
The Glycosaminoglycans , Also known as mucopolysaccharides, are glucose structures, with a function of structural biomolecules that we can find...

The Cutaneous respiration Is a form of respiration in which gas exchange occurs through the skin and not through the...

The Subsidiary generation Is the offspring resulting from controlled pairing of parental generation. It is usually given between different parents...

The Trophic levels Are the sequential stages in the food chain, occupied by producers in the lower part and by...

The Flaming cell Is a hollow cell located in the excretory system of certain invertebrate animals, such as flatworms and...

He Beetle beetle Is an insect belonging to the order of Coleoptera. It is characterized by using its legs to...

The Sponge feed Is the mechanism by which these invertebrate animals are nourished. It is a filtration process in which...

The Gregarious associations Are those relationships within the same species in which their individuals have a life in common, whether...

The Allosteric enzymes Are organic chemical substances that are composed with a structure of four molecules, reason why its structure...

The Gases that make possible the life of living things Are found in the atmosphere, which is the layer of...

He Circulatory system of birds Is composed of the heart (four cavities, similar to mammals), arteries and veins that carry...

The Primary eyebrow function Is to protect the eyes from sweat, rain and even sunlight. Its arched shape allows to...

He Excretory system of birds Is composed of kidneys, ureters and cloaca. All three are responsible for eliminating waste from...

The Alternation of generations Consists of the succession of two different generations of the same species. That is, plants alternate...

The Panda bears are in danger of extinction Because its natural habitat has been largely destroyed by humans for housing...

He Respiratory system of birds Is in charge of oxygenate the tissues and organs and of expelling the carbon dioxide...

He digestive system Of birds Begins at the peak or mouth and includes different important organs and endings such as...

The plasmatic membrane, Cell membrane or cytoplasmic membrane, is a biological membrane that separates the interior of all cells from...

The Autosomal chromosomes Are all chromosomes that have no sexual characteristics. In humans, they go from chromosome 1 to chromosome...

The Circulation in poriferous Or sponges is a peculiar process, since these living beings do not have a circulatory system...

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