Dirac Jordan Atomic Model: Theory, Importance and Postulates

He Atomic model of Dirac Jordan Is born with a base very similar to the Schrödinger model. However, the Dirac model introduces as a novelty the natural incorporation of the spin of the electron, as well as the revision and correction of certain relativistic theories.

The Dirac Jordan model was born from the studies of Paul Dirac and Pacual Jordan. Both in this case and that of Schrödinger, the basis has to do with quantum physics.

Dirac Jordan Atomic Model

Characteristics of the Dirac Jordan atomic model

The theory

This model uses postulates quite similar to the well-known Schrödinger model and it can be said that Paul Dirac was the one who contributed the most to this particular model.

The difference between the Schrödinger model and the Dirac Jordan model is that the starting point of the Dirac Jordan model uses a relativistic equation for its wave function.

Dirac himself created this equation and based the model on his studies. The Dirac Jordan model has the advantage that it allows to concentrate more organically or more naturally the spin of the electron. It also allows for quite appropriate relativistic corrections.

Postulates of the Dirac Jordan model

In this model it is assumed that when the particles are very small, it is not possible to know their speed or their position in a simultaneous way.

Additionally, in the equations of this theory, the fourth parameter arises with a quantum characteristic; This parameter is called the quantum number spin.

Thanks to these postulates it is possible to know exactly where a particular electron is, so to know the energy levels of said electron.


These postulations are significant since they have a contribution in the study of the radiations, as well as in the energy of ionization. In addition, they are primordial when studying the energy that releases an atom during a reaction.

Dirac Equation

In particle physics, the Dirac equation is an equation of relativistic waves derived by the British physicist Paul Dirac in 1928.

In its free form or including Electromagnetic interactions , Describes all massive 1/2 spin particles as electrons and quarks for which their parity is a symmetry.

This equation is a mixture between quantum mechanics and special relativity. Although its creator had more modest plans for her, this equation serves to explain the antimatter and the spin.

He was also able to solve the problem of negative probabilities encountered by other physicists before him.

The Dirac equation is consistent with the principles of quantum mechanics and with the theory of special relativity, being the first theory to fully consider special relativity in the context of quantum mechanics.

It was validated by considering the most special details of the hydrogen spectrum in a completely rigorous manner.

This equation also implied the existence of a new form of matter: antimatter; Previously unsuspected and never observed. Years later its existence would be confirmed.

Additionally, it provided a theoretical justification for the introduction of different components in the wave functions in the Pauli spin phenomenological theory.

The wave functions in the Dirac equation are vectors of four complex numbers; Two of which are similar to the Pauli wave function at the non-relative limit.

This contrasts with Schrödinger's equation describing several wave functions of a single complex value.

Although at first Dirac did not understand the importance of their results, the detailed explanation of the spin as a consequence of the union of quantum mechanics and relativity represents one of the greatest triumphs of theoretical physics.

The importance of their work is considered to be in keeping with the studies of Newton , Maxwell and Einstein.

Dirac's purpose in creating this equation was to explain the relative behavior of moving electrons.

In this way, the atom could be allowed to be treated in a manner consistent with relativity. His hope was that the corrections introduced could help solve the problem of the atomic spectrum.

In the end, the implications of his studies had much more impact on the structure of matter and the introduction of the new mathematical classes of objects that at present are fundamental elements of physics.


In atomic physics, a spin is an angular magnetic moment that particles or electrons have. This moment is not related to a movement or to a rotation, it is something intrinsic to exist.

The need to introduce an integral half spin was something that worried scientists for a long time. Several physicists tried to create theories related to this question, but Dirac had the closest approximation.

The Schrödinger equation can be seen as the non-relative farthest approximation of the Dirac equation, where spin can be ignored and work at low energy and velocity levels.

Atomic theory

In physics and chemistry, atomic theory is a scientific theory of the nature of matter: it points out that matter is composed of discrete units called atoms.

In the twentieth century physicists discovered through various experiments with radioactivity and electromagnetism that the so-called"uncut atoms"were actually a conglomerate of several subatomic particles.

Specifically, electrons, protons and neutrons, which may exist separated from each other.

Since it was discovered that atoms can be divided, physicists invented the term primary particles to describe the"non-cut", but not indestructible, parts of the atom.

The field of science that studies subatomic particles is particle physics; In that field scientists hope to discover the true fundamental nature of matter.


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