How long should you go out with someone before you get married?

How much time should you go out with someone before you get married? The character of Marianne Dashwood in "Sense and Sensibility", by Jane Austen , I would answer this question with: "It is not time or opportunity that determines intimacy, it is only disposition. Seven years would be insufficient for some people to know each other, and seven days are more than enough for others. "

In short, time becomes relative when two people really love each other, but there is a point to consider if you expect the marital union does not end in a precocious divorce. According to the study that we will present next, the time you wait to formalize a relationship influences the duration of the marriage, will it be? We invite you to continue reading and to draw your own conclusions.

How much time should you go out with someone before you get married?

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In principle, there are no steps to follow or studies that will guarantee the complete success of a marriage, because human relationships are undoubtedly of a complex nature. And this is something that the experts involved in the report we are talking about today are fully aware of. But many revealing things can arise when observing thousands of couples, with all the differences and variables that there are in each one. Understanding a little more how this type of unions works is one of them.

How long should you go out with someone before you get married?

For example, researchers Andrew Francis-Tan and Hugo M. Mialon of Emory University, found that the wedding expense Believe it or not, it affected the length of the marriage. With this you may be thinking that spending thousands of euros on a wedding will bring you closer to that longed for "for life." However, the advice that researchers offer from this result is to spend as little as possible and invite as many people as you can. After all, it is the quality of the moment that really counts, not the money invested in it.

Go out more, go out less ...

One week? One month? Or one year is what you should go out with someone before you get married ? Compared to couples who left for less than a year, those who left by one or two years before asking for marriage they reduced the risk of divorce to 20 percent. Then the courtship of three years and up , they minimized the risk of divorce by half.

In another finding from the Emory University study, couples who said they knew each other "very well" at the time of marriage also halved the risk of divorce. So, how long should you wait to get married? When it comes to marriage, the duration of courtship is not everything, it is better to know each other deeply to make it work.

How long should you go out with someone before you get married? one

Thinking about the future, as a couple, during the stage of the courtship , is another of the influential elements in marital success. Since, according to a study of 2017 by psychologist Laura VanderDrift, James Mcnulty and Levi Baker, the satisfaction that you think you will have in your future relationship is related to the level of commitment and work you will dedicate to the relationship today.

As we told you before, there are no magic recipes for a marriage to last for a lifetime, not even knowing through a study how much you should expect to get married. But having clear objectives, not misaligning them, and investing quality time to know and understand each other, can make big differences for love to flourish. What do you think about this? Feel free to tell us your opinion and experience, we will love to meet you.

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