Egyptian pharaohs | 10 Important Figures of Ancient Egypt

We know how Ancient Egypt to the civilization that originated and developed in the middle and lower reaches of the Nile for 3,000 years. It had three periods of maximum pharaonic splendor in three periods that have been called Old, Middle and New Empire. In Ancient Egypt the head of the Empire was Pharaoh, and that is why today in Supercurious we want you to accompany us to know how were the Egyptian Pharaohs of the Ancient Egypt. Also, we also introduce you to the most important Pharaohs of Egypt.

We take this opportunity to remind you that on previous occasions we have already entered into life, not only of the Egyptian Pharaohs, but of Egypt in general. So that, we invite you to know education in Ancient Egypt , the ancient egyptian food Y curiosities of ancient Egyptian culture . Do not miss any of these items! And then, delve into the Pharaohs of Egypt. Ahead!

The 10 most important Egyptian Pharaohs in History

The king of Ancient Egypt received the name of Pharaoh. The word originally meant something similar to "big house" or "high house" and from the reign of Thutmosis III (1479-1425 a.C.) stopped designating the place where the highest ruler lived to become a personal title . It is considered that the first of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt was Narmer, also called Menes, who ruled in 3100 BC. and the last was the famous Cleopatra who ruled between 51 and 30 BC.

Everything you need to know about the Egyptian Pharaohs

Egyptian Pharaohs

The pharaohs were leaders not only civilians, but also military and religious leaders. As we can see from the importance that mythology had in Egypt, religion played a fundamental role and the government of the country evolved into a theocratic system, in which the pharaoh was considered practically a god on earth and this gave him absolute power. In Egypt there were 33 dynasties and, although it is not known exactly How many pharaohs did Egypt have? , it is believed that there were approximately 300.

How were the Pharaohs of Egypt and how they governed

As an intermediary between gods and men and therefore responsible for maintaining the cosmic order, justice and balance, he governed all areas of the life of his people. He was the civil administrator and also the religious . All lands belonged to him and he enacted laws, collected taxes and defended his country from the invaders at the head of the army.

What was the Clothing of the Egyptian Pharaohs?

To know what was the clothing of the Egyptian Pharaohs we must remember first of all that they ruled for 3,000 years. However, in general it can be said that They used light fabrics due to the prevailing heat in the country and especially the linen that they considered a pure material.

The dresses and tunics were adorned with gold inlays and generally lacked sleeves. The most popular was the "Kalasiris" that was a tunic of white or yellow color and that was adorned profusely by rhinestones . In the head it was common to wear a headdress with blue and gold lines and used to wear leather sandals with gold ornaments and rhinestones.

It can also be seen in numerous paintings and engravings that they simply wear a loincloth or short skirt called "shenti" that in the case of the pharaohs it was made with noble and pure materials. If you want to know more about the clothes the Egyptians wore we invite you to read our entry about the dress of Ancient Egypt .

The most important Egyptian Pharaohs

1. Keops

Egyptian Pharaohs 1

Cheops or Jufu is the second pharaoh of the fourth dynasty and reigned between 2589 a.C to 2566 a. C. He ordered the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza . As a curiosity, you will be interested to know that, according to Herodotus, he came to prostitute his own daughter to get the necessary funds for the Great Pyramid.

2. Tutankhamun

Egyptian Pharaohs 2

Tutankhamun is one of the most famous pharaohs of Egypt because his tomb was found intact , although for centuries it was ignored by the Egyptians themselves. It belonged to the XVIII dynasty and reigned between 1336 to 1323 a.C. During his government the country returned to normal social and religious with the abandonment of the monotheism imposed by Akenaton.

In Supercurioso we have talked about his figure in previous occasions, so if you are interested in deepening it, do not miss our entries on The Sarcophagus of Tutankhamun or How Tutankhamun died .

3. Cleopatra

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Cleopatra VII Thea Filopátor (69 BC to 30 BC) was the last representative of the Ptolemaic dynasty . He had a son, Cesarión, but it only happened nominally. After his death, Egypt became a Roman province. If you want to know more about her you will find it in: 4 almost unknown data about Cleopatra, the last pharaoh of Egypt.

4. Narmer (or Menes)

Egyptian Pharaohs 4

It is considered the first of the Egyptian pharaohs . It reigned around the year 3100 a.C. His feat was the unification of the civilizations of the Nile.

5. Ramses II

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The Egyptian civilization had in Ramses II one of its maximum representatives. He was the third pharaoh of the XIX dynasty and reigned in Egypt from 1279 a.C. until 1213 a.C. There are numerous vestiges of his years of government. Many experts consider that it could be the pharaoh that Moses faced . Discover the truth in our post about Ramses and Moses | What really happened between them?

6. Hetepsejemuy

The first pharaoh of the 2nd Egyptian dynasty was Hetepsejemuy. His reign was between 2828 a.C. and 2800 a.C. Y ended with the struggles between the Lower and Upper Egypt . It is believed that he came to power by marrying a princess of the 1st dynasty.

7. Zoser

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He was the second pharaoh of the third dynasty and ruled between 2665 and 2645 a.C. He is buried in the famous step pyramid of Zoser in Saqqara. An ancient legend explained that rebuilt the temple of the god Jnum and managed to end a famine that ravaged Egypt for 7 years .

8. Teti

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Teti was the first pharaoh of the 6th dynasty and reigned from 2322 to 2313 a. C. During his reign he recentralized the government . It is believed that he was killed by his own guard.

9. Amenophis III

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Amenophis III (Amenhotep III) was the ninth pharaoh of the XVIII dynasty of Egypt and father of Akenaton. He ruled Egypt between 1390 a.C. and 1353 a.C. His reign is considered the most prosperous in the history of Ancient Egypt . It is believed that Tiy, his first wife, who was a woman with great energy, was the true ruler in the shade.

10. Seti I

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And we reached the last of our Pharaohs in Egypt with the second pharaoh of the nineteenth Egyptian dynasty was the son of Ramses I and Sitra. He ruled between 1294 and 1279 a.C. He was a priest before becoming a pharaoh and when he came to power he honored Seth, the god of whom he bore the name, who according to Egyptian mythology was the god of war because he became a soldier pharaoh and recovered many of the territories lost during the reign of Akenaton .

Who does not dream of visiting Egypt? The history of Ancient Egypt is exciting and each new discovery of archaeologists sheds more light on those 3,000 years of history of the pharaohs of Egypt. Did you associate these ten Egyptian pharaohs? Do you know more information about them? Get them with us! ð ??????

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