The 101 Best Phrases of Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu Was a Chinese general, military strategist and philosopher who lived in the spring and autumn period of ancient China. He is considered the author of The Art of War, a very influential work of military strategy that has affected Western and Eastern philosophy.

Then I leave you your best phrases. You may also like these Phrases about war .

Sun Tzu Phrases

    1. "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
    2. "If you know the enemy and yourself, you should not fear the result to a hundred battles.
    3. -Manage the enemies by keeping them occupied and not letting them breathe.
    4. "Disorder comes from order, cowardice arises from courage, weakness springs from strength.
    5. -It's extremely subtle, even to the point of reporting. It was extremely mysterious, even to the point of the absence of sound. This way you can be the director of your opponent's destiny.
    6. "Weapons are deadly instruments that should only be used when there is no alternative.
    7. "The victorious warriors first win and then go to war, while the defeated warriors first go to war and then seek to win.
    8. "If you make enemies not know the place and the date of the battle, you can always win.
    9. - If the instructions are not clear and the explanations and orders are not trusted, the fault is of the general.
    10. "Only when you know every detail of the condition of the terrain can you maneuver and fight.
    11. -Faces inferiority and stimulates his arrogance.
    12. "The general embraces the virtues of wisdom, sincerity, humanity, courage, and strictness.
    13. "You should never attack from anger and haste. It is advisable to take time in planning and coordinating the plan.
    14. -The defense is for times of scarcity, the attack for times of abundance.
    15. "The opportunity to make sure against defeat is in our own hands, but the opportunity to defeat the enemy provides the same.
    16. -Maniobrar with an army is advantageous. To maneuver with an undisciplined crowd is dangerous.
    17. - That the speed is the wind, and the being as compact as a forest.
    18. -When the instructions are fulfilled, people are sincerely loyal and committed, plans and preparations for defense are firmly implemented, being so subtle and reserved that strategies are not revealed in any way, and adversaries feel insecure, and their Intelligence is of no use to them.
    19. -The intelligent combatant imposes his will on his enemy, but does not allow the will of his enemy to be imposed.
    20. "He who knows when he can fly, and when he does not, will be victorious."
    21. "Speed ​​is the essence of war.
    22. - Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight in a hundred battles without a disaster.
    23. "I've heard of military operations that have been clumsy and sudden, but I've never seen any war-art expert for a long time.
    24. "Consider your soldiers as your children and follow you to the deepest valleys; Look upon them as your own beloved children and will be at your side even in death.
    25. "There is no example of a nation benefiting from protracted war.
    26. To fight and conquer in all battles is not supreme excellence; Supreme excellence consists in breaking the resistance of the enemy without fighting.
    27. "Every man can see the tactics I use where I conquer, but what no one can see is the strategy that involves victory.
    28. - In order to defeat the enemy, the whole military command must have only one intention and all the military forces must cooperate
    29. -Prohibits omens to avoid doubts
    30. "The supreme excellence is to break the resistance of the enemy without fighting.
    31. "Winning a hundred times in a hundred battles is not the heyday of skill. To submit to the enemy without fighting is the heyday of skill.
    32. "Invincibility lies in defense; The possibility of victory in the attack.
    33. "If you are far from the enemy, make him believe that you are close."
    34. "He who is prudent and is waiting for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.
    35. -You can win when no one can understand at any time what your intentions are.
    36. "Confront them with annihilation and they will survive; Immerse them in a mortal situation and live. When people are in danger, they are able to fight for victory.
    37. "The general who wins the battle does many calculations before he fights." The general who loses makes few calculations.
    38. "The worst tactic is to attack a city. To harass, to corner a city is only carried out as a last resort.
    39. "In the practical art of war, the best of all is to take the country of the enemy whole and intact; Smash it and destroy it is not so good.
    40. "A government should not mobilize an army out of anger, and military leaders should not provoke war by cholera.
    41. "The good old fighters first get under the possibility of being defeated and then wait for an opportunity to defeat the enemy.
    42. "Therefore, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the strategy of the enemy.
    43. "The quality of the decision is like a hawk's good time raiding, which allows him to attack and destroy his victim.
    44. -When the orders are reasonable, fair, simple, clear and consistent, there is a reciprocal satisfaction between the leader and the group.
    45. "He who arrives first on the battlefield awaits the arrival of the fresh enemy to fight. Anyone who is late to the battlefield has to hurry and arrives exhausted to combat.
    46. "It is essential to seek the agents of the enemies who have come to spy on you and bribe you to serve you." Give him instructions and take care of them. Then, twice as many agents are recruited and used.
    47. "If both your enemy and you are ignorant, then you are in a certain danger.
