
More than 1000 Words with gra, gre, gri, gro and gru , As gratitude, Greece, gringo, grotesque, grunt, gram, crack,...

More than 700 Nf Like camphor, amphibian, conference, confusion, debauchery, infirm, confuse, mistrust, infanta and many more. The letter N...

He Past tense and the co-financier Are common verbal tenses of the Romance languages, used mainly for the expression of...

The Classification of stories Can be made according to its genre and according to its narrative form. Among the most...

He Hyperbaton Is a rhetorical figure that consists of altering the natural position of the elements of a sentence in...

The metonymy Is a rhetorical figure that consists in assigning to an object or idea the name of another element...

He Simile or comparison Is a rhetorical figure that is used to establish a similarity relation between two elements. The...

The term accent emphatic Is used to refer to the graphic symbols and pronunciation used in the words"what","who","when","where","how"and"how much"when they...

The Currents Sociological Are ways of thinking that seek to give answers to the questions that may arise around the...

Some of the most outstanding authors of fables throughout history have been Aesop, Jean de la Fontaine or Tomás de...

He Co-financier Or imperfect tense of the indicative is a verb tense that is used to refer to actions that...

The alliteration Is a literary resource that consists of the repetition of one or more consonant sounds at the beginning,...

Paraphrasis types can be classified into automatic and constructive. The term paraphrase Comes from two Greek words: παρά ( for...

The Poems of nature Are quite common, the natural world has been one of the recurring themes in poetry. It...

He Morphological subject Is one who is absent, or apparently absent, in a sentence. In most cases, such sentences have...

The Expressionist poems Are compositions that use literary resources characteristic of poetry, framed in the current denominated Expressionism. Expressionism is...

I leave you a list of Poems of neoclassicism Of great authors like Jose Cadalso, Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos or...

The Poems of Romanticism Are compositions that use literary resources characteristic of poetry, framed in the cultural movement called Romanticism....

The Zapotec Are a native town of the south of Mexico, concretely in what today is the south of the...

The Poems of Modernism Are compositions that use literary resources characteristic of poetry, framed in the literary movement called Modernism....

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