14 Foods That Will Help You Lower Cholesterol

Drink Cholesterol-lowering foods Is critical to prevent cardiovascular problems such as myocardial infarction or seizures.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) about 147 million people suffer from high cholesterol, an illness that is not yet controlled by those who suffer from it, causing an annual cause of 17 million deaths.

Cholesterol-lowering foods

What is cholesterol?

In response to the Spanish Heart Foundation , Cholesterol is a natural fat substance that occurs in all cells of the human body for normal functioning of the body. Most cholesterol is produced in the liver, but it can also be obtained from some foods.

Their functions are:

  • Intervene in the formation of bile acids, necessary for the digestion of fats.
  • Protect the skin from chemical agents and prevent dehydration.
  • From hormones such as sex or thyroid hormones.

Produced cholesterol in the liver or pancreas, this is led by the blood to the organs that need it through particles called Lipoproteins . These can be classified into:

  • Low density (LDL). They carry the new cholesterol formed in the liver to all the cells of the body. This interaction motivates the creation of Bad cholesterol , Since the particle is deposited in the wall of the arteries and forms the plaques of atheroma.
  • High density (HDL). They collect the cholesterol discarded by the cells and return it to the liver so that its storage or excretion to the outside through the bile . It is therefore a positive particle since it destroys excess cholesterol. It is commonly known as good cholesterol.

The accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries is a damage to the vascular wall, which translates into arterioscleroris. Decreased arteries, which become stiff and thick, make it difficult for blood and oxygen to pass through the cells of our body.

If blood levels rise, the risk factor in Hypercholesterolemia rises. This is associated with coronary, sexual, dietary problems and the endogenous synthesis of the organism.

In the most severe cases you can suffer a myocardial infarction or stroke. To avoid these cases the ideal is to maintain normal levels of cholesterol and Triglycerides .

Total cholesterol

  • Normal: less than 200 mg / dl
  • Normal-high: between 200 and 240 mg / dl. Hypercholesterolemia is considered at total cholesterol levels above 200 mg / dl.
  • High: above 240 mg / dl

LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol)

  • Normal: less than 100 mg / dl
  • Normal-high: from 100 to 160 mg / dl
  • High: above 160 mg / dl

HDL cholesterol

  • Normal: greater than 35 mg / dl in men and 40 mg / dl in women
  • Triglycerides
  • Normal: less than 150 mg / dl
  • Normal-high: between 100 and 500 mg / dl. Hypertriglyceridemia is considered to be triglyceride levels above 150-200 mg / dl
  • High: above 500 mg / dl.

Achieving the right levels is easy if you follow Healthy eating habits Such as not smoking, maintaining proper weight, exercising frequently or avoiding saturated fats.

If in your case your harmful cholesterol ratios are high, try adding to your diet this series of foods.

Food that your body is sure to thank

1. Olive oil

He olive oil Is rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid very healthy for the heart since it lowers cholesterol LDL And increases the HDL .

Olive oil is characterized by being a source of vitamins and antioxidants. It does not contain trans fatty acids , Which are harmful to fight cholesterol.

It should be consumed in moderation, being recommended to combine it with salads or to season the chicken, fish or vegetables.

2. Avocado

Avocados are made up of a number of healthy monounsaturated fats (omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9). A very healthy type of fat for the heart since it helps raise HDL cholesterol while reducing LDL. Despite containing high levels of calories, its beneficial vegetable fat reduces the absorption of cholesterol.

In turn, avocado contains fiber and Antioxidants (Vitamin C, vitamin C, vitamin B12, magnesium, etc.) that help reduce the absorption of fats from the food we eat and manage to avoid their oxidation.

While taken in moderation, avocado will help you prevent cardiovascular disease and improve cholesterol.

3. Garlic

Garlic has many properties like preventing blood clots or reducing blood pressure, but it also helps stop plaque that clogs the arteries in their early stages by preventing cholesterol particles from sticking to artery walls.

The Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC) recommends the inclusion of garlic in the diet, not only for its benefits to the heart, but also for its therapeutic properties such as depurative, diuretic, antiseptic and antibacterial.

Four. Oats and barley

These two foods are rich in Beta glucan , A polysaccharide in the form of soluble fiber that helps to stimulate the defensive cells of the body that are responsible for removing foreign elements. It has the ability to minimize cholesterol levels in a few weeks.

According to the researchers, it is advisable to take approximately 3 grams of beta glucan per day.

In a study published in 2011 in Nutrition Reviews, foods such as oats were able to reduce total cholesterol levels by up to 5% and LDL cholesterol levels by 7%.

5. Eggplant

They belong to the group of functional foods, that is to say, those that do not only have a nutritional contribution, but also serve to improve the health and to reduce the risk of contracting diseases. Eggplant is part of this category because it helps reduce harmful cholesterol in the body.

This is because aubergines are rich in fiber, which correlates with the reduction in LDL cholesterol concentration.

