
The Breath of fungi Varies depending on what type of fungus we are observing. In biology the fungi are known...

Some Mende's Contributions Most important to science have been the laws of heredity, predicting the existence of genes and new...

The Ovulíparos Are the living beings whose fertilization and development occurs in eggs within the water, that is to say...

A population Is a finite or infinite group of persons, objects or animals that have certain characteristics in common. An...

The First generation subsidiary Is a concept developed by genetics, defined as the offspring that results from the crossing of...

Monosaccharides are the simplest carbohydrates. They are crystallizable, solid at room temperature, very soluble, white and sweet. It is because...

The theory cell phone , Applied to biology, is one that identifies and describes the properties of cells. He argues...

Some of the native plants of Peru are macua, quenua, cinchona, paico, cat's claw or cherimoya. Peru has about 25,000...

There are many Extinct species of fungi , And is that it is not only the plants or animals that...

The Protocooperation Is a relationship of mutualism that occurs when two organisms interact with each other to obtain benefits. The...

The Mitochondria Are small organelles (parts of the cell that have a specific function) that are responsible for decomposing nutrients...

The Bacteria Breathe through two breathing processes: aerobic and anaerobic, being this one used by most of these unicellular organisms...

The Flying mammals Are vertebrate animals that have the ability to fly or plan because they share characteristics of mammals...

Between the Most outstanding Peruvian sea animals We can mention the leatherback turtle, the Peruvian sea lion, the spiny porpoise...

The Photosynthesis formula Explains the way in which plants take energy from the sun and use it to convert carbon...

The reproduction Is the process through which identical or almost identical replicas of an organism are created. In other words,...

The Animal or eukaryotic cells Are the type of cells that form all the tissues of animals. Its main characteristics...

The Organic evolution , Also known as biological evolution, is the result of genetic changes in populations of certain species...

The Flora and fauna of the temperate forest of Mexico Are characterized by forests of pine, cedar, fir, ayarín, táscate,...

Some Characteristics of the jaguar Most important are being solitary animals, being a symbol of strength, their variety of roars...

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