How to Develop Intuition: 8 Effective Tips (Children and Adults)

Develop intuition It is possible through a change of habits and practice of certain activities like meditation, creativity exercises, mindfulness or the practice of emotional intelligence and positive thinking.

Intuition is an important psychic function that we take into account when taking into account the elements of the situation, deciding and guiding our life.

How to develop intuition

We intuit things that we think are going to happen, things about ourselves, about others... and it is not a rational thing, since we have no proof but we are"convinced"of it.

Although not always consciously for us, it is present daily in our lives and it is important to learn to develop it to function better.

What is intuition?

According to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, we could define intuition as The faculty of understanding things instantly, without the need for reasoning.

In addition, it tells us that colloquially can be defined as a"feeling", while from philosophy comes closer to the definition of Intimate and instant perception of an idea or a truth that appears as evident to whoever has it.

Intuition is a psychic function that helps individuals to see situations or things beyond the seemingly visible.

In everyday life it is quite common to hear comments about intuition. Many people are characterized by being more intuitive and others by being less. Intuition has also been called"the sixth sense".

The senses offer us information and are the means that our body has to know and apprehend the outside world. However, there are times when we think we perceive things we have not seen or heard, for example.

On many of these occasions we do not know why it happens, but we are sure to have a"hunch", a signal or intuition that something happens in a certain way. It is the ability to perceive some elements.

Intuition helps to warn what lies behind things, what is not visible, so that they anticipate the possibilities of things and anticipate. We could say, in a way, that it is"reading between the lines".

What is quite true is that, although almost all philosophers admit that there might be a knowledge called"intuition", they do not agree with each other on the concept. And much more disagree if we talk about psychologists.

However, the fact of whether it exists or not is not usually discussed; Where there is more debate is around the concept, its conditions, faculties...

For some authors, for example, we could define it as the"wisdom that accumulates with experience and serves to take decisions , Solve problems creatively or create new knowledge."

8 Tips to Develop Intuition

1- Practice meditation

Meditation or in psychology what we call Mindfulness practice Can be useful for developing intuition. It is important that you relax and pay attention to the present moment.

From Mindfulness we propose full attention or awareness and place its emphasis on the ability to be and to live in the present moment. This allows you to know deeply the experience and recognize what happens as it happens.

From the Practice of meditation , When you pay attention to the experience in the present with an attitude of curiosity, interest and acceptance the internal balance of the person is restored.

When mindfulness is practiced, it is likely to develop a greater capacity for discernment, compassion, and mental clarity.

If you leave everything aside to focus on the present experience, observing it and not judging, it is possible that you perceive many things that in day to day go unnoticed and that you achieve a state of consciousness that allows you to make better decisions.

Consciousness is a blank screen where the conclusions of the intuitive process are projected. And Mindfulness provides the space for full awareness to emerge.

2 - Pay attention to the signals of your body and attend to the signals of other people

Paying attention to the signals of our body is a useful advice for developing intuition.

We have said that we apprehend reality through the senses, but that in spite of it, we could also have a"sixth sense"which is intuition.

One of the ways to develop intuition is to learn to develop the five senses.

For that, you can do it on a daily basis, in each of the things you do, but you can also look for specific moments to focus on them, practice and develop them.

For example, decide how you are going to focus and give your full attention: in the visa, analyzing each thing, color and shades, objects, forms... it is, as in meditation, to have a Attitude open to the world .

With the taste, while you savor, if you stop to do just that and in that moment, you can focus and know things that in day to day go unnoticed.

The same can happen with the smell or the ear, looking for moments where you can focus only on that. Each of the senses is different and can give you a different knowledge.

Also, taking care of other people's signals can also give you information. For example, his non-verbal language, how he says things, his posture, gestures, the tone in which he speaks...

All this will give you a lot of information with which you can guide you when making decisions.

3- Develop your self-confidence and self-esteem

The self-confidence and the self esteem Are key to increasing well-being and mental health and also to developing intuition.

Discover your strengths, strengths and weaknesses as well. Greater knowledge about ourselves helps us to cope better with all situations of life.

Self-knowledge is the basis of emotional intelligence. Knowing what we feel, what we think, how we act... will give us a powerful tool to make good decisions.

It is also important that you Set goals That you imagine your life within a time and you see that you would like to have obtained. Consider short-term goals and objectives that will help you achieve this.

We say that self-esteem and self-knowledge is important for intuition because it is responsible for solving new problems, generating new knowledge...

It is accumulated experience and none of this will be effectively possible if one does not trust oneself, one's abilities, skills, and one's experience.

4- Develop emotional intelligence and practice goodness

Emotional intelligence is related to intuition. We have said that intuition is a more emotional way, related to emotions and away from logical-rational thinking.

When we sense an idea, it is because we have"felt"it, even if we do not know its reason.

We all aspire to Be good people already be happy. To thank and be good and honest with oneself and with others is the right way to get to know each other and be happy .

When one poses daily to be better, to practice goodness and compassion with oneself (aside from guilt) and with others, life flows and one is better, more awake, calmer and calmer.

In these conditions it is easier to have a good mood, understand people and be more intuitive.

