Pyromania: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

The pyromania Is a psychic disorder that is defined as a disorder of impulse control. It is a pathology that is based on the tendency to fire provocation. It is characterized by the repeated provocation of intentional fires.

Forest fires pose a serious threat to the natural environment and its conservation. Fire fires are intentionally produced every year. Serious losses on the ecological, social and economic level, even endangering the lives of people.


Occasionally from the media and public opinion there is Disinformation about the causes of these fires, the profile of people who perform them and how they can deal with this problem adequately.

In this article I will explain in detail how we refer to ' pyromania ', What are the most effective causes, symptoms and treatments.

Pyromania in culture and media

We must be aware that some of the forest fires that occur are caused not by natural causes but by the hands of People.

The responsibility of these facts is collected as an administrative infraction and also typified as serious imprudence in the Penal Code.

The relationship of humans with fire has been present since the beginning of time. In addition, human behavior is often Impulsive, not premeditated and sometimes accompanied by tension.

It is our learning through education and coexistence in society that helps us to modulate those impulses. It is when the inability arises to To do so when we enter fully into the field of psychopathology.

The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE) defines pyromania as the"pathological tendency to fire provocation".

It is also important to emphasize that the fires arouse much interest on the part of the population, something that captures the media Transmitting different ideas that fill the population, sometimes generating misunderstanding about them.

From the media, on many occasions, the term pyromania or pyromaniac is used only to designate the author of the fire, Using it as simile to responsible that intentionally provokes the fire but not like the pathology in question.

This leads to misinformation and misunderstanding about the term, so let's dig deeper into it.

Characteristics of pyromania

The disorders of the control of impulses pick up those problems not specified in other sections (such as those related to substances, for example). Other examples of pulse control disorders in addition to pyromania include: Gambling , the kleptomania .

These disorders are characterized mainly by the difficulty for the subject when resisting an impulse, motivation or temptation to take to An act that may harm him or others.

Prior to committing the fact the subject perceives activation or tension that is resolved in the form of release or gratification when committing the act. Plus Late does not appear guilty or regret for having done.

Thus, pyromania could be defined as a behavior that leads a subject to commit fires for pleasure or for the gratification of doing them, or Either by releasing accumulated tension.

The fires take place without a specific motivation and respond to an impulse that is born of the subject that can not control.

The subject with pyromania maintains functional his cognitive capacities, his intelligence, the capacity of planning.

Diagnosis of pyromania

At Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), we find pyromania within the set of destructive disorders, Control of impulses and behavior.

The diagnosis of pyromania includes different criteria in which the person concerned must deliberately and intentionally cause fires in more Of an occasion.

In addition, the person presents tension or affective excitement before causing the fire. They are people to whom the fire and its context fascinate them, Show great interest, curiosity or attraction.

In addition, all this gives them pleasure, a gratification or relief by provoking them or by witnessing them or participating in the consequences of them They derive.

It is important to note that the pyromaniac does not make the fire to obtain any economic benefit or as an expression of any sociopolitical ideology.

In addition, it does not to hide any criminal activity, nor as a way of expressing negative feelings, as a way to improve their conditions Of life or in response to any alteration of judgment or hallucination.

The provocation of the fire, in the case of the pyromaniacs, is also not explained better by any other conduct disorder, by any manic episode or for Antisocial personality disorder.

In the DSM-IV-TR pyromania was included within Axis I, which included all the clinical disorders except the Disorders of Personality or the Mental retardation .

It was reflected in the disorders of impulse control not classified in other sections, which included kleptomania, pathological gambling, Trichotillomania or the Intermittent explosive disorder .

In ICD-10, classification of the World Health Organization (WHO) we find the pyromania within the Disorders of the personality and the Adult behavior, in disorders of habits and impulse control.

This group also includes gambling, kleptomania and trichotillomania.

Symptoms of pyromania

Unlike other subjects who also produce fires intentionally, the pyromaniac performs it for the simple matter of fascination for the fire. Thus we find symptoms or characteristics such as:

  • Recurrent provocation of fires intended for pleasure or gratification to do so.
  • Fascination and curiosity about fire and everything around it.
  • Tension or emotional arousal before causing a fire.
  • Pleasure, gratification or stress relief when consuming the fire.
  • It is customary for them to participate or have work related to fire (for example, volunteering to extinguish fires).
  • Observing the destructive effects of fire produces well-being.

It has also been associated with symptoms of sadness or anger, difficulties Coping with stress , Suicidal thoughts, interpersonal conflicts.

Pyromania as the cause of fires

In Spain there is a complete database since 1968 on the causes of forest fires. This makes it possible to establish the causes and How the phenomenon has evolved since then.

However, it should be taken into account that in the absence of homogeneous criteria when defining the cause, it is often open to the judgment of who Interprets said database.

In 1994, a technical and scientific methodology was developed as far as fire research is concerned, Forest Fire Investigation.

These brigades, which are made up of forest agents or the environment, and it is from this moment when the collected rats enjoy Empirical character.

In these classifications pyromania is considered an intentional cause in fires. However, we know well that intentionality is not what Mark if we are faced with a pyromaniac or simply an arsonist who performs it for various reasons, in order to obtain a profit.

On many occasions, under indications of intentionality and where the author of the facts has not been found, it has been determined that the author is a pyromaniac, When it has not been evaluated to know if we are dealing with a subject with a mental pathology.

