8 ways modern life destroys your brain

Most people accept as a fact that when they reach an advanced age their brain will be altered, they will not be able to learn more and they will have cognitive limitations. However, it's not true!

Ikaria is a small Greek island that has attracted the attention of scientists because it is home to several of the oldest people on earth; Several have passed the 100 years, staying healthy, fit and even some maintain a life Sexually active at 90.

mental health

It is strange that its inhabitants suffer from cancer or cardiovascular diseases. The same goes for dementia and Alzheimer's. What is the secret? Not doing much sport, taking anti-aging vitamins or playing logic games.

These people grow their own food and exercise even in old age. Some retire to live with relatives but continue to do useful things and are not assisted.

The secret is that"progress"has not reached their lives. It seems that the modern lifestyle does not help much to maintain a healthy physical and mental state.

At present, both in Europe and the USA, anxiety , Depression, insomnia , Addictions, dementias and Alzheimer .

How does modern life affect your brain?

1-Diet : The diet with sugar, unhealthy fats and chemical additives damage the brain cells. In addition, a bad diet leads to epidemics of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and Alzheimer's. Unhealthy food is easily found and some are sold as healthy food.

2-Sedentary life : Adequate physical activity is necessary for mental health and for the right Brain function . It forms the neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a brain substance that stimulates the production of new cells and neuronal connections. Literally, lack of exercise causes brain cells to become ill.

3-Watch too much TV or internet : See these screens do not replace Mental stimulation Which the brain needs to reconfigure itself and create new cells. Activities such as playing chess, learning to play a musical instrument or painting are much more stimulating activities.

4-Insomnia : There is an epidemic of insomnia and sleep disorders and it is during this time when the brain is repaired. Even a night of little sleep is enough for your brain to miss the opportunity to rejuvenate and consolidate what has been learned.

5-Chronic stress : The chronic stress of daily life changes the structure and function of your brain. The part that holds the memory ( hippocampus ) Is contracted, while the part where fear and anxiety (amygdala) reside grows.

6-Environment : There are about 80000 chemicals that are released into the air and few are safe for man. Additives, toxins toxins or water toxins lower the IQ and contribute to Alzheimer's.

7-Electromagnetic radiation : The electromagnetic frequency of your computer and smartphone reaches your brain; Can break the membrane of brain cells.

8-Alcohol, drugs and medications : It is known that alcohol and drugs (including tobacco) are bad for health. What does not come out much in the media is that many medicines produce memory loss and mental confusion. Interaction between frogas can cause dementia and even Alzheimer's. The pharmaceutical expert Aarmon Neel States that 3 out of 4 Alzheimer's cases could be caused by drug interactions.

If you are concerned about the state of your brain and the quality of your thinking now and in the future, learn to care for it. If your brain works well, your life will generally.

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