5- Decelerate your rhythm of life and give yourself time

To develop intuition one must know oneself, and to know oneself, one must devote time.

Emotional intelligence is fundamental for the daily way; We need to know each other, accept each other and know how to relate to other people. It requires personal growth and development in all walks of life.

The rhythm of life that we carry is frenetic, accelerated... try to find moments for you, to find yourself and to do activities that you like and that are rewarding.

6- Think Positively

Thinking positively has many benefits for physical and mental health. It helps us to feel good, to lead a satisfying life and to have well-being and inner peace.

When We think positive , The emotions present in our life are also, which helps us to have a clearer and more optimistic mind and to relate better to the world and the people around us.

Being optimistic and thinking positively, as well as making you feel good, will help you in your openness to the world and therefore allow you to make decisions more clearly and consciously, being thus a more intuitive person who attends to all the elements around him .

Negative thoughts about ourselves, about life and about the world provoke in us emotions, feelings and negative moods that make it difficult for us to be happy and make timely decisions.

It is important that you know how to listen to yourself. When you feel bad, sad or downcast, focus and listen to what your thoughts are.

A good option may be to record the times of the day when you feel bad and what thoughts you have. Then try to change the course of thought.

Sometimes, when we see it written and with perspective, we are able to detect what has happened and we will be more likely to improve in another similar situation.

7- Do not be afraid of changes and do not be afraid to be wrong

Changes always generate fear, from uncertainty to what we do not know.

Humans like habits and customs and do not have to leave Our comfort zone .

However, confronting fears and making decisions that help us change aspects of our lives can be very beneficial to us.

They will test us and make us do our best to deal with those situations successfully.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes, mistakes are part of life and offer us valuable lessons. Change your conception of error, who is not wrong?

8- Develop your creativity

We have already said that creativity is also part of intuition. If we talk about intuition we can solve novel problems or create new knowledge, it is obvious that creativity is a fundamental piece.

Many people believe that the creative person is born; However, can be developed.

For Be creative It is important that you experiment, that you test yourself, that you are alert, that you do not always accept the first thing that comes to you and that you investigate and that in spite of everything, never feel that you have failed and try again...

Main aspects of intuition

When we sense something, a kind of"idea"is produced in us that we do not know how to identify from where it arises, but which nevertheless guides the way forward.

It is information processing unconsciously and is more related to emotions.

According Jung , The individual or the person has at his time of adapting himself and the world around him, four main psychic functions. They are sensation, thought, feeling and intuition.

In addition, this author considers that they are innate and that all human beings possess them, although in different degrees and that in general one of them is more developed than the rest.

For this author, for example, intuition is relevant because a large part of psychological disorders are determined because there is an imbalance in the four functions we have mentioned.

Sometimes we ignore or not let ourselves be guided by our intuition (which we could define as an"alarm"that detects and warns us of events or situations that we can not perceive through the senses). On these occasions we listen to the reasoning and through this we make decisions.

He brain Of the human being is able to learn by keeping and reproducing previous experiences. From all this comes the fact that he can adapt to the changing world around him.

However, it is also able to create from previous elements, new ideas and relationships. In this sense, intuition can be understood as the mental process that is part of this creative activity.

However, and yet the processes of how intuition is formed and developed still remain to be investigated.

In Modernity it was decided to give all weight to reason, parking or leaving aside other human facets. It is not something new, really, to consider that there is something beyond or different from reason.

It was decided to bet on reason by considering the human being as a rational person, something we now know that is not so. Since Postmodernity it has been seen that this is not so.

The human being has the path of reason and the way of intuition. The way of intuition is the inductive.

Einstein already said that"the only thing really valuable is intuition,"referring to the fact that it may not be appropriate to be guided only by reason.

One author, Hogarth, classifies intuitions into two groups:

  1. Intuitive retrospective judgments
  2. Prospective Inferences (What we call"predictions")

In intuition or its process we can find three steps:

1) Gather data from our experience

2) Process them unconsciously and automatically

3) The conclusion that has been forging in our consciousness suddenly appears

Intuitive People Characteristics

People with a more developed intuition can anticipate situations and are therefore more likely to be successful in making decisions.

They are more"visionary"people in terms of innovation, since they can take into account more aspects when observing and deciding in situations.

Intuitive people are more attracted to the new and the unknown, they are open minded and enthusiastic, they are creative and innovative because they take into account many more aspects of reality.

Intuition provides information to people who, if taken into account, can be useful in deciding and preventing situations that are annoying or unpleasant.

The ability to be intuitive is in all people, but there is a potential that allows us to develop it.

And what other ways do you know to develop intuition?


  1. Burgoa, L. V. (2008). The problem about the notion of human intuition. Sapientia.
  2. Page 1 The intuitive as learning for the development of creative activity in students. Medical Humanities, 13 (1), 22-37.
  3. The weekly country. Can we trust intuition?
  4. Martínez, P. and Viñas, P. The temperaments and the typology of Jung.
  5. Randstad (2012). Intuition as a source of knowledge. Trends.
  6. Royal Academy of the Spanish Language. Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy of the Spanish Language.

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