    48. - In the war the victorious only looks for the battle after that the victory has been obtained, whereas the one that is destined to lose fight and later looks for the victory.
    49. "You can not get the truth from spies without subtlety.
    50. "If the fight ensures victory, then you must fight, even if the governor forbids it; If the struggle does not ensure victory, then you should not fight even by order of the ruler.
    51. -The general who advances without coveting fame and retires without fear of misfortune, whose only thought is to protect his country and give a good service to its sovereigns, is the jewel of the kingdom.
    52. "There has never been a protracted war from which a country has benefited.
    53. "Make the adversaries see as extraordinary what is ordinary for you; Make them see as ordinary what is extraordinary for you.
    54. "If we know that our own men are capable of attacking, but are not aware that the enemy is not open to attack, we have only come halfway to victory.
    55. "Only enlightened rulers and wise generals use the army's greatest intelligence to spy, and thus they achieve great results.
    56. "Secret operations are essential in warfare; Through them the army is based to make all their movements.
    57. "For them to perceive the advantages of defeating the enemy, they must have their rewards.
    58. "If our soldiers are not covered with money, it is not because they detest wealth; If their lives are not excessively long, it is not because they do not feel inclined towards longevity.
    59. "When the hostages are sent with praise, it is a sign that the enemy wants a truce.
    60. -The enlightened ruler is attentive and the good general is full of caution.
    61. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake
    62. Each battle is won even before it begins.
    63. In the fear of chaos there is also opportunity
    64. Worry about the approval of the people and you will be their prisoner
    65. When I leave aside what I am, I become what I might be
    66. Let your plans be dark and impenetrable like the night, and when you make your move, strike like lightning
    67. All war is cheating
    68. Who wants to fight must first know the cost
    69. If your enemy is temperamental, seek to irritate him. He pretends to be weak, so that he grows in arrogance
    70. To know your enemy you must become your enemy
    71. Opportunities multiply as they take advantage of
    72. You can make sure that your attacks always hit if you only attack the unprotected points
    73. He who can modify his tactics according to his opponent and thus obtain the victory can be called captain born of the horn of the sky
    74. Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?
    75. Strategy without tactics is the slowest way to victory. Tactics without strategy is in sound that precedes defeat.
    76. A leader leads by his example, not by his strength
    77. In numerical superiority is the economy of the force
    78. Victory is reserved for those willing to pay their price
    79. People should be familiar with strategy, those who understand it will survive, those who will not perish.
    80. In times of peace prepare for war, in times of war, prepare for peace
    81. The wisest warrior avoids confrontation
    82. Attack when unprepared, show when you are not expected
    83. Energy is linked to the preparation of a crossbow, the decision, to the action of pushing the trigger.
    84. A scout can be fast as the wind. A spy can be as silent as the forest. And the infantry firm as the mountain. But unlike them, I conquered with fire.
    85. Do not depend on the enemy not showing, it depends rather on being prepared for it
    86. When the common soldiers are very strong and their officers very weak, the result is insubordination
    87. It is where your enemy does not
    88. If you know your enemy better than you know yourself, the outcome of the battle is already decided
    89. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step
    90. What the ancients call a wily wrestler is one who not only wins, but stands out for winning with simplicity.
    91. He who knows does not preach, he who preaches does not know
    92. Even the finest of swords submerged in salt water will eventually rust
    93. When the enemy is relaxed make it work. When it is satiated, make it feel hungry, when it is seated make it move.
    94. If you wait in front of the river enough, the corpses of your enemy will pass before you
    95. One can know how to conquer without being able to do so
    96. A trait of a great soldier is that either he fights on his own terms or he does not fight
    97. Convince your enemy that he will gain little if he attacks you, this will decrease his interest
    98. The wheels of justice spin slowly, but spin well
    99. One can know the condition of an entire army by the behavior of a simple man
    100. There are no more than five primary colors (blue, yellow, red, white and black) however, combining produce more nuances than have ever been seen
    101. When the officer is too strong and the common soldiers very weak the result is: COLAPSO
    102. The art of war is of vital importance to the state
    103. There are no more than five musical notes, however, the combinations of these five result in more melodies than can be heard
    104. Order or disorder depends on organization; Courage or cowardice of circumstances; Strength or weakness of disposition
    105. You can assure the position of your defenses if you only maintain positions that can not be attacked
    106. If you send reinforcements everywhere, it will be weak everywhere
    107. Great results can be achieved with little effort
    108. Invisible is the soldier who fulfills his mission and returns home
    109. The real aim of war is peace
    110. Control over large forces is governed by the same principle as controlling a few men: it is a matter of dividing their numbers.

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