20 Fun facts about England that will surprise you

The United Kingdom, a country of Europe , is constituted by four nations. One of them is England; the other three are Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. England shares the territory of Great Britain with Scotland and Wales and occupies the central and southern part of the island. Join us to know 20 curious facts about England that will surprise you.

20 Fun Facts of England

For 35,000 years, the territory of what is now England was occupied by several cultures, but the name comes from the "Angles" who were Germanic peoples who settled there between the fifth and sixth centuries. Currently, in England live just over 53 million people and its capital, like that of the entire United Kingdom, is London. We will divide these fun facts about England in sections to facilitate reading. We hope you like them!

Interesting facts of England geographical and political.

1. It is not correct to talk about countries of England . The country is United Kingdom and England is one of the nations that compose it.

20 Fun facts about England that will surprise you

2. In England, 84% of the population of the United Kingdom lives. If it were an independent nation, it would rank 25th among the most populated countries in the world.

3. Another of the fun facts about England is that since 1707 has not had political entity separate from Britain and unlike Scotland or Wales has no own parliament.

4. In the post curiosities of Scotland We quote the Unicorn as its national animal. According to the legend they chose him because national animal of England is the Lion and the Unicorn is according to Scottish mythology its natural enemy.

20 Curious facts of England that will surprise you 1

Yorkshire Dales

5. The climate of England is temperate and humid oceanic. Winter to summer temperatures range between -5 ºC. at 32 ° C. The highest temperature ever recorded was in Brogdale, Kent, on August 10, 2003. They reached 38.5 ° C.

6. The language of England It's English, but it was not always like that. For almost 300 years, from 1066 to 1362, French was the official language.

7. During the Neolithic era two of the most famous and great monuments in the shape of a circle were built in the territory of what is now England: Stonehengue and Avebury.

20 Fun facts about England that will surprise you 2


8. In Essex is the oldest city in England of which records are kept: Colchester. It was the Roman capital of Great Britain with the name of Camulodunum, but in the V century BC. already existed.

9. In England there are three of the most famous and prestigious universities in the world: the University of Oxford , the University of Cambridge and the University of London.

10. London is the England's capital and also from the United Kingdom. Before being called London it received the names of Londonium, Ludenwic and Ludenburg.

20 Fun facts about England that will surprise you 3

11. The popular lullaby "London Bridge is Falling Down" It is possible that it is more than 1,000 years old. The London Bridge has burned down and collapsed many times throughout the history of the England's capital .

20 Fun facts about England that will surprise you 4

12. The ingrained habit of tea of the late was devised in England in 1840 by Anna Russell, Duchess of Bedford. This noble lady was Queen of Alcove of Queen Victoria and while visiting Belvoir Castle instituted the custom of afternoon tea to appreciate that the dinner schedule was falling more and more and there was a need to consume some type of food at half late. The first "tearoom" was opened in London in 1864.

England flag

13. The England flag It is the Cross of Saint George, a red cross on a white background. The motto of England is in French "Dieu et mon droit".

20 Fun facts about England that will surprise you, England flag

England meal

14. One of the curiosities of the England food They are their names. One of the typical dishes is the "toad in the hole" which translated means "toad in the hole". It has nothing to do with anurans. It consists of sausages breaded in Yorkshire pudding with some accompaniment.

20 Fun facts about England that will surprise you, food from England

"Toad in the hole"

15. It is also typical in the England food a dessert called Bletted Medlars. They are medlars that are left to mature you have practically reached the rot. Apparently they are delicious.

Work in England

16 Work in England , especially in London, is something that many young people carry out during a stage of their life. The purpose is usually to improve English, but also moves the lack of employment in other countries of Europe . The prices of rents and the type of unskilled work make the adventure not last, usually, for a long time.

17. One of the resources for work in England is to go to an "employment agency". These are highly regulated and to renew the license they have to prove and justify that they have helped to find employment for a certain number of people.

Traditions of England

18. One of the traditions of England that we have seen in numerous films and television series is the "Real Message of Christmas Day" that the monarch, in this case Queen Elizabeth II, directs to the nation. Although it seems a very old tradition, it was inaugurated by King George V in 1932 reading a speech that Rudyard Kipling had written.

19. Witches, fairies, elves, ghosts and legends of all kinds, are part of the traditions of England . The oldest registered tourist attraction in England works since 1630 and is the cave of "Mother Shipton" near Knaresborough in North Yorkshire, whose prophecies we already talked about in Supercurioso.

20 Curious facts about England that will surprise you, traditions of England

Rolling cheese festival

20. However, one of the traditions of England which are more picturesque is the Cheese Festival Rolling held in Brockworth, Gloucestershire. In the month of May many people rush to chase the Double Gloucester cheese, downhill, down the steep Cooper's Hill.

Did you know these fun facts about England ? Do you know any more? Share it with us!

Images: TUBS , Tony Moorey , Dave Farrance ,

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