Eggplants are a food that can be prepared in many ways. For cholesterol reduction to occur you should avoid frying them, as the oil would add saturated fat.

6. Chocolate

Although it seems incredible, chocolate is one of the foods that help improve cholesterol levels thanks to its antioxidants.

In a study published in 2007 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN), it was revealed that participants who consumed cocoa for 12 weeks increased their HDL levels by 24%, while those who did not take cocoa only increased it 5%.

In the same study it is reported that to combat cholesterol with chocolate should be chosen black or sweet-sour, which contains up to 3 times more antioxidants than milk chocolates.

7. Spinach

Spinach are vegetables rich in vitamins and antioxidants, but what really helps to protect us from cholesterol is a pigment that is in it called Lutein . Recent publications suggest that only half a cup of spinach helps protect the arterial walls from invading cholesterol that causes its blockage.

In addition, Carotenes , Flavonoids Y Vitamin E Which contain spinach serve to fight 'bad' cholesterol.

Combining spinach with salads is one of the recipes that could help protect your heart.

8. Fruit and vegetables

Low in saturated fats and rich in soluble fiber, fruits and vegetables are some of the foods that help keep cholesterol low.

Do not deprive yourself of taking apples, Strawberries , Grapes, lettuce, Cabbages , Oranges, blueberries, broccoli and also tubers like potatoes. Combining them with legumes like peas or lentils can greatly help your intestinal transit and lower levels of bad cholesterol in your blood.

9. Nuts

Nuts are rich in plant proteins, healthy unsaturated fats for the heart, fiber, magnesium, potassium or vitamin E, all of which are very beneficial to reduce cholesterol.

Nutrition specialists recommend taking between 30 and 35 grams of nuts a day with which you can reduce cholesterol by up to 5%.

10. Jewish

Beans, beans or Beans . Call them what you want, but keep in mind that they are great for the heart and cholesterol.

Arizona Polytechnic University (ASU), found that drinking a half-cup of beans with soup often lowers LDL cholesterol by as much as 8%. The key is that this type of food lowers cholesterol thanks to its abundance in fiber.

Most legumes are rich in vitamins, minerals and soluble fiber. Studies show that having a low glycemic index, reduce animal proteins and trans fats, which means reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease in 5-6%

eleven. Blue Fish

He Omega 3 fatty acid Is one of the natural remedies of this world for the care and improvement of our health. Their contribution to protect us from heart disease or are vital. In addition, this type fat provides an added benefit to reduce cholesterol.

Fatty fish such as sardines, trout, salmon and herring can help us reduce cholesterol levels by up to 4% because they are rich in Omega 3 .

The blue fish has up to 20 or 30 times more omega-3 fatty acids content, and between three and five times higher content in vitamin D Than the target.

12. Soy

Soy foods are low in saturated fats, which helps to lower cholesterol. However, the proteins by soybeans - and their Isoflavones - are the true regulators of cholesterol.

Some of the soy foods that contain these proteins are soy milk, tofu or desserts. In addition, soybean leticin is under study because it helps prevent cholesterol from sticking to the arteries.

According to studies, taking 15 grams of soybeans a day, we can reduce cholesterol by around 6%.

13. Tea

Many are the discovered properties of tea, such as its ability to fight cancer. Cholesterol is also affected by the good defenses that benefit our body.

Research carried out in Peking suggests that the intake of Green Tea Helps to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol thanks to a chemical that contains called ' Catechin ', Which limits the absorption of cholesterol in intestines.

In any case, green tea is not a miracle product and requires a balanced and varied diet so that it can fight against cholesterol.

On the other hand, according to research conducted by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), black tea is able to reduce blood lipids by up to 10% in just three weeks.

14. Came

Studies carried out by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) or New England Journal of Medicine , Agree that drinking wine moderately daily significantly reduces cholesterol.

Wine is part of the Mediterranean diet, one of the most effective against cholesterol. The contribution of the wine to combat cholesterol is not entirely clear, since until now it was thought that the Resveratrol , A component found in chocolate, nuts, peanuts or even wine, was not what reduced cholesterol. The Polyphenols And other substances are the ones that are going to take center stage.

In any case, whatever component it is, it is proven that wine is fully recommended for lowering cholesterol points.

Foods to Avoid If You Have High Cholesterol

Listed the foods that will help you to improve your cholesterol, we come to warn about those that must be avoided so that the fight is a success.

  • Eggs. In yolk and egg fat you will find most of the cholesterol.
  • Meats. Most meats, sausages and canned goods in oil pose a danger if you have high cholesterol levels.
  • Dairy products. Everything derived from milk such as ice creams, creams, cheeses or yogurt Should not enter the diet of a person with the high cholesterol.
  • Drinks. It is advisable to avoid alcohol and limit yourself to a glass of wine or beer every day.
  • Fats. Manteca, bacon or bacon provide much cholesterol to the consumer.
  • Sauces Condiments such as mayonnaise should be eradicated from the pantry.


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