How is the Olmec Garment?

The Dress of the Olmecs Is characterized by its conscientious elaboration and pigmentation with natural colors.

The Olmecs are one of the civilizations that developed during the Middle Preclassic Period (1200 BC and 400 BC).

Olmec dress drawing

It is not known exactly who his predecessors were. But it is a culture considered as the first Mesoamerican and therefore was the precursor of the Mayas , the Toltecs and the Aztecs . As a founder of pre-Columbian cultures, this ethnic group lived in the lowlands of central and southern Mexico.

In the Nahuatl indigenous language, the word Olmec means"People of the country of the rubber". And the term was used by researchers Valliant and Saville for the first time in the late 1920s to refer to the components of this culture, which was characterized by having carved monumental stone heads.

These were discovered in different archaeological sites in what is known as the Olmec nuclear area.

Today they are attributed different achievements To the Olmec civilization, especially in terms of architecture.

However, there are many aspects of this culture that are unknown today. In fact, much of what is known about his dress has been discovered by his sculptures and figurines, as well as by the vestiges of his culture that have been found over the years.

In the Olmec culture The cotton was cultivated and therefore this was in abundance. For this reason his clothing was mainly made with this textile.

In addition, the pieces used by the members of this society should have as main characteristic the lightness due to the environment in which they were.

For their part, the Olmecs were located in geographical areas of high temperatures. Therefore, it was essential to have light textile clothes.

A particularly striking feature of the Olmec culture was geometric designs.

These could be found not only in clothing, but also in the accessories they used.

The members of this civilization made use of a great variety of materials. Among these was leather, gold, and jade. Thus, the more complex their ornamentation, the greater the social status they represented.

Here are some of the characteristics of the dresses and costumes of the members of this ancient community:

Olmec women's clothing

Women of the Olmec culture, specifically those of the upper castes, often wore dresses made of cotton and dyed with natural pigments.

The accessories were characteristic in this civilization, therefore the females used to use them of different types. They used from necklaces and bracelets to earrings, which could be of gold or jade

As for the adornments on the head, women used to wear headdresses. These were made of different materials and styles.

And with regard to footwear, the sandals were made of leather and were decorated with different precious stones.

But not all the women of the Olmec culture wore this way. Many of them also wore skirts and could even leave their breasts exposed. Due to the climate of the areas where this civilization was located, which used to be hot, it was not necessary to have an elaborate dress.

Olmec men's clothing

How is the Olmec Garment?

As for the dress of the men of the Olmec culture there are also particularities. Both rulers, chiefs, and members of the high society used to wear loincloths made of cotton and leather, accompanied by decorative inlays of gold and jade.

In addition to the loincloth, the Olmec men added a cloak to their attire. Like the other pieces of clothing, these layers were made of cotton and often wore geometric embroidery.

Women were not the only ones wearing headdresses and accessories. Men also often wore on their heads these ornaments made with various materials and with very varied styles.

And as for accessories, they used to wear necklaces, wristbands, bracelets, hoops in the arms, among other things. All these elements were created in gold or jade.

And if we talk about footwear, this also had its peculiarities. The men wore leather sandals and shin guards made of leather and often decorated with precious stones such as jade. On the other hand, Olmec men were also tattooed with vegetable inks.

Other details of the Olmec culture

Olmec cultural contributions

Like most societies, the Olmec civilization was stratified. It was made up of a minority that not only had different social privileges, but also managed politics. Those who were part of this class were priests and warriors.

The Olmecs were a theocratic society. Therefore, his supreme chief was a priest. The entire geographical and social environment was ruled by religion. And this was also the basis of administrative organization.

Civilization was organized into tribes. And in them lived families that were directed by a single chief who was called Chichimecatl.

The rest of Olmec society were peasants who used to live in villages. These were responsible for the cultivation of land and the construction of ceremonial centers.

The women, for their part, were engaged in activities such as the making of clay utensils, spinning and obviously taking care of children.

Regarding the economy of Olmec culture was focused on agriculture. The lands they inhabited were especially good for this type of activity.

Not only were they incredibly fertile, but they also had a climate characterized by abundant rainfall. And additionally they had growing rivers nearby. Like almost all ancient civilizations, the Olmecs were also fishermen and hunters.

Olmec society ended up disappearing as a result of rivalries with other populations. These disagreements generated wars, which caused the destruction of Olmec cities.

Little by little, the Olmecs disintegrated until finally they finally left their areas.


  1. Indigenous peoples Mesoamerica. (without date). Olmecs. Recovered from
  2. Florescano, E. (undated). The Olmecs: the first kingdom of Mesoamerica. Journal of the University of Mexico. Recovered from

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