Happy Couples: 10 Habits That Practice Every Day

It is sometimes thought that Happy couples Are found only in Disney movies. That romantic and lasting love is an ideal Difficult to translate into reality. Even more so in a world with a high percentage of separations or divorces.

According to statistics, 65% of couples in Spain divorce. 25% of couples are about to be; And 10% are happy with their partner.

Happy couples

It seems that the ideal resists, But is not it worth trying to be part of that 10%? That can only be possible if you make it possible.

For this you have to dedicate time and effort. It is like a plant, if you water it every day and you put fertilizer it grows strong and healthy.

The positive you get from such an effort is a reward too great for it not to be attempted.

Do you dare to try and be part of that 10%?

10 things happy couples do every day

  1. Link between them

Calling is not reserved exclusively for teens or the beginning of a relationship; Should be something regular and no expiration date.

You are never too old to call your partner. When was the last time you told your partner how sexy she is in that dress?

Happy couples are often told how handsome their partner is, they often whisper to each other, grabbing their partner from behind while She scrubs dishes, caresses her back, etc.

They are constantly in a game of tenderness, innuendo and provocations that makes them keep the flame, feel attractive towards the other and Feel alive.

If you want, you can have it with your partner. The couples who have it is because they have endeavored to keep the passion between them, not letting it be Turn it off.

If you think you've lost your passion with your partner, be as old as you are, and you want to get her back, make your partner feel how attractive she is for you.

Inspire yourself with subtlety, make him feel that for you is unique and relive the fun and exciting game of flirtation.

  1. They have their own games

Couple having fun

Happy couples have games that only they know and no one else.

Games like calling each other in a certain way that would be very cheesy in the ears of another person. Fun games that only amuse you they. Dances reserved for intimacy (and less bad because it might turn out to be a bit embarrassing).

And the reality is that these kitschy and embarrassing games are exciting for them, and it's great that they are. We could say that it is as your brand of Identity in the couple.

In fact, when happy couples are asked what they would most miss about their partner, it is precisely these games of their own which, Fortunately, only they know.

  1. They plan the future together

Sometimes it happens that couples do not share a common future. That is, they avoid talking about future plans, waiting for things to go March.

This is often linked to fear of compromise. Fear of commitment has always existed, but it is becoming more palpable in our society since We are evolving into an increasingly individualistic society.

This increasingly individualistic society is characterized by prioritizing individual projects: good training, traveling, working a season in The foreigner, etc. Leaving common projects in the background.

Better or worse? Neither better nor worse, different, and therefore we must adapt to these new social and cultural changes.

However, in the area of ​​the couple, the focus on individual projects has implications for the relationship. For this you must Prioritize What is most important to you?

Happy couples are a pack, and as pack they plan their future as a couple, not as individual beings.

This does not mean that each couple does not have their individuality. It would be a big mistake.

It means that each of the couple plans together with the other anything that happens to them: the future in their personal career, the education of the Children, the car they buy, economic issues, etc.

And this is because your partner has chosen you as your life partner and, therefore, you must work as a team.

  1. They have their personal space

Couple on beach

As I said in the previous point, being a pack and doing teamwork does not mean depending on your partner.

Aside from planning the future together and being a team, each of you must have your own personal space.

Happy couples each have their own hobbies, friendships and moments of intimacy.

It is important that each of you do things individually: sports, photography, friends with friends, etc. Let you also enjoy Certain things without the other, individually or sharing with other people.

Doing activities and having hobbies on your own will also make you more interesting to your partner and feel that you do not depend on him / her for Feel good and have fun.

If you feel that you depend on your partner and that without him / her you would not be anybody or that you could not get ahead, you must change this situation and learn to valerte For yourself and find your personal space.

  1. Cultivate common interests

Couple fishing

No matter how different you may become, there are always common interests. You just might not have discovered them.

If you a priori see that you have no common interest with your partner, you can create that common interest. It is a matter of relaxing a little and wanting to Create it.

It is important to be willing to learn from the other.

Perhaps, interests that the other has a priori you do not care, may be interested. You just have to be open-minded and see what Can give you your partner.

