
He economic scenario of sustainability it is the process by which a balanced and harmonized economic development between man and...

The concept of productive forces it covers all those forces that are applied by people in the production process (body...

The customs barriers they are defined as all the provisions established to limit international trade. A tariff barrier seeks to...

The no duty barriers they refer to the restrictions resulting from prohibitions, conditions or specific market requirements, which make it...

The agricultural and fishing technologies they are elements that favor efficient production in the agricultural and fishing areas, respectively, within...

He net national product is the total market value of all services and final products manufactured by the factors of...

He anarchocapitalism or anarchism of the free market is an individualistic political philosophy that perceives the State as an unnecessary...

A purchase or sale to counted rigorous it is a payment term whose amount is covered immediately after the operation...

The supply elasticity is an indicator used in economics to express the responsiveness or flexibility of the quantity offered of...

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