
In the Prevention of stroke And its functional consequences, it is essential both the control of the risk factors and...

The term Lisencephaly Means"smooth brain"and is used to refer to a neurological disorder in which there is a Insufficiency of...

The Childhood epilepsy Appears due to an exaggerated increase of the activity of the neurons that is not related to...

The Bell's palsy Is a neurological disorder that affects the facial muscles, causing alterations at the aesthetic, functional and psychosocial...

The Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is A sensory-motor polyneuropathy, that is, a medical pathology that causes nerve damage or degeneration (National Institutes...

He Brain abscess Is a type of brain infection that some specialists define as a suppurative process, in which there...

He Sotos syndrome or "Cerebral gigantism" In a genetic pathology characterized by exaggerated physical growth during the first years of...

The Physiology of sleep Is characterized by two phases, REM and NoREM, and within the REM phase there are four...

He Ramsay-Hunt syndrome Is a peripheral facial palsy (PFP), caused by the herpes zoster virus (Arana-Alonso, et al., 2011). In...

He Alzheimer's in young people Is characterized by the onset of symptoms at an age between 40 and 60 years:...

The Tuberous sclerosis ( ET ) or Bourneville disease Is a pathology of genetic origin that produces the growth of...

The Early Alzheimer's Symptoms Are not always so easy to identify and often frequent memory failures or forgetfulness can generate...

The hepatic encephalopathy (EH) is a medical condition characterized by the presence of mental disorders in a person suffering from...

The Testosterone Plays a fundamental role in the body, especially in the male, which is associated with virility thanks to...

The Types of seizures Are the generalized ones and the focal ones. Depending on the area of ​​the brain that...

He Prader-Willi syndrome ( SPW ) Is a multisystemic disease that has a congenital genetic origin (National Organization for Rare...

He Williams syndrome (SW) is a developmental disorder of genetic origin that is associated with a characteristic profile Of physical...

The brain hemispheres Are well differentiated in the human brain; Each receives information and controls the part of the contralateral...

He Patau's syndrome Is a congenital disease of genetic origin, due to the presence of a trisomy on chromosome 13...

The Fluoxetine , Better known as prozac, Is an antidepressant that falls within the category of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors...

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