19 Foods for Climbing Platelets (Natural)

There are a number of Foods to raise platelets Which can reverse this trend, improve the functioning of the immune system and therefore the quality of life. In this article I will mention the most outstanding.

The low number of platelets or clinical signs called thrombocytopenia is a health disorder in which the blood has a platelet count less than normal.

Foods to raise platelets

A normal platelet count in a healthy person ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. When the count is less than 150,000 per microliter, a diagnosis of thrombocytopenia is made.

Platelets are smaller blood cells involved in clotting by the formation of plugs. They act through a process called aggregation in which they unite and prevent the loss of blood. Platelets have a half-life of 5 to 9 days depending on the state of health of each person.

There are three possible causes of Thrombocytopenia

  • Presence of platelets in the spleen due to cancerous diseases or serious medical conditions affecting the liver. This causes a reduction in the percentage of platelets in blood.
  • Decreased platelet synthesis due to blood cancer, certain types of anemia , Virus infections, exposure to toxic compounds, chemotherapy, exacerbated consumption of alcohol, and deficiency of essential vitamins such as vitamin B12.
  • Increased platelet breakdown due to autoimmune diseases, reaction to medications, bacterial infection in the blood, disorders such as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP).

The telltale signs of a low platelet count are bruising or bruising that appear easily, prolonged bleeding, spontaneous bleeding of mucous membranes such as gums, loss of blood in the urine or feces, and superficial skin rashes.

Women may experience unusually heavy menstrual flow. It may also be present asthenia Or extreme tiredness, discomfort and reluctance.

If there is a medical cause, the disease should be treated in order to normalize blood platelets. If there is no basic abnormality, it is possible to increase the consumption of the following foods in order to favor platelet synthesis.

Foods That Can Increase Platelet Synthesis

1- Papaya

Both the papaya and its leaves can help increase a low platelet count in a few days. In 2009, scientists from the Asian Institute of Science and Technology in Malaysia found that papaya leaf juice can increase the percentage of platelets in patients diagnosed with dengue.

Eating ripe papaya or drinking a glass of papaya juice with a little lemon juice 2 or 3 times a day is one of the best ways to add this fruit to the diet.

You can also crush a pair of leaves using a mortar. It is recommended to drink two tablespoons of this bitter juice twice a day.

2- Wheatgrass

According to research published in the International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences 2011, wheatgrass can be beneficial to treat thrombocytopenia.

In fact, it can produce a significant increase in hemoglobin, red blood cells and white blood cells.

Wheatgrass is an excellent source of chlorophyll , The green vegetable pigment involved in photosynthesis and has a molecular structure almost equal to hemoglobin, oxygen transport protein in human blood.

It is recommended to drink ½ glass of wheatgrass juice a day along with lemon juice.

3- Pumpkin

Pumpkin is another useful food for improving low platelet count. He is rich in Vitamin A , Which favors the adequate synthesis of platelets. It also regulates the proteins produced in the cells, which is important for raising the platelet level.

In ½ glass of fresh pumpkin juice, add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink 2 or 3 times a day. You can also include pumpkin in the diet by consuming puree. Pumpkin puree can be used many preparations, both sweet (tarts, homemade sweets, etc) and salads (soups, cakes, etc).

4- Spinach

This vegetable is an excellent source of Vitamin k , Which is used to treat thrombocytopenia. This vitamin is essential to carry out the coagulation process and helps reduce the risk of excessive bleeding.

You can boil 4 or 5 leaves of fresh spinach in 2 cups of water for a few minutes. Let it cool, and mix in half a glass of tomato juice. Drink 3 times a day.

In addition, spinach is a very versatile vegetable that can be consumed both fresh and cooked in fillings, sauces, etc.

5- Source foods of vitamin C

In order to increase the number of platelets in blood, it is necessary to cover the requirements of vitamin C or ascorbic acid. A study published in 1990 in the Journal of Japanese Hematology indicated that vitamin C improves platelet count.

Being a powerful Antioxidant , Vitamin C acts neutralizing the oxidative stress caused by excess free radicals and is associated with cellular damage. Our body requires 400 to 2,000 mg of vitamin C per day, depending on age and general health.

The best sources of vitamin C are oranges, lemons, tomatoes, Melons , Kiwi, spinach, peppers and broccoli. In case of obtaining vitamin C through dietary supplements, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

6- Indian gooseberry

A popular ayurvedic remedy to increase platelet count are Indian gooseberries, also known as amla. Vitamin C in amla can stimulate platelet synthesis and support the immune system.

Consume 3 to 4 gooseberries on an empty stomach every morning. Alternatively, mix 2 tablespoons of amla juice and honey. It is recommended to drink 2 or 3 times a day and can be eaten in homemade jams or pickles.

