10 Applications of Physics Essential in Everyday Life

The branch of Physics has many applications in everyday life . Some medical tools, such as x-rays for example or laser operations, would not be possible without it, as well as more everyday objects such as telephones, televisions and almost all electronic devices.

On the other hand, without the physics also could not fly the planes, the cars could not roll and could not construct buildings. Almost all things relate to physics in some way or another.

The applications of physics can reach any other science and everyday life

Physics has many Fields of study Whose applications are in the daily life of humans. The most common are astrophysics, biophysics, molecular physics, electronics, particle physics and relativity, among others.

Physics is the natural science that involves the study of matter and its movements and behaviors through space and time. He also studies related concepts, such as energy and strength. It is one of the most fundamental branches of the disciplines of science; The greatest goal of physics is to understand how the universe behaves.

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10 Extraordinary Physics Applications

1- Electromagnetism

10 Applications of Physics Essential in Everyday Life

This field of physics studies the electromagnetic force, a type of physical interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles. The electromagnetic force is usually exhibited in electromagnetic fields such as electric fields, magnetic fields and in light. It is one of the four fundamental interactions of nature.

The electromagnetic force plays a large role in determining the internal properties of most objects used in daily life.

Ordinary matter takes its form as a result of intermolecular forces between individual atoms and molecules in matter, being a manifestation of the electromagnetic force. The theoretical implications of electromagnetism led to the development of spatial relativity by Albert Einstein in 1905.

All electrical equipment we use in everyday life is related to electromagnetism. From microwave ovens, electric fans, and electric bells to alarm clocks.

2- Atomic Physics

Sub-levels of energy

This field studies atoms as an isolated system of electrons and an atomic nucleus. It is primarily concerned with the arrangement or location of the electrons around the nucleus and the process in which these arrangements change. It also includes neutral ions and atoms.

The term atomic physics may be associated with nuclear power and nuclear weapons, although nuclear physics only deals with the nuclei of atoms. Generally in the scientific fields the broader context between several branches is considered; Only scientific studies are so specific.

Quantum mechanics

Quantum theory, reconceived in 1920, is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy at an atomic and sub atomic level. This field is called quantum physics or quantum mechanics.

Applications of quantum theory include quantum chemistry, superconducting magnets, lasers, microprocessors, magnetic resonance and electron microscopes. It also explains many biological and physical phenomena of energy.

Quantum mechanics has been a great success explaining many of the characteristics of the universe. It is often the only tool to reveal the individual behaviors of subatomic particles that make up all forms of matter.

He has also had influence in string theories, candidates for a Theory of the Whole. Many aspects of technology operate at levels where quantum effects are significant. A lot of electronic gadgets are designed with bases in quantum mechanics; Lasers, microchips, light switches, pen drives, computers and other telecommunication equipment.

New advances in the field are working to improve quantum cryptography. Another goal of this field is the development of quantum computers; They are expected to process tasks much faster than classic computers.

4- Theory of relativity

10 Applications of Physics Essential in Everyday Life

In his theory of relativity, Einstein determined that the laws of physics are the same for all observers. He also determined that the speed of light is the same, regardless of the speed at which the observer travels.

One of the effects of this theory is that different observers traveling at different speeds may have different perspectives of the same event; However all observations are correct.

This theory is applied in many aspects of everyday life. GPS systems rely on it to function, for example. Electromagnets are also possible thanks to relativity. Old TVs, or those that do not have plasma screens, also worked with a mechanism based on relativity.

5- Lasers

A laser is a device that emits monochromatic light through an optical amplification process based on stimulated emission of protons. The principles of laser devices are based on quantum mechanics.

The devices with lasers have many applications in the areas of science, military, medicine and in the commercial area as well.

Photochemistry, laser scanners, nuclear fusion, microscopes, cosmetic surgery, eye surgery and dental operations are just a few fields that also use lasers. In the commercial industry, they are used to cut materials, drill and print; They are also a light source for movie projectors.

Nuclear Physics

Nuclear power plant, reactors.

Nuclear physics is the field of physics that studies the nuclei of atoms, their constituents and interactions. Other forms of nuclear material are also studied. Nuclear physics is not the same as atomic physics, a field that studies the entire atom and its electrons.

Discoveries in nuclear physics have led to its application in many fields. These fields include nuclear power, nuclear weapons, nuclear medicine, industrial isotopes and farmers, ion implants in engineering materials, and radiocarbon dating.

7- Aerodynamics

This branch of physics studies how air behaves and the relationship it has when an object crosses it. Without it, aircraft, rockets, cars or bridges that could survive hurricanes could never have been designed. Discovering how to move through a fluid quickly and effectively is the task of aerodynamics.

Air is a fluid and to pass quickly through it, it is necessary to do so in a long and thin vehicle. In this way, you could create as little resistance as possible to go fast. Just as humans advance at sea faster if they swim horizontally; For that reason the planes and trains are shaped like tube.

8- Molecular Physics

Molecular physics is the study of the physical properties of molecules, the chemical bonds between atoms and molecular dynamics.

His most important experimental techniques are the different types of spectroscopy. This field is closely linked with atomic physics and has many things in common with theoretical chemistry, physical chemistry and chemistry.

This branch of physics measures the properties of rotation and vibration of the spectrum of molecules, the distances between the nuclei of molecules and their properties, among other things.

9- Astrophysics

10 Applications of Physics Essential in Everyday Life

This branch of astronomy combines the principles of physics and chemistry to discover the nature of celestial bodies instead of their positions or movements in space.

Among the objects of study are the sun, other stars, galaxies, extra solar planets and the intergalactic cosmic background. Their emissions are examined throughout all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum and the properties examined include luminosity, density, temperature and chemical composition.

Astrophysics is a very broad field, so astrophysicists typically apply many disciplines of physics such as mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear physics, particle physics, atomic physics and Physics.

In practice, modern research involves a great deal of observational and theoretical physics. Some areas of study that attempt to determine include the properties of dark matter, black holes, whether time travel is possible, whether wormholes can form, whether the multiverse exists, and the origin and destination of the universe.

Astrophysicists also study the formation and evolution of the Solar System, the formation of galaxies, cosmic rays and the physics of astro particles.

10- Thermodynamics

This field of physics deals with heat and temperature and its relation to energy and work. The behavior of these qualities is subject to the four laws of thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics is applied in many branches of science and engineering , Especially in pure chemistry, chemical engineering and mechanical engineering.

Its fields of applications include biological thermodynamics, black hole thermodynamics, psychometry, quantum thermodynamics and statistical thermodynamics.


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