How to Learn to Learn a 4-Step Ability (Fast)

In this article I will explain a methodology for Learn to learn quickly Any skill quickly, whether cognitive or behavioral. What's more, I can tell you that in 20 days you can have a pretty good base.

Often you have heard or even said such statements as"how difficult","that would be impossible for me","I can not do that"when talking about behavioral skills - playing a musical instrument, dancing, singing, skating, tennis... - Or cognitive skills - memorize , English, speaking languages, creativity ... -.

how to learn

Well in my opinion, most of the time people say that is exaggerating. If they at least tried to train the skill they want, they could find out if they really are incapable of doing it. And I do not mean to practice it 10 minutes and to leave, but to persevere for days or months.

Your ability to learn is virtually unlimited. This is what psychologist Paul Reber explains:

The human brain Consists of approximately one trillion neurons. Each neuron forms 1000 connections with other neurons, assuming more than a trillion connections. If each neuron could only help to store some memory, it would be a problem. Neurons combine with each other, exponentially increasing brain memory to about 2.5 petabytes (one million gigabytes). If your brain functions as a TV program recorder, it could hold 3 million hours of recording. You should be recording for 300 years continuously to reach its limit.


1-The problem of the perception of time

2-The amount of time needed

3-Academic bias and educational gap


1-The problem of the perception of time

Before knowing the methodology that I will tell you in point 4, I used to happen a problem: I practiced the salsa steps a little and frustrated me.

However, I perceived that it was a long time, but in reality I did not practice the steps I wanted to memorize more than 10 minutes.

I think this is related to something that Said Einstein

"Put your hand in a hot oven for a minute and it will look like an hour. Sit down next to a beautiful girl for an hour and it will feel like a minute. That is relativity."

The fact is that if you do something that you like, time seems to be happening faster. But if you do something you do not like or find it frustrating, it will seem much slower.

Our mind is not programmed to objectively perceive the passage of time. You could have spent it fatal dancing on the track with a girl or boy, it seemed like hours, and in fact it will have been 1 or 2 minutes. I'm sure you sound like that.

And when you start practicing a skill, it is very heavy and it is normal to feel frustration because you do not have the necessary ability, motor, or cognitive.


From now on, when I practice salsa steps I set an alarm so that it is from 20 minutes to 1 hour practicing (depends on the day and my schedule).

In that way, I am aware that at least I have practiced enough time. If I practice two hours a week, I have added two hours.

On the other hand, if you really want to learn something, get used to being persevering and fighting frustration.

If you have impatience problems I recommend you Practice mindfulness .

2-The amount of time needed

Malcolm Gladwell He comments in his book Series Outings , That the most talented people, who have achieved great achievements, have practiced at least 10,000 hours of their skill.

For example, Bill Gates practiced over 10,000 hours of programming before age 22. The Beatles practiced many more hours than any other band of their time. High-level athletes are often the ones who practice the most hours. Nadal and Federer train 8-10 hours a day.

If you want to reach a Top level, professional, you will have to practice thousands of hours, close to 10,000 or more. Even people with natural talent do not even outdo those who train so much.

However, it is likely that you do not want to reach so much, nor will you have the time available. You may only want to learn to play the violin fairly well, to speak an average level of English or to Memorize well .

Well, I have good news for you: Josh Kaufman, the author of" The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything Fast "Argues that with a practice of 20 hours you can learn any cognitive or behavioral ability.

So that's the amount you need to say you know how to do something. No more. Just remember: they have to be 20 hours counted, do not train 10 minutes and perceive that hours have passed

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