Happy couples are interested in each other's hobbies and interests and try to test them. They also discover something they did not know about and that Can be exciting.

For example, in my case, I have always considered myself denied in the drawing. So I've never been interested in learning to draw. However, my Couple loves to draw and is really good.

One day I told him that I wanted to learn to draw charcoal and asked him to teach me. The first drawing I did was downright horrible, Confirmed my poor artistic gifts.

But I kept trying, and it was getting better every time.

Now I enjoy like a little girl drawing with charcoal. And although I know that I probably will not become a good charcoal sketcher, I love to know that Something that I thought was impossible in me, I have been able to make it possible.

Now we draw together and it's an incredible moment.

So open your mind and cultivate common interests.

You will enrich yourself as a person and as a couple.

  1. They are actively listening

Senior couple

This key is fundamental in a good relationship. Listening is a skill, and if you find it difficult you should strive to learn it. It is not the same to hear as to listen.

To listen to your partner you have to do it actively, looking into his eyes, nodding from time to time making him see that you are pending He / she and ask to know more about what he is explaining to you.

It is of the utmost importance that you feel important to your partner and to make your partner feel important to you. And this is done, above all, through the active listening.

Happy couples are listened to attentively. They are interested in what the other is telling them. They are interested in your feeling, by your point of view.

Happy couples feel calm because they know that when they get home after a long day their partner will listen to them and support them.

  1. They give more importance to what their partner does well than to what is wrong

Happy couples focus more on the good things about their partner.

If they focused more on the bad ones, they would constantly discuss and generate an increasingly negative climate.

Happy couples verbalize to each other what they like about him / her, they rejoice when the other does something right and when they get a challenge or a victory.

This causes that generates a climate of positivism, optimism And desire to evolve that is being fed. It makes both partners Gain self-esteem, security and confidence in themselves and in the other.

That does not mean that happy couples do not say bad things. Of course, they talk about what they do not like about their partner. But they will always do A constructive way with the aim of improving their relationship.

One of the most important things about happy couples is that they have tried to improve those aspects where they limped and could change for the better, and have Learned to laugh at those aspects that they do not like about their partner but that inevitably are part of their person.

  1. They go to bed at the same time

Surely you will agree with me that the time to go to bed is a time of the day when you can only say one thing: Finally!

It is a unique moment in which you feel very comfortable since at last gives step to relax. It is also a moment in which you review your day, and it is also a Time to have physical contact with your partner.

Being able to enjoy the end of your day stretched comfortably in bed hugging your partner and feeling the contact with your body, is a moment they value Very positively happy couples.

It does not matter if one rises before or after, or if one falls asleep before the other, the important thing is to feel that there is someone who wants to sleep with you side.

  1. They hug each other frequently

Couple hug

Hugs have numerous beneficial both mental and physical: Reduces stress Y the anxiety , Lowers blood pressure, improves system Immune, has cardiovascular benefits, reduces the risk of dementia, improves mood, rejuvenates the body, relaxes muscles, Elevates self-esteem and generates confidence and security.

As you see the hugs have multiple benefits, so why not do it?

Happy couples have embraced in their lives and often embrace naturally. In addition, a hug always gives rise to a kiss, and A kiss can give way to much more.

If you have lost the habit of embracing your partner, it is just a matter of putting on.

At first it may seem somewhat forced and prepared but little by little, and as you go, you will give them more often and spontaneously Because you will incorporate it as something natural in your lives.

  1. Give importance to the projects and desires of the other

Happy couples know that before their desires and projects they will feel supported by the other.

Have confidence And the peace of being able to share their desires and aspirations without feeling judged and receiving the support they need at that moment To be able to develop what they have in mind.

As I said earlier, each member of the couple should have their personal and individual projects, but at the same time, they have to feel that their Projects are important to each other. They are, therefore, individual projects that must be shared.

In happy couples there is not one who feels more and the other less, but both have made both feel equally important for him other.

And this is achieved by valuing at all times what the other tries to do, create and develop. And even more, they try to enhance the qualities and Skills that the other has helping each other develop as people.

And what other things do you think make couples happy?


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