Classification of Tales: The Main Genres

The Classification of stories Can be made according to its genre and according to its narrative form. Among the most common genres are those of fairy, science fiction, horror, adventure, mystery, realistic, children's and historical.

Similarly, stories can also be classified into two main categories: those that are transmitted orally and those that are transmitted in written form.

Short stories for children and adolescents

A story is a generally short narration in extension that treats events whose nature can be real or fictitious. In them usually is found a main personage or protagonist, along with several personages of support or secondary.

Within this type of narration, the plot or plot can be simple and always seeks to entertain the reader (Types, 2017).

Tales are one of the most representative cultural elements of humanity, since they have been part of their history for a long period of time.

Thousands of years ago they were only of oral type, happening later to be also of type writing. This has allowed many of them to have passed from one generation to the next.

The classification of the stories is given according to its purpose. Each type of story can have a different purpose that allows it to be classified within a category.

For example, historical stories are intended to give historical information. For their part, fairy tales may have as main objective to entertain.

According to its narrative form

Oral Stories

Within this group enter all stories that can be communicated orally. Historically they have been used to convey a story from one generation to another.

This is how within this group we can find the Myths (A kind of fantastic narration similar to the stories).

Oral stories are always of anonymous origin and some details included in them may vary depending on the person or place in which they are narrated (Examples, 2017).

Written Stories

This category includes all stories that are traditionally recorded in written form. On many occasions, stories that were originally tales of oral tradition, eventually become written stories.

They can also be called literary tales, since they are transmitted only by using written language. On the other hand, their authors are generally known.

Tales according to their gender

Fairy tales

This type of stories is characterized by magic and fantastic events dominating them. Usually, the characters that participate in them are fantastic, such as fairies, gnomes, knights, princesses, elves, elves, trolls, witches, orcs, among others.

All these characters have some kind of influence - positive or negative - within the plot (Classifications, 2017).

The most common audience of these stories is the children, however, the more elaborate the plot of the story, the wider the audience that encompasses.

A good example of these are the tales of The Lord of the Rings, where plot, scenarios and events can be attractive to a large segment of the population.

There are some stories within this category that initially belonged only to oral tradition and were eventually collected in written form. Such is the case of the Odyssey and the Nibelungs.

Science fiction stories

As its name indicates, the Science fiction Are stories that treat some scientific or pseudoscientific subject from a futuristic perspective, of adventure, terror or love.

Generally, trips to space, global catastrophes, moments of artificial or automated life, travel in time and travel to another dimension take place.

It is common to see how in this type of stories the characters can be robots, humanoids or aliens.

Adventure Tales

This type of stories can include other types, such as police, science fiction, horror, epics, among others.

As its name indicates, in this type of stories the characters must deal with problems, dangers, vicissitudes and situations that somehow place them in an adventure situation.

These situations are presented as obstacles that must be overcome by the characters.

Horror stories

This type of stories is structured on the basis of everything that can infuse fear of the human being. They are designed to generate the sense of mystery, suspense and fear.

In this way, within this type of stories exist characters like zombies, ghosts, specters, monsters, or any type of individuals that can evoke a supernatural event or that causes psychological terror.

Children's Stories

These types of stories are aimed at a children's audience, usually for the audience to hear. For this reason, they commonly tell happy and friendly stories, similar to those told in fairy tales, but with more agreeable endings.

The characters are usually princesses, animals, children, peasants, and in general beings that despite the vicissitudes always have a"happy ending".

Many children's stories are oriented to give a more pedagogical message, in this way they use a simpler language that helps them to be easily understood by all audiences.

In the same way, they seek to introduce teachings about moral, social and even religious values ​​within their narrative.

Mystery Tales

They are stories that focus on stories where the characters must solve a mystery. They almost always use detectives, cops and crimes to develop stories. Sometimes they can include magical events to attract the attraction of the readers.

Realistic Tales

These stories use everyday life events to achieve a credible appearance, so they seem to be talking about reality.

For this reason, there is no place for magical or fantastic events, nor do they include mythical, monstrous, science fiction, or any other events that can escape the margins of reality.

Realistic tales are placed within a framework of credible space and time, easily identifiable, since they are usually taken from real life.

This is how it is possible to find references to towns, cities and places that any individual could visit.

On many occasions, they have a high degree of attachment for historical events, so they may resemble historical tales. However, his character is fictitious.

Another detail worth mentioning is that in his narrative are included many details with the aim of giving the story a clear appearance of reality.

Historical Stories

As its name says, they are stories whose main sustenance is history. Most of the time they are closely linked with reality, making use of certain nuances that allows them to distance themselves a little from the plot in relation to the actual facts that actually happened in history.

Popular Stories

They are mainly oral narratives, which speak of simple events, many times fantastic, impregnated with certain elements of local folklore and popular beliefs of a specific place. Being of oral tradition, sometimes they can undergo changes throughout the history.

Police tales

As its name says, they are stories in which the plot is developed around a mystery, crime or police event. Sometimes they can be narrated from the perspective of a police officer, detective or criminal.

Although they do take on a real appearance, they are usually fictional narratives that only use real details to capture the reader's attention.

Wonderful tales

They are stories whose characters do not exist in the real world, however, are perceived as normal during the story.

Some examples of these characters are the dragons, the witches, the princesses, the fairies, and in general all the animals that can speak.

An important feature of these types of stories is that they do not specify the time or place in which you happen. That is, a wonderful story can begin with the words"once upon a time"or"once upon a time".

In this way it is always implied that it is a remote place, but we do not speak very specifically about what place it is.

On the other hand, this type of story does not make much emphasis on details. Therefore, the descriptions are short, only highlights feature roughly the characters and places.

In this sense, the focus of this type of stories is to tell a story in which the characters usually face several tests (Boccardo, 2017).

Fantastic Stories

This type of stories is characterized by including an atypical or abnormal element in a story that has the appearance of being real. For this reason, fantastic-type tales may include some science fiction-type tales.

When reading these stories the audience may think that these are real events, however, all the events that take place within these narrations are product of the imagination the author through the imagination of the character.

Therefore, supernatural events and events are often treated that generate uncertainty in the reader until an outcome takes place within the story.


Among other types of stories that can be found are romantic, comedy and suspense.

The narrative of each of these types depends on their gender, therefore, the romantics treat love stories, the comedy seek to generate laughter in the reader and those of suspense manage to generate a state of tension in the audience (Literature, 2017) .


  1. Boccardo, D. (2017). Fantastic Theme, S.A . Obtained from El Cuento:
  2. Classifications, E. d. (2017). Encyclopedia of Classifications . Obtained from Types of stories:
  3. Examples, 1. (2017). 10 Examples . Obtained from Types of Stories:
  4. Literature, L. and. (2017). Language and literature . Retrieved from"How Many Classes of Stories Are There?:

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