Diet To Fatten: How To Gain Weight

A Diet to gain weight Must be based on foods with high calories but also have a lot of nutrients. On the other hand, it is necessary to take other types of food needed even if they do not have as many calories. In addition, it is necessary to continue leading a healthy lifestyle.

In a world where overweight and sedentary lifestyle is increasing, diets to lose weight cover the first pages of the great reports of the world's most prestigious magazines on nutrition.

Diet to gain weight

It is creating an aura of awareness and medical interests where people are looking to stop fattening in order to get an ideal, and above all, healthy body.

This is done mainly to avoid diseases of various types among which we find mainly cardiovascular or dietary.

But, it seems a lie, there is another side in this coin. Here are the people who want to reverse their situation in a way contrary to a diet to gain weight.

We speak of a group that has a low weight, and that it costs him to leave (either for diseases or his own metabolism) of that situation seeking, like the other sector, to reach an ideal weight so as not to run the risk of Unnecessary diseases.

For this, different forms of diets focused on gain weight In a healthy way and without ingesting substances harmful to our body.

Next we will detail what are the multiple options and how necessary are to get a few extra kilos.

Benefits of fattening diets

These can be several. People who are not able to gain the required number of kilos usually have almost the same problems as people who want to lose them immediately.

First of all, if we achieve the proposed goal, we will improve our mood. Studies have confirmed that people who achieve their ideal weight are much happier and happier.

By eating more, the body will adapt to the nutrients and will need more rest to recover. This will result in a regulation of adequate sleep time, thus recovering the lack of the hours we lose at night.

In addition, your sexual desire grows considerably. This is because hormones increase your productivity, and in this way, helping your sexuality.

And of course and one of the main benefits is that obviously you get to get the ideal figure that was so craved.

How to start gaining weight?

In principle and first of all, we must calculate the number of calories our body should ingest at the end of the day. This is done by an equation where its result is called under the name Metabolic Resting Rate (TMR), varying in the change from man to woman:

  • MENS : TMR = (10 x P) + (6.25 x A) - (5 x E) + 5
  • WOMEN : TMR = (10 x P) + (6.25 x A) - (5 x E)?? 161

The?? P?? Is translated as our weight, the?? A?? By the height and the?? E?? Refers to the number of years we have.

The result will be the number of calories necessary for our body to work properly during the day without attending to our physical activities.

Now, we also need to know exactly the amount of calories we gain taking into account, as we have said, the physical exercise that we perform daily. This varies according to the person in question, where we must multiply the result of the previous equation by 1.2 if not performed any exercise, by 1.55 if performed regularly and finally by 1.9 if the subject is treated Of a person who has extreme physical activity.

The result obtained is advised to add about 500 calories per day. In addition, if we perform some physical exercise more than 30 minutes, it is convenient to increase the number of calories that we are going to ingest.

Then, from the result that we get we must begin to see the diet that is related to our calories and knowing the foods that will help us achieve our goal.

Main food

Apart from the type of diet, there are a number of foods that will help us in such an arduous task. They will mainly be rich in Carbohydrates And B vitamins increase. Likewise, fats must be taken in moderation, as their use can often be harmful to our health. Among them we find three types:

  1. Nuts : Especially walnuts and almonds, although we can also eat pistachios, pipes and other fruits.
  2. Dairy products : It is necessary to decant for the whole dairy, since they are the ones that contribute more caloric give. They are rich in vitamin D .
  3. Cereals : Highlighting the Buckwheat and the quinoa , Being the ones that contribute more of fiber in their composition.
  4. Vegetables : Always healthy and rich in different nutrients that will make eating copiously cover our caloric needs.
  5. Fruits and vegetables : Especially the avocado, coconut and banana, being shown as the foods of greater calorific value within this family. At least five pieces a day should be taken if we want them to begin to produce an effect on our metabolism.
  6. Other Supplements : Here we find some such Like honey , Where a small spoonful that accompanies your meals will result in a nutritious and healthy contribution of calories.

Physical exercise

It may sound contradictory, but it is a practice that will help us in many ways in our diet. Just add a plus of calories as we mentioned before to our meals to be able to gain weight while we do physical exercise.

Deciding to do these efforts while gaining a few pounds will translate into several benefits.

Between them and mainly that our physical appearance improves notably with the passage of the kilos, thus avoiding problems such as stretch marks, the fofez or directly a tummy that nobody likes to divide and dividing the weight by the different parts of the body.

It also helps our appetite increase in large quantities to be able to make bigger meals.

The activities that help us most in these aspects are basically striding, running for affordable periods of time or cycling.

Example of a calorie-rich weekly diet to gain weight

Next we leave you an example of diet from the digital magazine Relaciones TN that will help you to take a few extra kilos without the need to ingest too much saturated fats or foods processed mostly.

