How to Make a Good Curriculum Vitae: 11 Tips

Know how Make a good resume Is essential, since it is One of the most important tools to prepare, write and prepare during an active job search. It is the form through which you present yourself As a professional and as a candidate to opt for a job, work project or company your interest.

This document gathers your professional and training profile with the objective that you can be considered as a candidate to develop the jobs that in More fit your profile.

How to make a resume

Conducting a professional CV (resume in English) and modern adequately, largely determines Get the position you want ; Conveys the first impression you give to the contractor.

It is the first information that a company or a selection department will know about you. Therefore, it is Fundamental that you make it the best possible way and that you dedicate time to create an attractive one.

11 Steps to make a good resume

1-Indicate your name and surname clearly and visually

You must write your name and two last names in the heading of the document, as a title. You can highlight this section with a higher font size Or by using bold type.

In this way, the person who receives your CV for the first time, will remember your name and Will differentiate in a more agile way among other candidates that are not so familiar.

2-Provide your personal and contact details (not marital status)

Your personal and contact information should be located next to your name and surnames, as they are also of vital importance in a Curriculum Vitae.

Provide very relevant information, such as your location and the most appropriate way to contact you To ask you the first questions . These data should include the following:

Telephone contact

It indicates a number in which always soles to be available, like your personal mobile. Avoid landline numbers where you can Not being available at certain times or to which someone other than you can answer.

Email address

It must be simple to remember and refer to your name. For example, use your first and last name all Together and in lowercase, so you reinforce, as in the first paragraph, that the interviewer remember your name and facilitate the contact.

Avoid Use words that are difficult to write or inappropriate, points, dashes, bars or other symbols that make it difficult for the person who wants to contact you Write your address when sending an email.

If the address is difficult to remember or write and is entered on the computer With some error, the message will never reach you and you could be missing important information, as well as placement opportunities.


In many selection processes it is important to know your locality of residence. Larger companies have different Delegations distributed by the territory, and this way you can derive your CV to the one closest to your current residence.

In your location, it is not It is necessary to indicate your complete address as this is a very personal fact. It is usually sufficient to indicate the province and population in which you reside.

Other personal information

In principle you do not need to contribute more data in this section. Information that refers to marital status or to Number of children is not necessary, you can include them if you wish, but these data can not be decisive for any selection process.

3-Choose an appropriate photo

The fact of including a photo in your Curriculum Vitae, makes it more personal and close to the person who receives it. It is usually included in the upper part of the Document, next to your name and personal data, and of a moderate size. As for what kind of photo include there are several recommendations:

  • Current : Renew the photo of your CV at least every year or whenever you make a major change in your look, such as change the color of hair.
  • Appropriate : In most areas of work the appropriate photo for a CV is a photo of a card, a foreground covering Face and shoulders. In more specific sectors such as modeling or fitness, larger photos may be necessary, but usually Apply for your CV. Other recommendations when taking the picture for your resume are: use neutral clothing colors, do not abuse the Makeup, avoid clothes too summery or excessively warm and, finally, show your smile more natural.
  • In color : Repeatedly black and white or photocopied photos may become distorted or blurred. A color photo will bring more Clarity in your image and the whole of your CV will be seen more cleanly.

4-Formative profile and work history: Uses a chronological order and indicates dates

The body of your curriculum vitae will be composed of your academic background and professional experience. To develop this section, you can follow several Recommendations and general rules:

  • Order of presentation : In more junior profiles, the training is usually presented first and then the work experience. For him On the other hand, in profiles with greater professional experience, the experience is indicated first and after it the formative profile of the Available
  • Chronological order : Both your training profile and your career path must follow an order that refers to the dates on which Every event happened. In the first place, that is, in the upper part of the document, the most Recent, decreasing progressively to the date of greatest antiquity.
  • Indicate dates : It is important that you justify the chronological order of events indicating the exact dates, months and years. East Exercise can be of great help to you, since during Personal interviews These dates are requested from the candidate, and can be difficult Remember last dates accurately.

5-Use bold to highlight titles, headings or other data

It is advisable to use the bold font to visually separate some data from others and organize the presentation of the information. You can use it to Highlight all the positions you have played and present the functions developed in normal letters.

