21 Featured Mechanical Energy Examples

The mechanical energy is that which the bodies present by reason of their movement, their state with respect to another body or its state of deformation.

We can distinguish between two types of mechanical energy that bodies have. First, they have Kinetic energy , Which is the one that allows them to move, and is conditioned by the mass and speed of the body.

Examples of mechanical energy

On the other hand, the potential energy that is the consequence of the system of forces that acts on the body. Within potential energy we can distinguish between gravitational and elastic.

The gravitational potential energy is the energy belonging to the bodies by the fact of having a concrete mass and being at a mutual distance.

And the elastic potential energy is that by means of the deformation, stretching or separation of its initial position can recover its initial state.

Examples in the world of mechanical energy

Wind power

Through the movement of the wind, apparatuses are created called wind towers that transform the energy of the movement of the wind in electrical energy.

The blades of the wind tower provide an electric current that goes to a generator.

Seawater energy

The kinetic energy produced by the movement of the tides can be used to convert to electrical energy with some mechanisms installed on the coasts.

Hydraulic energy

Taking advantage of the force of water, mechanisms are placed that convert this force of movement into electrical energy.

For example, dams in rivers cause the kinetic energy of water to pass through a mill, which transforms this kinetic energy into electrical energy.

Formerly this force was used to grind the flour.


The human body transforms the nutrients of food into energy that allows the movement of the body and its maintenance.

Person pushing an object

When a person pushes an object, it transfers its kinetic energy to the object to move it


Springs like springs release their elastic energy when compressed, converting it into kinetic energy


In a bicycle, the cyclist transmits the kinetic energy of his legs to the bicycle causing it to move with the pedal and wheel system.

If we are on a descending slope, it will not be necessary to equip the bicycle with so much energy, since the potential energy will be transformed into kinetic energy thus moving its wheels


Sliding down a slide transforms the gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy as it descends through it.


A pulley system allows to transform the potential energy into kinetic energy to move the objects with the help of the pulley.

Depending on the size the energy transformation will be proportional, being able to move objects with a lot of weight without having to equip them with large amounts of kinetic energy.

Pendulum of a clock

The pendulums of a clock alternately transform the potential energy into kinetic energy and vice versa.

The energy obtained by the movement of the pendulum, is transformed into the kinetic energy necessary to move the gears of the clock.

Some antique clocks needed to be wound, to give the pendulum enough kinetic energy to power its potential energy.

Gears of a pocket watch

The gears of a pocket relay are prepared to transform the electric energy of the pile, or the kinetic energy if it is wound, into another kinetic energy that becomes the movement of the needles.

It is a very accurate system since it always requires the same amount of energy to function properly

Rope a toy

When winding a toy, we transform the elastic energy of its inner spring into kinetic energy that causes the toy to move.

There are different types of gears inside the toys according to the movement that they are expected to perform.

There are also toys that are wound to activate an internal mechanism of recording that causes them to speak

Rope a music box

By winding up a music box, we transform the movement we are giving them into kinetic energy that causes it to move normally over a metal piece to produce sounds.

Hair clipper shaver

Once we turn on this type of apparatus, we transform electric energy into mechanical energy to move the blades.


When this appliance is connected to the electric current, the electric energy is transformed into kinetic energy that moves the blender blades.

Pepper mill

With a pepper grinder, with the force we perform to move its mechanism we give the apparatus sufficient kinetic energy to break the peppercorns with its mechanism

Lawn mower

It transforms the chemical energy that produces the fuel into kinetic energy to move and move the blades that cut the grass.

Wagon of a roller coaster

With this mechanism, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the ramps rise and fall.


With this apparatus we transform the elastic energy of the rubber into kinetic energy that will move and launch the projectile we choose

Glass object or falling porcelain

If we have a glass or porcelain object that falls, the potential energy of gravity causes the object to be charged with kinetic energy that will be released once it breaks on the floor

Throwing an object

By throwing an object we transmit our kinetic energy to it to move. In the case of a ball, if we throw it to someone, to stop it will have to counteract the force.


A skateboard professional uses the potential energy that is gained by sliding a ramp into kinetic energy to achieve movement and increased speed.


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