Mental Disorders / Psychopathology

He Bardet's syndrome Biedl Is a rare disease of genetic origin characterized mainly by the development of people born with...

The School phobia The didascaleophobia Is the irrational and persistent fear of school. This type of disorder is very similar...

The types and schizophrenia May vary according to the classification of different diagnostic manuals (DMS, WHO, ICD-10). Paranoid, undifferentiated, catatonic,...

The Types of autism Infant, a neurodevelopmental disorder, are presented in different forms according to their characteristics and symptoms. There...

The An ancestral personality Is characteristic of those people who live obsessed by perfection. Whether for cleanliness, order, agenda or...

The juridic psychology Is an integral branch of science that covers both legal and legal work as the field of...

The Symptoms of psychological pregnancy More common are amenorrhea, positive test, increased hunger and weight or lordosis. Psychological pregnancy, also...

He Battered woman syndrome Is a pathological adaptation disorder that occurs in women who are Victims of gender violence As...

Delusions or delusions are"erroneous beliefs that usually involve a misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences"(APA, 1995). They are part of the...

The Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a psychiatric treatment in which cerebral convulsions are induced by electricity. This therapeutic tool, also...

He Persecution delirium Or persecutory delirium is a set of delusional ideas in which the person believes he is being...

The Mophobia Is the irrational, persistent and unjustified fear of moths. Its erratic and unpredictable flight, its size, the colors...

The Ericksonian hypnosis Hypnotherapy of Erickson Is a psychotherapeutic approach that uses hypnotic trance to help the patient use their...

The Types of psychotic disorders Major are schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, brief psychotic disorder, Organic psychosis ,...

The Visual hallucinations Consist of the perception of an element that is not really present, and appear in both children...

There are several cases of Celebrities with bipolar disorder , Mental illness that includes both depressive and manic episodes. This...

The Sleeping pills deeply , With and without prescription, are nowadays very common in the population. More and more cases...

The Medicines for schizophrenia Used mainly for their treatment are antipsychotic or neuroleptic drugs. Like all Psychotropic drugs , When...

He Amok's syndrome Is a condition in which the individual becomes temporarily erratic and irrational, loses control and attacks violently...

The Phobia of rats Or musophobia is excessive fear, aversion and rejection to rats or mice. Traditionally they are linked...

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