Homophobia: Types, Causes and Consequences

The Homophobia Is the hostile attitude towards homosexual people, whether men or women. We could also say that"it is the hatred and fear of those people who do not fit into the heterosexual label."

People may be afraid of homosexual people because of their sexual orientation, which"goes out"according to certain people. This attitude can also be discriminatory. It has always been possible to consider homosexuals to have existed.


These, out of fear of the rejection of society, and of his family in particular have had to keep silent. Today, the situation is changing as we live in a more equitable and just society in which we can live with values ​​that help us achieve this goal.

Understanding homosexuality is the sexual and emotional attraction to people of the same sex, which as such carries implicit - though not exclusively - sexual desire, erotic fantasies, emotional attachment and desired behaviors with people of the same sex.

Within this group we can find two groups: gays and lesbians. The former are men who are attracted to other men, while the latter refers to women who are attracted to other women.

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Homophobia data worldwide

Below we present some data from the year 2014 on homosexuality and homophobia worldwide. In 76 countries, homosexuality continues to be considered illegal, punishing eight of them with death sentences.

In 19 countries, adoption of minors with same-sex parents is allowed, as well as civil unions. Discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation is prohibited in 63 countries, and in 31 countries in addition, incitement to hatred based on sexual orientation is also prohibited.

In 34 countries, sexual orientation is considered an aggravating factor in the case of hate crimes. Finally, in 117 countries, homosexuality is authorized by law.

As we can verify, little by little homosexual people are becoming visible in the great institutions and gaining rights such as marriage or adoption, and even legal.

However, there are still many countries in which this possibility is unthinkable and in which homophobia is more present than ever.

What types of homophobia are there?

Here are the types of homophobia that exist under UNFPA (2013):

Affective homophobia

This type of homophobia could be considered as all those feelings of rejection towards homosexual people, that is, the feelings that arise when dealing with a homosexual person.

This type of rejection can be manifested by having physical contact with that person, or by feeling uncomfortable when you are with that person or even when you see signs of affection in public.

Behavioral homophobia

This type of homophobia is related to the behavior of homosexual people. They can range from the joke or joke, which would be considered the slightest on the scale until physical aggression.

Cognitive homophobia

They are the ideas and concepts that are taken towards homosexuality. Homosexuality has always been understood as something negative, unnatural or amoral based on stereotypes and therefore sometimes erroneous.

In addition to the above, you can also find signs of homophobia at the institutional level, whether in laws or even in the media. According to Maroto (2006) there are four levels of homophobic attitude:

  • Repulsion. Homosexuality is understood as a crime against nature.
  • Pity. It is considered a mature and preferable option. They feel sorry for those who are not heterosexual.
  • Homosexuality is a development, that is, these people have not matured and have to be treated with a lot of protection.
  • Acceptance. There is still something that has to be accepted.

Why does homophobia exist?

It is very difficult to know exactly why homophobia occurs because it can vary both in each case and in society. In spite of this, we can point out some casusas according to Generelo and Pichardo (2005):

  • Even today, the Heterosexuality As"normal"within society, so there is social rejection towards homosexuality. For many people, it can be understood as a threat to social norms and values ​​since, as has been pointed out, homosexual practices can be conceived as dirty and immoral.
  • We also find rejection towards homosexuals since they can not procreate, reason why the species can be in danger.
  • In addition, these people leave the male and female mold, roles that have been understood as correct by society.
  • Finally, to add to the above the appearance of the AIDS , Which has identified homosexual people as transmitters of it.

What are the consequences of homophobia for homosexuals?

Homophobia brings with it many psychological problems for homosexuals, especially minors or adolescents. Here are some consequences:

  • It often prevents the development of links such as intimacy with other people.
  • You can limit communication with the family, in addition to the links.
  • Adolescents may decrease their ability to express themselves as they are enclosed in rigid and static roles.
  • It leads to expressing a wrong sexuality to prove that they are not homosexual.
  • It impedes the richness of diversity.
  • During adolescence, it is very important to belong to and be accepted by a group. There may be rejection of what is different from most.
  • It leads to self-limitation and self-exclusion as it prevents discriminatory and violent environments.

In addition to the above, homosexual people due to pressure may become aggressive or even have psycho-somatic disorder. They may also suffer Social anxiety or depression or even panic (UNFPA, 2013).

How can we fight homophobia?

We as family and education professionals can directly influence the society in which we live positively to try to reduce homophobia. What can we do?.

Below is a summary of some actions that are very effective to address this problem.

Since the Families, school and community A multitude of actions can be carried out to help alleviate homophobia in society:

  • One of them could be to promote dialogue and debate on this issue, always pointing out the importance of human rights.
  • Since homosexual people are a reality, one should talk to the family about this issue with the intention of sensitizing them.
  • You could also talk about this issue in school given that each person has the right to be different.
  • Finally, one should talk to the teachers of the centers because children can also imitate the homophobic feeling. It is therefore very important that there is an"acceptance of differences"on the part of teachers.

By last, For homosexual people Who are receiving a homophobic treatment should be:

  • Support him to accept his identity as well as if he suffered harassment on the grounds of his sexual orientation.
  • It would also be advisable to encourage him as he is free to talk about his feelings and talk about them.
  • Help him to contextualize the situation since it is often tended to exaggerate them, so they usually affect more.
  • Remind her that as a family she will always count on your support.
  • In the event that their discomfort was extreme and family and educational support was not necessary, it would be advisable to seek help from professionals.


In general and even today, society does not know the origins of the different sexual orientations and, in many cases, this ignorance can cause fear and therefore transform itself into homophobia.

Since childhood we are inculcating what is right and what is wrong, ie correct and incorrect behaviors so that heterosexuality is considered right, since most is.

Another of the problems that can be considered is the little orientation that they receive by their family and the school and the society in general. Most sex education classes at the school are aimed at heterosexual people and the precautions to be taken.

However there is no mention of homosexuals and the dangers that exist. This means that if you do not trust the family, or if you have not said that you are homosexual, you do not know where to go to resolve your doubts.

With regard to the family, it is often assumed that our children are heterosexual and when it is discovered that they are not, can generate a big problem that is not known how to deal with.

Many because of what has been pointed out above, think that it is a phase and that they will pass or that they should go to the psychologist. This arises from the great lack of knowledge about homosexuality and has difficulty assimilating that their son is having relations with someone of the same sex and has two possible endings: the acceptance and support towards his homosexual son and the rejection and shame Towards it.

For this reason there are many teenagers who are afraid to openly say their sexual orientation and live to please their family, becoming truly unhappy.

Finally, there is still much work to be done from the family, school and community to reduce this type of homophobia. As noted above, education professionals should be trained not to perpetrate different types of homophobia at school and to act in cases of bullying.

In addition, informative talks should be held at the centers for both parents and young people so that they can resolve their doubts and have knowledge of what it is in order to reduce homophobia.


  1. Of UNFPA, P. (2013). Report of UNFPA.
  2. Generelo Lanaspa, J., Pichardo Galán, J.I (coord.) (2006) Homophobia in the educational system. Madrid: State Federation of Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Bisexual.
  3. Maroto Sáez, A.L (2006). Homosexuality and social work. Madrid: General Council of Official Colleges of Diplomates in Social Work and Social Assistants
  4. Ugarte Pérez, J. (2006). Without bloodshed: an essay on homosexuality. Madrid: Infoprint, S.L.
  5. Image source .

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