
The Main difference between trajectory and displacement Is that the latter is the distance and direction traveled by an object,...

Among the main Charles Darwin's contributions , Highlights the evolution of living beings from their approach to evolutionary theory grounded...

I bring you some today examples of Articles of diffusion Scientific, that is, texts that make science accessible to the...

He scientific thought Is the ability of people to formulate ideas and mental representations in a rational and objective way....

The Chemosynthetic theory , Also known as biosynthetic theory or physicochemical theory of the origin of life, is based on...

A physical phenomenon Is a change that can be reversible or not and that occurs in a body, a matter...

The hydrogen cycle Is that process in which the hydrogen moves by means of the water around the earth, being...

Physics studies Matter, its movement and its behavior within a given time and space. It can be said that physics...

The Lavoisier's contributions to science Most important were the law of conservation of mass and the discovery of oxygen, among...

The Dependent and independent variables Are sets of logical attributes that are sought to observe and measure as changing factors...

He Perimeter of a circle Is the value of its circumference, which can be expressed through a simple mathematical formula....

Some Examples of kinetic energy Of daily life can be the movement of a roller coaster, a ball or a...

The Delimitation of the theme In science is the first instance in the development of an investigation. This contributes to...

The Influence of the moon on physical, biological and human phenomena Is a subject that has always caused much controversy....

The Chemical elements are of great importance to living beings , Since without the former the life of the latter...

The Characteristics of liquids Serve to define the molecular structure and physical properties of one of the States of the...

The First law of Newton , Also called Law of Inertia, states that every body remains at rest or in...

A Rough diamond Is a diamond rock that has not yet been cut or processed. They are naturally found in...

In the second law of Newton , Known as the Fundamental Principle of Dynamics, the scientist states that the larger...

He Object of study of the Science Are the phenomena that occur in nature and society , Whose knowledge allows...

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