According to the University of Florida nutrition professor Linda Bobrof, it is advisable to make at least three meals a day and sandwich snacks during the day. And of course it is a gradual process that requires a lot of time:


  • Breakfast: Coffee with milk or orange juice and bread with vegetable butter and jam or honey or muffins.
  • Food: Artichokes with ham, or vegetable stew with potato, meat with red peppers and fries and a piece of fruit or curd.
  • Snack: Coffee with milk or orange juice and a ham or yogurt sandwich.
  • Dinner: Varied salad, battered fish or breaded breast and a piece of fruit or custard.


  • Breakfast : Coffee with milk or orange juice, bread with vegetable margarine and jam or honey or sobaos.
  • Food : Rice or pasta or vegetables with vegetables and potatoes, fish with tomato sauce or red peppers or potatoes and a piece of fruit and a fruit yogurt.
  • Snack : Coffee with milk or orange juice and a ham or yogurt sandwich.
  • Dinner : Vegetable with potatoes or varied salad, ham tortilla and a piece of fruit or yogurt or custard.


  • Breakfast : Coffee with milk or orange juice and bread with vegetable margarine and jam or honey or sobaos.
  • Food : Pisto or cream of zucchini or Russian salad, chicken battered with red peppers or tomato sauce and a piece of fruit or rice with milk.
  • Snack : Coffee with milk or orange juice and a ham or yogurt sandwich.
  • Dinner : Varied salad or julienne soup, hamburger with red peppers or salad or potatoes or escalope and a piece of fruit or cheese from Burgos.


  • Breakfast : Coffee with milk or orange juice, bread with vegetable margarine and jam or honey or sobaos.
  • Food : Chickpeas, rice, pasta or vegetables with potatoes, zancarrón with red peppers or breast with potatoes and a piece of fruit or custard.
  • Snack : Coffee with milk or orange juice and a ham or yogurt sandwich.
  • Dinner : Vegetable or varied salad, scrambled with garlic sprouts and prawns or tortilla de patatas and a piece of fruit or cheese from Burgos.


  • Breakfast : Coffee with milk or orange juice and bread with vegetable margarine and jam or honey or sobaos.
  • Food : Spinach with prawns or purrusalda with potatoes, roasted chicken with red peppers or breast with potatoes and Burgos cheese with quince.
  • Snack : Coffee with milk or orange juice and a ham or yogurt sandwich.
  • Dinner : Julienne soup or cream of carrots, chicken breast with tomatoes or peppers and a piece of fruit or yogurt.


  • Breakfast : Coffee with milk or orange juice, bread with vegetable margarine and jam or honey or muffins.
  • Food : Paella, pasta or vegetables with vegetables or vegetables with potatoes, squid in their temptation or fish with potatoes and a roasted apple or Burgos cheese with quince.
  • Snack : Coffee with milk or orange juice and a ham or yogurt sandwich.
  • Dinner : Mushrooms baked or mixed vegetables, egg with turkey sausages with peppers and a piece of fruit or Burgos cheese.


  • Breakfast : Coffee with milk or orange juice and bread with vegetable margarine and jam or honey or sobaos.
  • Food : Mixed salad or fish soup or Russian salad, roasted round or in sauce with mashed potatoes or turkey or steak with potatoes and fruit salad and roasted apple.
  • Snack : Coffee with milk or orange juice and a ham or yogurt sandwich.
  • Dinner : Vegetable puree, york ham, serrano or cold turkey or battered fish and a piece of fruit and cheese.

Some recommended recipes

The Botanical online website offers some alternative options to the typical meals that we commonly eat with some original dishes.

  • Grated cauliflower : The secret of gaining weight thanks to this dish is based on the addition of sauces to cauliflower.
  • Pasta with nuts sauce : We all know that pasta is one of the foods with the highest carbohydrate index, which together with a passive sedentary lifestyle will make us gain weight in a remarkable way. This coupled with a good tomato sauce with nuts will add calories to the plate.
  • Yogurt with raspberries, almonds and chocolate : What better pleasure than eating a good yogurt together with a rich raspberry with almonds and a good stream of chocolate syrup? Yogurt improves the intestinal flora making the fats appear in a simpler way, the nuts provide different nutrients to finish with raspberries that contribute vitamin C with a little chocolate.
  • Salads : The number of options for making salads are endless, such as a salad of potatoes with walnuts that adds calories thanks to the nuts with their omega 3 and especially a large quantity of potatoes or one of avocado and cheese, translating into A large fat cluster.

Six essential tips for following a diet to gain weight

  1. Chopping between hours is very important. Here you can opt for different avenues like nuts, take different fruit juices or vegetables.
  2. Drink between two and three glasses of water. This should be done to soften the effect on our body of the intake of calories.
  3. Some dietary boosters such as creatine monohydrate and different energy drinks will help us to develop muscle in a much faster and more effective way.
  4. In the case of dairy products , If you are intolerant to this type of food, it is always possible to substitute milk for an almond or soy.
  5. Of course, it is recommended that the diet be followed closely by a dietitian and nutritionist.
  6. When it comes to integrating different types of sauces into our meals it is common for them to be bought already manufactured. In order to show a healthier health it is advisable to do it in a homemade way at home.


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