Dolphin Therapy: 8 Incredible Benefits for Children and Adults

The Dolphin therapy Or therapy with dolphins is a method of intervention that involves the use of dolphins to improve some physical and mental conditions and has gained great popularity in recent years.

Such therapy is effective in the treatment of a wide range of conditions: depression , Language development, down syndrome, autism , Cancer, stress , anxiety , Psychomotricity, self esteem , Motivation, Hyperactivity , social phobia , Communicative difficulties, etc.

Dolphin therapy

Throughout history, numerous types of assisted animal therapies have been developed, based on the hypothesis that the human-animal relationship contributes to the well-being and health of the former.

This phenomenon of well-being has been documented for the first time in 1980 when Friedmann demonstrated the benefits of pet ownership in the short- and long-term recovery and survival of coronary patients. Since then, the development of this type of therapy has grown unstoppable.

The human-animal bond or connection is created by the human being in a natural way, made evident by the evidence of the existence of pets long before the human was homo sapiens sapiens.

This link has been described in many different sources: ancient literature, modern fiction, scientific publications, etc. Robinson concluded in 1995 that relationships with other species cover human needs that go beyond basic needs.

From the first occurrences of this type of interventions to the present, many clinicians have reported the effectiveness of the use of animals in psychological therapy. The psychological benefits and benefits provided by the context of therapy established with the presence of animals are immeasurable.

" Animals are very nice friends. Do not ask questions and do not allow criticism ". (George Eliot, 1857)

Benefits of Dolphin Therapy

Child with dolphin

Dolphin therapy has been used for the first time in England in 1976 by Dr. Doobs for the psychological treatment of patients presenting with work tension, better known today as Burnout .

The results were objectified with the measurement of blood markers. It was demonstrated, among other things, that dolphin assisted therapy increases Levels of endorphins In blood, hormone associated with relaxation (increased parasympathetic activity of the central nervous system).

Let's take a detailed look at 10 of the most attractive and documented benefits of dolphin assisted therapy:


Girl watching dolphins

A lot of health problems, both psychological and physical, are highly associated with the context of life. With the advances of modern life, we have stopped living in a natural environment, a fact that has contributed to the emergence of stress, anxiety, mood disorders, etc.

Dolphin assisted therapy provides an environment of absolute avoidance of modern life, in many cases including the possibility of traveling to natural paradises such as Island Dolphin Care in Florida or Isla Margarita in Venezuela.

This characteristic of dolphin assisted intervention is therapeutic in its own right, allowing users to forget the pathological context of disease acquisition.


Another use of dolphins for health purposes is known as Relaxation therapy With dolphins.

Different spas have implemented this therapy in their offer due to the great demand of the public, offering benefits of reduction of anxiety and stress.

3-Synchronization of biological rhythms

Dolphin kissing girl

Cochrane and Callen demonstrated in 1998 that flotation in aqueous medium induces the Theta brain rhythm , Associated with the less deep sleep stages.

During the same, in the brain There is the release and propagation of a cluster of neurotransmitters that induce complete relaxation of body and mind.

Numerous physiological benefits have been associated with immersion in water. Among them, there is greater freedom from gravitational forces and less restriction, making dolphin therapy an ideal context for physiotherapy and treatment of psychomotor problems and physical disability.

4-Freedom and openness

According to the researchers Cochrane and Callen (1998):" Even children with severe disabilities begin to open when they are in the water. Little by little they lose their fear and begin to move as if they were in a familiar and reassuring environment ".

5-Human-animal link

Dolphin and young girl

Brensing proposed in 2003 that, beyond the benefits of an aquatic environment, the positive impact of dolphin assisted therapy could be based on the delicate and kind behavior of dolphins towards humans.

In the context of therapy, according to Judy A. Rollins, patients do not seem to focus on healing, but on how peaceful and magical dolphin swimming is.

6-Improvement of communicative and concentration skills

As a result of the dolphin therapy, patients increase their vitality, receptivity and attentive abilities. A better ability to focus and concentrate during and beyond therapy is developed.

An improvement in expressive communication skills, such as maintaining eye contact, sound production, and language development, has been documented in children.

In patients with autism, the development of cooperation and participation behaviors has been observed, as well as the facilitation of the establishment of new social relations.

7-Improving intellectual and learning skills

Children with dolphins

In children, significant progress in development and responsiveness to maternal behavior has been demonstrated.

The improvement is observed in the capacity of initiative, level of processing and speed in the same.

Since most learning difficulties are caused by problems in the concentration and processing of information, acting on the cause of the problem becomes the best path of improvement.

8-Connection with nature

Proponents of dolphin therapy claim that using dolphins allows patients to experience powerful emotions associated with the connection with nature and biology.

And what do you think about dolphin therapy? Do you support it? Have you tried it yet?


  1. Baverstock, A. and Finlay, F. (2008). Does swimming with dolphins have any health benefits for children with cerebral palsy? ADC.
  2. Rollins, J. (2011). Swimming with the dolphins. Pediatric nursing. Vol 37, no.3.
  3. Fine, H. (2010). Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy: Theoretical Foundations and Guidelines. Elsevier: Academic Press.
  4. Cochrane, A. and Callen, K. 1998. Beyond the blue: dolphins and their healing powers. Bloomsbury, London.
  5. Friedmann et al (1980). Animal companions and one-year survival of patients after discharge from a coronary care unit. Public Health Reports. Vol.95, no.4, 307.
  6. Mithen, S and Donald, M (1996). The Prehistory of the Mind: An Exchange. W & N.
  7. Robinson, M. (1995). Zoo Animals. New York: Macmillan USA.
  8. Breitenbach, E. et al (2009). Dolphin-Assisted Therapy: Changes in interaction and communication between children with severe disabilities and their caregivers. Anthrozoos: A multidisciplinary journal of the interactions of people and animals, 22: 3, 277-289
  9. Cochrane, A. and Callen, K. 1998. Beyond the blue: dolphins and their healing powers. Bloomsbury, London.
  10. Nathanson, D. E., De Castro, D., Friend, H. and McMahon, M. 1997. Effectiveness of short-term dolphin-assisted therapy for children with severe disabilities. Anthrozoos 10 (2/3): 90-100.
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