10 Examples of Kinetic Energy in Daily Life

Some Examples of kinetic energy Of daily life can be the movement of a roller coaster, a ball or a car.

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses when it is in motion and its velocity is constant. It is defined as the effort required to accelerate a body with a given mass, moving it from rest to a moving state (Classroom, 2016).

A moving ball is an example of kinetic energy.

It is argued that to the extent that the mass and speed of an object are constant, so will its acceleration. In this way, if the velocity changes, so will the value corresponding to the kinetic energy.

When you want to stop the object in motion, it is necessary to apply a negative energy that counteracts the value of the kinetic energy that said object brings. The magnitude of this negative force must be equal to that of the kinetic energy so that the object can be stopped (Nardo, 2008).

The coefficient of kinetic energy is usually shortened with the letters T, K or E (E- or E + depending on the direction of force). Similarly, the term"kinetic"is derived from the Greek word"κίνησις"or"kinēsis"meaning movement. The term"kinetic energy"was coined for the first time by William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) in the year 1849.

From the study of kinetic energy we derive the study of the movement of bodies in horizontal and vertical direction (falls and displacement). The coefficients of penetration, speed and impact have also been analyzed (Academy, 2017).

Examples of kinetic energy

Kinetic energy along with potential encompasses most of the energies listed by physics (nuclear, gravitational, elastic, electromagnetic, among others).

1- Spherical bodies

When two spherical bodies move at the same speed but have different mass, the larger mass body will develop a higher coefficient of kinetic energy. This is the case of two marbles of different size and weight.

The application of kinetic energy can also be observed when a ball is thrown so that it reaches the hands of a receiver.

The ball passes from a state of rest to a state of motion where it acquires a coefficient of kinetic energy, which is brought to zero once it is trapped by the receiver (BBC, 2014).

2 - Roller coaster

10 Examples of Kinetic Energy in Daily Life

When the wagons of a roller coaster are at the top, their coefficient of kinetic energy is equal to zero, as these wagons are at rest.

Once they are attracted by the force of gravity, they begin to move at full speed during the descent. This implies that the kinetic energy will gradually increase as speed increases.

When there is a greater number of passengers inside the roller coaster, the coefficient of kinetic energy will be higher, provided that the speed does not decrease. This is because the car will have a larger mass.

3- Baseball

When an object is at rest, its forces are balanced and the kinetic energy value is equal to zero. When a baseball pitcher holds the ball prior to pitch, the ball is at rest.

However, once the ball is released, it gains kinetic energy gradually and in a short amount of time to be able to move from one place to another (from the point of the launcher to the hands of the receiver).


10 Examples of Kinetic Energy in Daily Life 1

A car that is at rest has an energy coefficient equivalent to zero. Once this vehicle accelerates, its coefficient of kinetic energy begins to increase, so that, to the extent that there is more speed, there will be more kinetic energy (Softschools, 2017).

5- Cycling

A cyclist who is at the starting point, without exerting any kind of movement, has a coefficient of kinetic energy equivalent to zero. However, once you start pedaling, this energy increases. Thus, the higher the velocity, the greater the kinetic energy.

Once the time has come to brake, the rider must slow down and exert opposing forces in order to decelerate the bike and return to zero energy.

6- Boxing and Impact

10 Examples of Kinetic Energy in Daily Life 2

An example of the force of the impact that is derived from the coefficient of kinetic energy is evidenced during a boxing match. Both opponents may have the same mass, but one of them may be faster in movements.

In this way, the coefficient of kinetic energy will be higher in the one that has a greater acceleration, guaranteeing a greater impact and power in the stroke (Lucas, 2014).

7- Opening of doors in the Middle Ages

Like the boxer, the principle of kinetic energy was commonly used during Middle Ages , When heavy rams were driven to open the castle gates.

To the extent that the ram or ram was driven at greater speed, the greater the impact provided.

8- Fall of a stone or detachment

10 Examples of Kinetic Energy in Daily Life 3

Shifting a stone uphill from a mountain requires strength and dexterity, especially when the stone has a large mass.

However, it is descent of the same stone by the slope will be fast thanks to the force that gravity exerts on your body. In this way, as the acceleration increases, the kinetic energy coefficient will increase.

As long as the mass of the stone is greater and the acceleration is constant, the coefficient of kinetic energy will be proportionally greater (FAQ, 2016).

9- Drop of a vase

When a vase falls from its place, it goes from being in a state of rest to the movement. As gravity exerts its force, the vase begins to gain acceleration and gradually accumulates kinetic energy within its mass. This energy is released when the vase strikes the ground and breaks.

10- Person on skateboard

10 Examples of Kinetic Energy in Daily Life 4

When a person who rides a skateboard is in a state of rest, its coefficient of energy will be equal to zero. Once it starts a movement, its coefficient of kinetic energy will gradually increase.

Similarly, if that person has a large mass or his skateboard is able to go at a higher speed, his kinetic energy will be greater.


  1. Academy, K. (2017). Retrieved from What is kinetic energy?: khanacademy.org.
  2. BBC, T. (2014). Science . Obtained from Energy on the move: bbc.co.uk.
  3. Classroom, T. P. (2016). Obtained from Kinetic Energy: physicsclassroom.com.
  4. FAQ, T. (March 11, 2016). Teach - Faq . Retrieved from Examples of Kinetic Energy: tech-faq.com.
  5. Lucas, J. (June 12, 2014). Live Science . Retrieved from"What Is Kinetic Energy?: livescience.com".
  6. Nardo, D. (2008). Kinetic Energy: The Energy of Motion. Minneapolis: Exploring Science.
  7. (2017). Softschools.com . Obtained from Kinetic Energy: softschools.com.

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