For some experts, and given the subject at hand, we distinguish between:

* Pyromaniacs : Subject that consequence of a mental pathology denominated pyromanía develops conduct that takes to the fire.

* Incendiary : Subject who voluntarily and consciously propagates the fire in a fire to cause destruction.

* Substance-Induced Disorder : Subjects that, under the effect of certain substances that lead to the transient disorder of volitional ability May result in a fire.

Historical conceptualization of pyromanía

The fact of considering pyromania as a mental disorder has not been exempt, over time, from controversy.

The disorders of impulse control were dated in the 19th century, with Pinel and Esquirol introducing the concept of"impulse Instinctive"to refer to it.

During the nineteenth century the idea was rejected that pyromania could be considered a distinctive mental disorder.

Authors such as Ray (1844) defined it as a kind of dementia that nullified the responsibility for the acts that the person committed.

Henry Ey, one of the authors, includes pyromania along with other pictures such as kleptomania or some homicides within the category of personalities Psychopathic.

Others like Stekel (1924) indicate that at the base there may be a psychosexual conflict that would lead the person to seek the solution in this way. Freud the He argued for homosexual sexual problems.

For other authors like Geller (1987), pyromania could be due to a problem of communication, where the pyromaniacs would be individuals who would own Poor social skills.

This would imply that the pyromania would be a disorder where the individual would show his anger through the provocation of a fire since he feels lower.

Vallejo indicates that pyromania could be a disorder where the individual (regardless of his attraction to fire) could prove his value and ability of power.

Throughout the classifications of mental disorders, DSM-I was included as an obsessive-compulsive problem, disappearing from the Classifications then to rejoin the DSM-III, where it already refers to a problem of lack of Impulse control , Which continues in the Later versions of the DSM.

Causes of pyromania

In family history of the pyromaniacs, it has been found to be associated with mental illness, personality disorders (specifically antisocial) and Family alcoholism.

Family problems such as parental absence, maternal depression, problems in family relationships and child abuse may be encountered.

It has also been associated with the fact of provoking fires with other problems such as the alcoholism of the subject itself (López-Ibor, 2002). In addition, many Those who cause fires and do not meet the diagnosis of pyromania do suffer from other mental disorders.

For example, cases of personality disorders, schizophrenia or mania have been found.

Epidemiology of pyromania

The total incidence of pyromania is unknown, since as we have commented throughout the article, the distinction of what is really the pathology Of pyromania has been misused.

In addition, in many cases the diagnostic criteria have not been applied with propriety, so that it could be said that, following them, we would be
Speaking only between 1 and 4%.

Some research, such as that of authors such as Lewus and Yarnell (1951) or Robbins and Robbins (1967), have argued that only between 20-40% of People who have caused fires are arsonists.

If we consider what the profile of the subject that causes fires by the gratification or pleasure that the fire produces, we would be talking about, According to some conceptualizations:

- Male Subject

- Single

- About 20 years

- Motivations for everything that surrounds the gratification around watching the fire

- Intelligence above average

- Can collaborate in fire extinguishing

- History of learning and staff with difficult situations (child abuse, for example)

In addition, these individuals are usually recognized as:

-"Mironas"people to the fires, due to the fascination that they feel by the fire

- They frequently cause false alarms

- They show a lot of interest in everything related to fire-fighting instruments

- May be indifferent to the consequences that the spread of fire may have for him or others

However, it should be noted that other authors consider that within the symptomatology of the pyromaniacs could be found:

- A lower than average IQ

- Physical deformities

- Poor social adjustment

- Disruption in the home or family

- Chronic frustration

- Dysfunctions of a psychosexual nature

- Alcohol problems.

Course and forecast of pyromania

It is quite unknown how and what prognosis this pathology has. Some studies indicate that it seems to begin during childhood. Nevertheless, Others more recent (Roncero, 2009), indicate that it is more frequent in men and usually initiates during the adolescence or beginning of the adult age.

The age of maximum incidence usually occurs around the age of 17 years.

When the onset occurs during other periods, such as adolescence or adulthood, the fire usually has a destructive character.

The onset of pathology has been associated with situations of personal and vital changes and crises, and the impulse seems to happen episodically.

In relation to the prognosis, if the patient is able to work the verbalizations in therapy, this will be better. However, if it is associated with Intellectual disability or alcoholism, will be worse.

It usually complicates by the legal consequences that the provocation of the fire has.

Treatments of pyromania

Pyromania had traditionally been treated from the psychoanalytic point of view, so that intervention was difficult since the Patient rejected the fact of assuming that he was responsible and using denial.

Aversive therapy, positive reinforcement and punishment, satiation and structured fantasies have been used from the most behavioral therapies Operations with positive effort.

Treatment for pyromania includes behavior modification therapy. It may be complicated by the lack of understanding of the problem and Absence of aid demand on many occasions.

The person may be aware of the danger of his behavior as well as of the inadequacy, but since he does not regret or reproach anything, hardly Ask for help to change.

It is imperative to work on impulse control, self-control. Role-playing can also help in conflict resolution.

The focus should include psychoeducation, problem solving skills, interpersonal communication strategies Difficult emotions such as anger as well as cognitive restructuring.

May also be appropriate. Relaxation techniques , he Self-esteem work And self-image, as well as social skills .

In some cases, psychotherapy may be combined with pharmacotherapy to treat lack of impulse control.

By way of conclusion, it should be noted that pyromania seems to be still a mystery. We find information and research difficult, Leading us to investigate all those who cause fires to be able to study the behavior of the arsonist.


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