Find love in the past | Techniques and methods of history

As has been seen in stories and in beautiful poetic pieces, it was not until the Middle Ages that romantic love became something that was worth being celebrated, thanks to the new image that was had of women. With potions, wives' markets, Viking texts and more ... We tell you below techniques and methods for find love in the past , Supercuriosa!

Finding love in the past

Find love in the past in the marriage market

wives market, love in the past

In the marriage market, any mortal could get a couple, no matter what their condition ... Unhappy, poor, elderly or crippled, pairing was as simple as buying an apple at a fruit stand. Herodotus described this ancient custom as an open market for all audiences, attended by people from other towns hoping to find company for life.

The auction started with attractive women, who, of course, received the best offers, usually from well-to-do men of good size. But the rule of the game changed when it came to the turn of people with less opportunities to love at first sight. In these cases, the auctioneer was the one who paid the participants so that no one was left unpaired. The bidders, in addition, had to give a support that guaranteed their will to continue standing with the marriage, since they would be receiving a dowry for taking a lady.

Write a letter in the Viking style

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about Vikings are axes, looting and epic stories. But there is something else you can expect about them, they were one of the most romantic civilizations. And falling in love by hand was one of his techniques for find love in the past .

In the Njál saga a story is told love passionate, in which the wife of Njál offer him the amnesty, but she decides to die with her beloved to fulfill a promise: love and stay together for the rest of your days . This story or many others collected in Viking sagas They could have inspired the most timid of the Nordic peoples who declared their feelings with lyrics that were as dramatic as they were moving.

Share a secret language

Find love in the past. Techniques and methods of history

This advice to find love in the past goes to the prolific inventor Thomas Edison, who fell in love with Mina Miller, a 20-year-old girl when he was 40, with a method that assured her absolute discretion: Morse code .

By the time they met, Thomas Edison had recently become a widow, and Mina was the daughter of another well-known inventor, Lewis Miller. In order not to be viewed with bad eyes and out of respect for Mina's father, both preferred to keep their romance low profile for a while. For this, Thomas taught Morse code to his girlfriend and was so effective the strategy that made her his second wife shortly after. A very interesting way to fall in love, in our opinion.

Love in some Nordic countries

In the past, courtship with knives was very common in Finland. For example, when a woman reached the age of majority, her father announced that she was available for marriage by placing an empty scabbard attached to her girdle. If a suitor was interested in her, he would place a puukko knife in her case. The girl could only keep it if the interest was mutual.

Courtship in England

Find love in the past. Techniques and methods of history 1

In England they preferred gloves rather than knives. The English gentlemen had the habit of sending a pair of endurance to their true loves. If the woman wore them during the Sunday Masses, this would mean that she would have accepted the proposal to be together.

If all the tricks failed, a love potion

In different cultures we find drinks or dishes supposedly capable of awakening carnal feelings or desires in others. In the past there was also this belief, especially with potions that promised to ignite the flame of passion when all the other tricks failed.

Alberto Magno prescribed in a medieval book about plants and animals, a mixture of periwinkle with leeks and earthworms, which when pulverized and sprinkled on food, had the power to strengthen or awaken the love between a man and a woman as if it were a spell. This recipe was so popular during the Middle Ages, that it was repeated in a lot of love potions.

What do you think of these ways of courting in the past? Would you add others? Eat them!

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