Can you travel from Malaga to Madrid fast and cheap?

We review the best offers and transport methods to go from the coast to the great capital of Spain.

Madrid is one of the best connected cities in the whole country , and is not for less. It is the capital, the epicenter of our country and practically the heart from which emanates much of the activity of the entire nation. Known culturally, historically, socially and in many other areas, it is a place that has gained over the years the position as a reference within the national scope.

Can you travel from Malaga to Madrid quickly and cheaply?

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Due to the role it has and the (perfect) place it has within the geography of the country, it is easy to conclude that connections are a guarantee. No matter which means you want to choose, you can get to the city of Madrid without any problem, unless you want to do it by water. Whether by plane, bus, carpool or train , you can get from Malaga to the capital without any problem, as you can see in virail .

In fact, this same website is the one we are going to use as a reference to discuss each medium to arrive, since it reflects the best price comparisons and, at the same time, it displays all the possible options. It is one of the best portals to find the cheapest rates when viewing Malaga-Madrid connections .

So, first of all, the fastest option is the plane. From Malaga airport to Barajas airport , in Madrid, the journey does not occupy even an hour, but its price is usually quite high unless you resort to some special promotion.

From Malaga to Madrid 2

Following with the data thrown by virail , the train is postulated as the best possible option by two factors: the first is time, while the second is the balanced of its price. The trip can last about two hours, but the rate is perfectly adjusted to the duration, which makes it the favorite choice of travelers. Much of this is owed to the AVE.

For private car lovers, many Blablacar users offer trips from Malaga to Madrid. The route in this case lasts about 5 hours and 20 minutes, depending on the intermediate stops, and usually costs around 27 euros.

The last option of all is, at the same time, the cheapest. The bus allows you to get to Madrid for less than 20 euros ; but, on the other hand, it requires spending 6 hours traveling, with what is similar to wait for the time to move. It's the cheapest, yes; but in return it requires patience.

Single 4 options , but more than enough. If you did not know how to get to the big Spanish capital from Malaga, we hope that this information has been useful.

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