to consume fruit will always be fresh.

It is best to avoid canned, dehydrated and juice fruits if you want to control your glucose levels.

Combine your fruits with proteins and good fats

In addition you can combine your fruits with some protein like fish or meat and healthy fats as olive oil or Almonds To further encourage the time in which your blood glucose rises.

Follow a meal schedule

Another recommendation is that you do not skip your meals to avoid getting too much glucose and so you can eat healthily throughout the day.

If you miss a meal, when you feel physically ill, you can choose to have a soda or juice, which has less nutrients and fiber than a natural fruit.

That is why by following a schedule in your diet you can prevent feeling dizzy, exhausted, agitated or even anxious not to have eaten before.

Fresh fruit

If you live with diabetes or if you want to eat a more balanced diet, the best way to nourish yourself through fruit is to eat it fresh and unprocessed.

This can be done by chopped fruit salads that can serve as an appetizer at breakfast or lunch or as desserts at the end of the day.

They can also be used as collations between meals that in addition to helping you control your energy levels and glucose can refresh you on very hot days.

Fruit juices

Fruit juices, although having several beneficial properties, have higher amounts of fructose and glucose than whole fruits.

This is because in juice usually does not have the fiber of the whole fruit, in addition to obtain a glass of juice you will require more than one piece of fruit, reason why would end up consuming double or triple of sugars.

Dehydrated fruits

Usually the fruits that you can find desecadas carried a process in which they were removed the water, this causes that it concentrates its content of sugars.

In addition, in some dehydration processes protect fruits before drying them by adding sugar syrups, this improves their appearance and taste at the end of dehydration.

At the same time these syrups, although only serve as protection and are outside the fruit, increase their sugar content considerably.

For these reasons it is better that the dehydrated fruit consumed it very infrequently. It will always be best to prefer the whole fresh fruit.

Main Benefits of Fruits in Diabetes

Weight control

In a clinical study conducted in England in 2008 it was observed that people who consume more fruits have lower body mass, lower waist circumference and consume fewer calories and fat.

The way in which a consumption of fruits and a high concentration of vitamin C can do all this is because the fruits to have fiber and water produce more satiety and give you more nutrients compared to other foods that have more energy in less quantity .

This makes when you eat fruit in small amount and calories you feel satisfied and you have more nutrients than you would not have feeding you with other processed products.


In a study published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine in 2004, scientists in North Carolina found that Antioxidants If you have diabetes it helps prevent oxidative damage in your cells and therefore helps to level your glucose levels.

The diabetes Is characterized by being a state in which your cells are in oxidative damage. Antioxidants from fruits help your body fight this oxidative stress.

In other studies of this same group of scientists it has been concluded that although there is no exact indication of how many antioxidants a person with diabetes should consume if there is a benefit to consuming them.

They have also concluded that it is better to consume a combination of antioxidants from vitamins than to consume a single vitamin.

That is why if you consume fruits you get a mixture of vitamins and minerals that protect you from oxidative damage without the risk of overdose of any vitamin.

Vitamin C

According to a 2008 England study one of the main components of fruit is the vitamin C .

Vitamin C prevents oxidative damage in your cells and has been associated with preventing diabetes, preventing weight gain, and preventing fat gain in the part of the abdomen, regardless of your weight.

It is important to consume fruits, because according to various studies, 90% of the vitamin C you can get is through fruits and vegetables. Other foods do not contain such high levels of this vitamin.


Fruits contain fiber, which controls how fast your body absorbs glucose, helping you control your blood glucose levels.

In addition soluble fiber has many benefits, for example: it reduces your cholesterol levels, slows down your body's absorption of carbohydrates and Increase your satiety .

There are some studies that show how fiber can help you lower your body weight.

Vitamins and minerals

Fruits have high levels of vitamins, especially vitamin C. This vitamin helps to generate Collagen On your skin and joints, helps you heal wounds and serves as an antioxidate defense, among other functions.

Some studies show that high levels of vitamin C can help control diabetes.

Fruits also provide you with potassium and folate. Potassium is important for producing proteins, using carbohydrates properly, developing your muscles or controlling your heart's activity. Folate is necessary to produce new cells and prevents anemia.

And what fruits do you recommend for people with diabetes?

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