7- Sesame oil

This oil is obtained by cold pressing and is very suitable to increase the percentage of platelets in blood. Sesame oil has properties that stimulate the formation of platelets in a natural way.

Thanks to its chemical composition, sesame oil neutralizes the damage caused by free radicals, prevents the development of inflammatory response at the systemic level and improves blood circulation.

8- Beetroot

Eating beets is another way to increase platelet counts. Content Anthocyanins Is what differentiates beets from other vegetables. These compounds possess a wide variety of actions, but one of their most important functions is related to the ability to inhibit cellular oxidation.

Beetroot also favors homeostasis, ie the balance of fluid and electrolytes in the blood and this favors a greater formation of platelets. You can drink a tablespoon of fresh beet juice three times a day.

Another option is to mix three tablespoons of beet juice in a glass of carrot juice and drink it twice a day.

9- Granada

Pomegranate is a useful fruit for the treatment of low platelet count. Its deep red color is a sign of its high iron content.

Fruit can help fight platelet reduction with regular consumption. It can be eaten raw or in the form of juice.

The pomegranate is also rich in vitamins that help keep energy levels stable. In general, it is advisable to drink 150 ml (5 oz) of pomegranate juice daily for 2 weeks.

10- Milk

Milk is rich in calcium, which can help the body regenerate the number of platelets. Calcium content works in conjunction with vitamin K and fibrinogen protein in milk.

This increases the platelet count and improves the blood's ability to form clots. Calcium deficiency can lead to the body needing much more time in the formation of blood clots, especially when it is excessive bleeding.

In addition to milk, you can also consume cheese, yogurt and organic dairy products to keep calcium levels at an optimal level.

11- Foods rich in folate

Severe deficiency of folic acid in the body can lead to a reduction in blood platelets. To combat this possible consequence, you should follow a diet that includes foods rich in folate.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid It is very important for the division of healthy cells into the body which can be a beneficial factor in the treatment of low platelet count.

A healthy adult should consume at least 400 mg of folic acid every day as part of their diet. Some foods rich in folate are asparagus, orange juice, spinach and fortified cereals. You can take at least 400 ml of orange juice 2 to 3 times a day.

12- Food sources of lean protein

Foods rich in lean proteins are excellent sources of zinc and vitamin B12. These nutrients are essential to reverse the effects of thrombocytopenia. In the case of decreased platelets in the body, you should adopt a diet that includes adequate doses of lean proteins such as turkey, chicken and fish.

Oysters are also known as a zinc-rich food and should be included in a diet plan aimed at increasing platelet production.

13- Cod liver oil and flax seed oil

Consumption of cod liver oil, or flaxseed oil can help strengthen the immune system . Many autoimmune disorders are the main cause of thrombocytopenia or low platelet count.

These oils also help in reducing inflammation in the body as well as improving blood circulation throughout the body. However, precautions must be taken because they can act as anticoagulants.

14- Foods rich in vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for the healthy production of platelets. This nutrient is also important for the formation of proteins in the body.

A healthy protein regulation helps in the process of cell division and growth. This is why it is important to eat foods rich in vitamin A to maintain normal body function.

Some foods that belong to this group are carrot, squash, kale And sweet potatoes. You can drink 2-3 glasses of carrot juice a day.

15- Foods rich in vitamin K

In general, high-calorie foods are indicated to increase platelet production in the blood. Vitamin K is a necessary ingredient that keeps cell growth at optimum levels in the body.

Consuming eggs, liver and kale may be very beneficial in trying to get adequate levels of vitamin K in the body.

16- Garlic

Garlic Is also one of the foods indicated to increase blood platelets. It avoids the aggregation (union) of platelets with each other, avoiding the obstruction of the blood vessels.

Garlic is also another potent source of vitamin C, and can contribute up to 71% of the daily intake of vitamin C in one serving. It also acts as an anticoagulant, so that people who take anticoagulant drugs or who suffer from anemia They should be careful about their intake.

17- Fish and nuts

They are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids Which can relieve inflammation in the body. This is effective for people suffering from low platelet count, since anti-inflammatory foods allow the immune system to function better and can intervene in the adequate production of platelets.

Omega-3 fatty acids can even reduce the blood pressure . However, its use should be monitored carefully.

18- Tomatoes And Berries

Berries, tomatoes and nuts are foods rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants strengthen the immune system by neutralizing cellular damage from harmful free radicals.

With enough antioxidants in the body, the formation of free radicals slows down, and the immune system can focus its action on cell repair and prevent the development of chronic diseases.

19- Oysters

The mineral zinc can increase the number of blood cells and platelets in the body. Zinc helps to stimulate the immune system.

And what other foods to raise platelets do you know?

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