Recreation: definition, characteristics, principles

The recreation It is understood as the set of activities that are carried out in order to entertain and amuse any person who makes it. It is also defined as the moment in which the use of free time is used to achieve physical and mental benefits.

Likewise, some authors also associate the word with the reinvention effect of a thing, create something new or represent a historical phenomenon through dramatizations and / or symbolic acts.

Recreation: definition, characteristics, principles

The word recreation comes from the Latin word recreatio , which refers to the search for the distraction of the body and mind. Therefore, it is a concept away from leisure or from the state of rest, since it requires the subject to participate in activities that range from physical exercise to cultural leisure.

According to specialists, recreation is an essential part of the human being since it provides balance and stability.

Definition and concept


According to the dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, the concept of recreation is presented below:

-"Action and effect of recreating. Fun for work relief."

On the other hand, WordReference exposes the following concept:

-"Fun. Made to cheer or entertain."


In general terms, the definition indicates a slightly broader meaning that covers some characteristics of the word. In this case, the following definitions can be presented:

According to the book Recreational games of the street , of Humberto Gómez, recreation is part of the basic need of the human being, since he finds in it a series of satisfactions that allows him to explore during free time.

Types of recreation

At first, recreation can be active or passive. Active when the subject is part of the action directly; On the other hand, the passive one is understood when the individual receives the action (such as going to the movies, for example).

On the other hand, in terms of activities, there are also other types:

-Games: personal or group, traditional type that includes physical practices and other more intellectual nature.

-cultural and social expressions: its main objective is creative and even sports.

-Living outdoors: activities organized in a natural environment or outdoor open spaces. In some, they involve knowledge of space to generate awareness of environmental balance and sustainability. They are typical of camps and excursion groups.


Some characteristics that are worth mentioning are:

-It occurs at times where there is free time.

-It is done voluntarily.

-It is universal, that is, anyone can do it.

- Immediate satisfaction is obtained.

-Generally expressed spontaneously.

-It offers spaces for rest, compensation, creativity and expression.

- Demand attention from the participants.

-It is constructive because it enriches the individual and social interaction.

Depending on the activity in which it forms part, it can bring economic benefits.

-According to the experts, it is ideal because it allows to establish spaces that break with the routine and the rhythm of everyday life.

-It is healthy and constructive.

-Ashes passive and active activities.

Recreation in physical education

Physical education is considered an essential part of recreation because it encourages physical exercise and integral health.

The objectives to be achieved through recreation in physical education are:

-Promote physical exercise as a channel for optimal development.

-Incentivar the autonomy and power of decisions of the students.

-Improve the sense of adventure through new and unknown situations.

-Accept the recognition and appreciation of their peers.

-Allow general participation, solidarity, fellowship and integration as a group.

-Promote social exchange

-Motivate having a healthy lifestyle through daily habits and behaviors.

- Awareness that, thanks to physical exercise, it is possible to combat disease risk factors in the future.

Principles of recreation

According to the National Recreation Association of the United States, some principles related to recreation can be named:

-All children have the right to be part of games and activities that allow their physical, mental and emotional development. In addition, it seeks to develop a spirit of kindness and collaboration with others.

-Every child and person has the right to discover the type of recreational activity that you like and practice it whenever you want.

-The game, from childhood, must be happy and balanced to ensure stable growth.

-Activities such as rest, reflection and contemplation should not be substituted by others of an active nature since they are an inherent part of the human being.

-The society, through the organization of the different groups in the communities, must guarantee the provision of spaces for the use of free time for both children and adults.

-The activities related to recreation, in the case of adults, should not be related to their daily responsibilities.

-All people should be encouraged to have one or more hobbies.

-The citizen must have an active participation in the planning of activities for a better quality of life for this and for the community.

-It is important to plan the time to carry out the activities.

-It is preferable not to share or supply toys to children of warlike nature.


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