Psychological Help: 10 Signs That You Need It

The Psychological help Can be given by psychologists, relatives, friends or social services and is recommended when a person is going through physical, mental or a complicated life situation.

People have the tendency to think that we have at all times the tools and capacities sufficient to control and solve our problems.

Psychological help

Thus, it is often difficult to conclude that we require psychological help to restore our optimum state of mind.

In this article we will discuss in which situations it can be effective to go to a psychologist and what 10 signs may indicate that we require this type of help.

When should we ask for psychological help?

Today the thinking still prevails that only those people who are weak, ineffective, suffer some form of mental disorder or who directly They are crazy they must go to the psychologist.

However, this is not so, since a psycologist Can help you enormously at any time in your life, regardless of the severity of your problems.

All people have to live in difficult times or situations, in which to continue with a Good psychological state And that our operation Mental disorder is not affected becomes more difficult than normal.

If you look carefully, it is precisely here that the work of psychology comes into play.

Psychology as a science and professional practice focuses on studying human behavior with the aim of discovering how the People and develop tools that can serve to improve.

So, from this point of view, psychology can help you at any time, you have serious problems or not, because in either case Will provide you with techniques and knowledge that will allow you to develop better in your day to day life and possess more resources to obtain a Good mental state and one Optimal quality of life .

This explains why when we speak of"a good psychological state"we do not refer to a dichotomous concept.

That is, the psychological state can not be measured in right or wrong, since the variations can be multiple.

In this way, it is complicated or practically impossible to determine what the perfect psychological state a person can get, since the Subjectivity of an individual can be so variable that it does not allow to establish this type of terms.

However, although we can all benefit from psychological help, there is clear evidence of who needs to go to the psychologist and When you must do it.

The main point to determine the need to go to a professional who helps you to restore your mental state is manifested in those moments in Which the person is not able to do alone.

In this way, a person can benefit from a psychotherapist when he wants to improve certain aspects, but will need to do so when he is unable to Achieve proper functioning and a beneficial mental state by itself.

However, the term of not being able to get proper functioning and a good psychological state without the help of a professional, to practice, Usually presents as very diffuse and not very clear.

That is, there is no clear stimulus that tells us now if you should go because you just can not reverse your situation.

10 signs that you need psychological help

1-You have frequent mood swings

humor changes

The humor changes Are a symptom that we can experience all people with greater or lesser normality.

By itself, that one day you are happier and another day you are more downhill does not have to constitute a serious psychological alteration.

However, these changes make a significant alteration that can cause high levels of discomfort and functioning.

Thus, when mood swings occur frequently and constantly, they should be treated and analyzed with special care.

If you notice that your mood swings are very strong and are provoked almost daily, it is advisable to go to a mental health professional for Adequately evaluate this symptom.

Variation of mood may be due to multiple factors: hormonal mismatch, psychological alterations, environmental factors, etc.

Therefore, when these are of a marked intensity and frequency, it is important to evaluate them well and perform the therapeutic interventions Required.

2-You are unable to control yourself

Another important aspect when determining if you need psychological help or not is the perception About self-control .

The inability to control is a fact more or less easy to detect and may indicate the need to go to a psychologist.

When a person is not able to control itself means that, in certain situations, he acts and behaves in a different way than surely When you do not experience this type of impulsiveness .

In this way, the lack of control can cause many problems both intrapersonal and relationship with other people.

We can all lose control before certain extreme situations, but these usually happen in very specific situations and with very little frequency.

When loss of control occurs more often it indicates that the stimulus that has motivated the absence of self-control does not fall so much on the factors Internal factors.

Therefore, losing control easily indicates that some of our psychological aspects do not function normally.

If we go to a psychologist, he can help us develop the skills necessary to recover an adequate functioning and acquire the Self-control that we are not able to achieve.

3-You have bodily symptoms

Body symptoms

Many psychopathologies are accompanied by a wide range of bodily symptoms that provoke unpleasant sensations.

Usually, a slight psychological alteration does not usually cause bodily symptoms and when it does, these usually present with a sufficient intensity Low and usually do not accuse our normal operation.

However, when a more serious psychopathology appears, the corporal symptoms that can originate are usually much more noticeable, they are usually Experiment with much more intensity and often cause a high feeling of discomfort.

In this way, Suffer pain , Sensations of choking, palpitations, dizziness, sweating, tremors, excessive fatigue, pricking, nausea, chills or Sensations of this type, it is possible that there is a serious psychological alteration that is giving rise to them.

