Ruth Bednar

When young people look for work after finishing a university degree, they tend to focus on the employment platforms and...

The Myths of the Popular Psychology Are common, in fact there is much information that has been misunderstood and others...

Michael Gerard"Mike"Tyson (born June 30, 1966) is a former American professional boxer who competed between 1985 and 2005. He has...

Feeling Ignored Is one of the worst feelings you can experience. However, that feeling depends on our perspective or thoughts...

Sir Roger Bannister Was the first man to run a mile (1.609344 kilometers) below the 4 minutes. Until he did,...

Recognize the Symptoms of depression Is often one of the most difficult tasks before treatment. Unfortunately, about half of the...

Can not find your motivation to study? You may be tired of reading the same subjects, that you are not...

He Arlequin syndrome Is a condition characterized by asymmetric sweating and redness in the upper thoracic region of the chest,...

Your inner speech, what you say to yourself, can lead you to be loved or not, happy or unhappy, attractive...

Your erroneous areas is u Of the most read and respected works of all literature of self-help. Is a Book...

I leave you more than 100 famous quotes by Gabriel García Márquez , One of the most important novelists of...

I leave you a compilation of quotes of Game of Thrones , The popular television series based on the novels...

More than 70 Graduation Phrases Short of greeting and farewell for primary, secondary, baccalaureate, graduates and university students. They are...

More than 100 Human rights phrases Of famous people who have gone down in history to fight and persevere in...

I leave you 100 Zen and Buddhist phrases To meditate and increase your concentration of great authors like Rumi, Osho,...

Compilation of 75 Shocking phrases Of incredible people like Henry Ford, Muhammad Ali, Hellen Keller, Napoleon Hill, Michael Jordan and...

I leave you more than 50 Phrases on earth Of authors like Mahatma Gandhi, George Santayana, Martin Luther King, Rabindranath...

In this article I leave more than 50 Phrases for successful women, Strong and fighters. The first 30 are phrases...

Surrendering should be just an option in case you do not chase something you really want or if you give...

Then I leave you over 70 Phrases against violence Of many people who have fought for the attainment of peace...

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