10 Characteristics of Scientific Research to be Highlighted

Between the Characteristics of scientific research They emphasize its systematic nature, the possibility of checking its results and objectivity in its procedures. It is a practice that seeks to promote the development of knowledge through the resolution of a problem.

An investigation must be valid and verifiable in order to be considered scientific. To achieve this, it is essential that the study is structured in a methodical way.

Characteristics of scientific research

In order to do this, it should not be developed very clearly, specifying what are the processes necessary to verify the hypothesis in question, and what will be the ways through which this hypothesis will be verified and the problem will be solved.

Objective data are the main source of information in scientific research. The harvest And the analysis of these data must be done through logical and reliable mechanisms that allow the obtained result to have reliability and validity in all areas.

Scientific research is basically about the search for knowledge in an orderly way, structured and attached to certain rules. This type of study has several defining characteristics.

10 most salient features of scientific research

1- Systematics

The systematization of scientific research is linked to the need for it to be rigorous in procedures.

This is not a random observation, but is the result of a well-structured plan, with specific objectives.

The processes must be standardized, always be sought to execute the actions in the same way, so that the result can be reliable as a result of having always followed the same guidelines.

The systematic plan that must guide a scientific investigation must consider all the aspects and moments of this research: from the objects of study and the variables to be taken into account, to the rhythm of work that must be followed in order to arrive at conclusions in time expected.

2- Controlled

Scientific research must avoid chance, and the process must be supported by control mechanisms that allow it to obtain truthful results.

Chance has no place in scientific research: all actions and observations are controlled, according to the researcher's criteria and according to the object investigated, through well-defined methods and rules.

3- Empirical

The results of a scientific investigation must deal with the aspects of reality related to the subject under investigation. The aspects that characterize a particular research must be observable in the real world.

Scientific research refers to issues that can be measured and identified as facts.

Is about Experiment with evidence . In this way it is possible to test the research hypothesis, and thus be able to affirm, deny or supplement it, as the case may be.

4- Rational

Science in general is characterized by being rational and logical. In a scientific investigation must emphasize the rationality on the subjectivity.

Its empirical characteristic makes it necessary to be based on real and verifiable facts, and demands from the researcher a critical attitude and a dispossession of his personal conceptions or judgments of value.

Some scientists and philosophers maintain that it is precisely the rational and critical character of an investigation that generates progress in the intellectual field and an important development of knowledge.

5- Reproducible

The findings obtained through scientific research should be able to be reproduced under the same conditions established in the study.

Given the systematized nature of scientific research, it must be verifiable. The fact of having controlled the variables that were part of the process, allows to be able to reproduce the results achieved.

6- Consider everyday problems

In a scientific investigation, the hypotheses constitute the nucleus of the study, and must be generated of problems and situations of the daily life, that affect the people of habitual form.

It is hoped that scientific research will solve a problem that ideally affects several groups of people.

By critically observing this problem and making it an object of study, it is possible to find an answer that, hopefully, can improve the quality of life of many people in different areas.

7- Objective

Just as rationality and critical character must be emphasized in scientific research, it must also be objective.

The goal of the investigator is not to justify own postures, but to expose the facts in the purest way possible.

The explanation arising from scientific research must be legitimate for people with different inclinations of thought. The results of scientific research must be universal.

8- Provisional

Science is constantly expanding. Scientific research is considered provisional because it must be open to further studies that reaffirm, refute or complement the findings obtained in that research.

The debate is a fundamental part of the scientific field. Therefore, a scientific investigation must be able to be questioned and, if there is some subsequent research proving contrary hypotheses, it must be able to rectify.

9- Original

There is no sense in focusing scientific research on proven facts. A scientific investigation must treat new or little studied aspects, so that the result of the study implies a true contribution to the science and the humanity.

If it is based on an existing research, the researcher should focus on a different area of ​​the problem, look for alternative results to those presented in the first place, or refute the research hypothesis as mistaken.

In any case, it is essential that scientific research brings something new and useful for people.

10- Ordered

Scientific research needs rigorous planning so that it can yield true results. This planning must have a specific order, which responds to the interests of the study.

In a scientific investigation it is necessary that the processes are designed and ordered in such a way that they reach secondary objectives that, in the last instance, can help to verify the main objectives raised by the researcher.

In turn, the whole exploratory process of a scientific investigation must be based on an orderly structure that allows to develop a veracious, empirical and verifiable study.


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