If you have these annoying symptoms, combined with Mental states of nervousness Or feelings of sadness, it is convenient that you go to a Psychologist to properly evaluate the extent of your alterations.

4-You have too many negative thoughts

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The content that lodges our mind is a factor to take into consideration when identifying possible psychological alterations.

People have, throughout our lives, both positive thoughts and negative thoughts in a habitual way.

An optimal psychological state is not based on possessing only positive thoughts , Since negative thoughts also play a role in our state of mind.

However, at that time when negative thoughts Are much more abundant than positive thoughts, consideration should be given to the possibility That it is a pernicious phenomenon.

If you notice that in your mind there are only negative thoughts and you have a hard time seeing the positive side of things or recognizing pleasant stimuli, You probably need psychological help.

These are explained because when we create a certain style of thinking this can be extended until we reach the point that can not be changed easily.

Thus, if we begin to have negative thoughts recurrently and for a long time, we can configure a way of thinking governed by These principles.

In addition, thoughts have a high potential to produce emotions and feelings, so if we think in a negative way constantly, Can easily appear Feelings of sadness Or dissatisfaction.

5-You are unable to reason clearly

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When so-called cognitive biases appear, people lose our ability to reason clearly.

These cognitive biases are based on directing our thinking towards a previously established direction, such that each time we perceive and We interpret a thing we do towards that direction and we are not able to rationalize it calmly.

This fact may cause us to focus our whole life on a particular point of view, and we lose the ability to interpret and think of one Healthy way.

If you notice that it is difficult for you to change your mind, your thinking is always directed in one direction and it is difficult for you to reason clearly, probably You need to go to a psychologist to reverse this situation.

6-You have trouble sleeping


A symptom that usually produces the great majority of psychological alterations are the Trouble sleeping .

In this way, the difficulties To fall asleep They manifest a mental alteration that prevents to relax and to rest of a suitable form.

In addition, the relationship between psychological disturbance and sleep problems is bidirectional.

That is, while an inadequate mental state can cause problems to rest properly, lack of sleep often aggravates the disturbance Psychological and increase general malaise.

So if you are unable to sleep for an extended period of time, it would be wise to go to a psychologist.

Rest is a basic need that people have, so reversing the situation when we have problems of this type is often vital importance.

7-Emotions surpass you

How to control your emotions

Every thought creates a series of emotions, but in the same way each emotion must be processed by our mind .

When we are unable to do this exercise and we are unable to extract a specific thought and conclusion about the emotions we have, These can surpass us.

When we They surpass the emotions Our functioning is often affected, as our mind becomes controlled by this type of sensations Rather than by our thinking.

Also, not being able to adapt and properly interpret our emotions causes high feelings of discomfort.

So, if you notice that your emotions usually take over from you, you probably need psychological help to learn Better control your feelings .

8-You are in a limit situation

desperate woman

Sometimes life can lead us to extreme situations in which we do not know how to function adequately.

When this happens, it does not mean that we are suffering from a psychological alteration, but we are simply immersed in a situation without resources Necessary to manage it.

If we remain in extreme situations without knowing how to leave them for a long time, our mental state can be highly affected, which is why It is advisable to go to some kind of psychological help that facilitates the process.

If we go to the psychologist in these situations, we will have more resources to properly manage all the elements, solve the problems that Are present and Protect our mental state .

9-Your attempts to fix it have not worked

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A key element to be applied in the 8 signs we have discussed above is the inability to fix it properly.

People may present some of the symptoms just described or see us wrapped in complicated situations, but be able to Fix it through different strategies.

However, when our attempts to fix personal situations or eliminate the symptoms we present do not work, the need for Receiving psychological help becomes apparent.

So, analyze what you have done to fix your problems. If these have not worked it will be advisable that you go to a psychologist.

10-Your condition is affecting you significantly in different areas

Sad teenage boy

Finally, the last element to delimit the need for psychological help is to specify the extent to which our state is affecting us.

If the alterations that we present are affecting different areas we should go to a psychologist.

If you notice that your state is affecting your relationship with your children, your wife or other relatives, your work performance is decreasing, Involving your friends or prevents you from enjoying things you previously enjoyed, you need to go to a psychologist.

If you do not, your state will get worse and at the same time it will affect all the areas that make your life.

And what kind of psychological help do you need? What other situation do you find yourself in?


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