In this way, it is easier to do A quick reading of your professional experience, jumping from bold to bold, or a deeper reading of the full text, combining bold and not bold font.

Avoid resorting to underlines, changes in the size of the letter or other elements that may tire the eyes of the person reading your CV.

6-Summarize information: No more than one folio or two

A curriculum vitae should be brief and brief. Its objective is to generate in the interviewer the desire to know you more as a professional and that you want to maintain a Personal interview with you to extend the information of the same.

If you do not correctly synthesize information from your CV, reading it may be too dense and decrease the intention to meet Personally with you for fear of an interview too heavy.

For this reason, the general recommendation is not to use more than one folio or two in the writing of your résumé, using only the second Folio in case of profiles with ample professional career.

7-Indicate your achievements

It is interesting to be able to highlight your greatest achievements in your CV. An increase in sales or profits of the company, the development of a strategy that supposed Success for the company in which you collaborated or the resolution of a conflict or important problem, can be examples of achievements that you have reached Throughout your work experience.

You can indicate your greatest achievement in each of your experiences, or dedicate a small section behind them, highlighting the two or three more achievements Important aspects of your entire professional career.

8-Highlight your differential points

It is probable that you have knowledge or skills that differentiate you from other candidates, marking a positive differential point in your candidacy. Examples of knowledge or skills that you can highlight in your resume can be the following:

  • Knowledge of Languages : In case you have a good level or mastery of other languages ​​indicate it in your CV, especially if they can be of special Interest for the development of the vacancy for which you offer yourself as a candidate.
  • Computer skills : Indicates the computer programs that during your training or experience you had to use and dominate with ease.
  • Personal competences : Each person has a series of skills and competences more developed than others. All of the It makes you different as a professional. You can highlight the most important in your resume. Possible examples of these can be: Responsibility, organization, customer orientation, adaptability, flexibility, analytical ability, commitment to the company, ability to Listening, work ability, negotiation skills, leadership, persistence, etc.

9-Check spelling, do not make mistakes

The lack of spelling in a CV causes the feeling of little attention to detail and little care of the image by the candidate who presents well Your résumé.

Carefully review the spelling of your CV before submitting it for a job offer or sending it to a company. In case you have doubts as to To the writing of a word, look it up in a dictionary or on the internet and make sure it is correctly on your résumé.

In addition, before its diffusion, you can share your CV with a family member or close friend to review it and comment with you your impressions about it, Not only orthographic, also in terms of format or degree of difficulty in understanding. This way you can correct it, detect errors of which You did not realize it, include improvements and adapt it before your shipment.

10-Adapt it to every occasion

Depending on what type of company or vacancy you want to send your resume, it is advisable to adapt it to the characteristics of it.

You can enhance or highlight both data and information that are especially interesting on each occasion of sending your candidacy, as they may

  • Specific functions that you have developed similar to those of the position to which you choose.
  • Languages ​​that are habitual in the contracting company, or fundamental for the development of the position to which it is opted, to maintain relations
    With other countries.
  • Computer or management tools that dominate and are required on that occasion.
  • Knowledge of additional value for the vacancy that you can provide thanks to your training or experience.
  • Personal characteristics necessary for the proper development of the position.

11-Do not lie!

In many cases it is easy to fall into the temptation of wanting to give the best possible image about oneself and to resort to the deception or falsification of the Information you include in your CV. Even small deviations from reality can be very dangerous.

The most common lies in a resume often refer to a level of languages ​​that is not achieved, specific knowledge that rarely Candidate has put in practice, indicate a number of years of experience superior to that which is available or exaggerate the responsibility that has been in Previous posts.

Interviewers are prepared to detect this type of lies in a CV. In addition, if you want to evaluate the domain of a language or other Specific knowledge to be critical to the development of the position, the selection process will include a phase of evaluation and evaluation of the same.

If you've lied about your level of knowledge, you're likely to spend a dull moment trying to get out of the level test And that the lie was not worth it.

The best way to present a candidacy with honesty, sincerity and transparency when providing your information. If you are the ideal candidate For the position and you demonstrate your desire and capacity to develop the position in the best possible way, the company will be interested in having you and in Train you in the knowledge or languages ​​you need in your new position.

And how do you feel about making a good resume when it comes to finding a job?

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