General culture

The Human rights of Colombia , Constitutional republic multiparty, have been marked by political violence, absence of legal processes or...

The Cultural contributions of the Maya To the present society are numerous. This civilization left a great legacy in areas...

He Portuguese breakfast , As well as its gastronomy in general, has a variety of dishes that have received their...

In this article I bring you some Tips for working in the south of Argentina . This region, known as...

The Causes of the war of 1000 days (1900-1902) are closely linked to the political instability of Colombia during the...

The Parts of a newspaper and its sections Tend to vary depending on the day of the week, frequency and...

The Policy objectives Can be studied from different perspectives. This can be defined, in the broadest sense of the word,...

The Themes of romance Are characterized by the claim of freedom of the artist, the exaltation of emotions and feelings...

The Powers of the judiciary Depend on the country, since each has a particular organization within the division of powers,...

An encyclopedia contains information of all kinds; Can be found data historical events, definitions of terms, information related to the...

The Ecuadorian legends and myths Vary by region. In this article I bring you a compilation of the most famous...

A photograph can provide information About the people and their mood, the places, the time, the elements of the composition,...

The people who participate in a debate are two debaters responsible for defending opposing positions on a topic, a moderator...

The Main economic activities Of Colombia are the oil industry , Mining, tourism and agriculture, among others. Colombia is the...

The Tuncahuán culture Is an indigenous culture that flourished in the city of Riobamba (Ecuador) in the provinces of the"inter-Andean...

Ethics serves for peaceful coexistence among human beings. It can also be known as moral behavior. This is a term...

To a great extent, those who Make up a school government Will be the basis of the good functioning of...

The Olmec civilization Was an ancient culture, belonging to the middle preclassic period that was located in the southern part...

The Chobshi culture Belongs to the archaeological site located in the foothills of Cerro Huallil, in the province of Azuay,...

The Cuban culture Refers to a set of archaeological sites located on the border shared by the provinces of Loja,...

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