Ecuavóley: history, fundamentals, rules, measure of the field

He ecuavóley , ecuavolley, ecuabol, creole volleyball or simply boly, is a variant of traditional volleyball invented in Ecuador. It is practiced throughout the country and among the Ecuadorian community throughout the world, mainly in Colombia, the United States and Europe.

The origin of the game is unknown because there are records of its practice before the arrival of Europeans. Historians suggest that it had an independent beginning and, after the cultural exchange, the locals converged some elements of the game with those already existing.

Ecuavóley: history, fundamentals, rules, measure of the field

Initially, ecuavóley began to be practiced in neighborhoods and peripheral locations of the capital, Quito. However, with the passage of time, the game became popular throughout the country.

At present, although there are general regulations in each game, it is possible to adapt certain rules according to what each team agrees, which gives it a certain flexibility status.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Nowadays
    • 1.2 Timeline of sport
  • 2 Foundations of ecuavóley
  • 3 Field measurements
  • 4 References


There is no clarity about the origin of this sport, although it is believed that the first steps were taken in the Ecuadorian highlands during the nineteenth century, when the ancestral peoples already practiced a modality similar to the current one.

During the time, the game was popular in humble areas of Quito and Cuenca-cities that are considered pioneers in the Boly. Its spread throughout the territory, was due to the constant migrations and military settlements.

In the middle of the 20th century, leagues and teams from different neighborhoods of the capital were formed, giving impetus and recognition among the population. To give order as to the practice, the Federation of Barriales and Paroquial Sports Leagues of the Canton Quito was founded in 1957.

Two years later, the first Boly championship was organized and during the 60s and 70s, extremely popular events were held.

At the end of the 80s and thanks to the growth of the leagues, the Sports Physical Education and Recreation Law was promulgated, in order to include the Federation to the National Sports Council of Ecuador.


In the 90s, a total of 8000 teams belonging to more than 200 neighborhood leagues were registered, only located in the capital. Thanks to this, the sport became serious when organizing higher level competitions.

By the end of the decade, the rules and foundations of the game were updated to later become one of the most popular sports in the country, behind football.

Timeline of sport

Next, a series of sequences of events related to the emergence and establishment of boley as a sport are presented:

  • 1943: Sports officially begins in the neighborhoods of Quito.
  • 1944-1957: the first neighborhood leagues are formed.
  • 1957: the Federation of Barriales and Paroquiales Sports League of the Canton Quito is founded. That same year the first tournament of Champions and Vice Champions was inaugurated.
  • Organization of the first championship of volleyball champions.
  • 1960-1970: organization of championships of basketball, soccer, swimming and boley (the latter in order to promote the sport in the country).
  • 1971: foundation of the National Federation of Neighborhood Sports Leagues of Novatos del Ecuador (Fedenaligas).
  • 1980-1990: growth of the neighborhood leagues and federations as representatives of the neighborhoods.
  • 1989: promulgation of the Law of Physical Education Sports and Recreation for the incorporation of Fedenaligas to the National Council of Sports.

Foundations of ecuavóley

  • The court is divided into two squares of 9 × 9 meters each, separated by a 5cm rope or line.
  • There are three players on each side: the setter, the server and the flyer. Although they have specific responsibilities, functions can be alternated as long as the ball does not fall to the ground.
  • You can return the ball in three touches but not by the same player.
  • Everyone can attack from any position.
  • There is the"ball guys"style that consists of hitting the ball with a swipe to drive the ball down. His strength can be equated to a free kick in football.
  • Naked hands, fists or forearms may be used.
  • They are played in intervals of 10, 12 or 15 points, depending on what each team agrees.
  • The victory is awarded by having two points of advantage over the opposing team.
  • A # 5 ball is used (like the one used in soccer), but any compact or similar type works.
  • The registration of points is made by the referee.

There are two types of plays:

  • Place Play : The setter covers half of the court, and the other part is covered by the server and the flyer.
  • Move In : the setter moves through the network from side to side, the server is placed backwards and the flyer covers the part unprotected by the setter.


The boly has a series of general rules. However, depending on the players, the type of tournament and what is agreed between the teams, it is possible to add or customize other rules.

  • Each team must be made up of three players: setter (forward), flyer (placed on the back) and server (support).
  • The flier, as the team's defense, is not allowed to be captain, can not serve, block or complement any attack. Also, you should not place your fingers in front of the line of attack.
  • The network is placed at 2.85 m in height and has a width of 60 cm.
  • The field must have the same dimensions: 18 m long and 9 m wide.
  • You can have the ball in your hand for less than a second.
  • You can not touch the net with your hand.
  • You can not step on or cross the line below the network.
  • The ball is not kicked.
  • You can beat (volley) the ball from any position, while the player is placed behind the service line.
  • It is not valid to beat with both hands.
  • The game is structured in two sets of 15 points (it can vary according to what was stated above). If there is a tie, you can go to a set to define the match.
  • It can be held on the ball each time it is received, as long as the action does not last more than a second.

Field measurements

The court will be 18 meters long and 9 meters wide. The same, will be divided into two parts of 9 meters each. The separation will be marked with a line or line 5 cm wide, which will determine the area allowed for the game.

The net is placed on two poles at a height of 2.80 - 2.85 meters (from the top edge to the ground). This, however, can change according to the requirements of the players.


  1. History of Ecuavoley. (s.f.) In About Spanish. Retrieved: March 8, 2018. In About Español of
  2. Ecua-volley. (s.f.) In Wikipedia. Retrieved: March 8, 2018. In Wikipedia from
  3. Ecuavóley: what is it? (s.f.) In Tu Ecuavoley Alborada. Retrieved: March 8, 2018. In Tu Ecuavoley Alborada de
  4. Ecuavóley. (s.f.) In EcuRed. Retrieved: March 8, 2018. In EcuRed of
  5. Ecuavóley. (s.f.) In Wikipedia. Retrieved: March 8, 2018. In Wikipedia of
  6. Meneses, Ricardo. (s.f.) Encuavóley: a sport between bets . In Twenty Worlds. Retrieved: March 8, 2018. In Veinte Mundos de

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