Business protocol: characteristics, what is it for, examples

He business protocol it is a set of social and formal norms adopted by a company for its fulfillment. Its function is to set guidelines of conduct and limits that govern the actions of all the members of the company.

This normative body, normally included in a manual or document, generally regulates the internal and external behavior of the company. It is a code of conduct established in the organizational culture of the company.

Business protocol: characteristics, what is it for, examples

The business protocol establishes the rules of coexistence between the different work levels of the company and the communication criteria that must prevail outside of it.

The business protocols meet the rules and steps that must be followed for the planning, development and control of actions executed by a company. These rules may include rules established by the state.

An example of a business protocol is the way in which a secretary responds to a telephone call in a cordial manner. Also, the respectful treatment of the driver of a transport company while taking a passenger to the airport.


  • 1 Characteristics of the business protocol
  • 2 What is the business protocol for?
    • 2.1 Set rules of conduct
    • 2.2 Guide for social activities
    • 2.3 Establish the corporate image
    • 2.4 Create the company culture
  • 3 Examples of business protocol
    • 3.1 Protocol in telephone call
    • 3.2 Protocol in presentation, greeting and farewell
    • 3.3 Clothing protocol
  • 4 References

Characteristics of the business protocol

Before citing the characteristics of the business protocol, the origin of the term must be clearly indicated in order to better define its content.

Protocol comes from the Latin" protos ", Whose meaning is"what goes before something", and" kollos "Which refers to the action of adhering or pasting something.

The dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language in one of its meanings, defines it as a" set of rules established by norm or by custom for ceremonies and official or solemn acts".

A protocol is a description of standards of behavior that must be followed in a company or institution. It describes the behavior guidelines and procedures to perform an action or in a certain situation.

The business protocol must convey to customers the essence of the company, which is why it is part of its philosophy and image. There are different types of protocol: business, religious, official, sports, social, etc.

The characteristics of a good business protocol are

1- It is not regulated by law, but it is strictly enforced inside the company by its members.

2 is practical , because it regulates habitual situations that occur in the company. In this way it is avoided that it is a banal document without labor observance.

3- It is accessible for all the members of the organization, because it establishes behavior guidelines for each work situation.

4- It understandable, because it must be written in clear language so that all employees of the company assimilate and comply without excuse.

5 is flexible , in principle because the established rules must be adjusted to each situation of the company, even in times of crisis. But also because they can vary over time and adapt to changes.

What is the business protocol for?

Set rules of conduct

Setting the behavior guidelines within a company in a protocol manual serves to regulate the behavior of its members and creates organizational culture.

Without a protocol, labor relations and communication between the company and the clients would be total chaos. There would be no respect for hierarchies and the absence of a code of behavior would result in constant disrespect and internal clashes.

The hierarchical order without a business protocol could not be fulfilled, altering the company's organizational structure.

Guide for social activities

From the point of view of the label, the protocol is also necessary for the organization and realization of social activities that are relevant for the company.

The protocol helps to consolidate the prestige of the company among its employees and with its associates: customers, shareholders, suppliers, authorities, etc.

Establish the corporate image

It is part of the corporate image of the company, because it guides and channels the positive actions of the members of the company. The image of a company does not depend only on the product or service per se what it lends; but of the totality of elements that revolve around that.

The protocol is useful and necessary for companies because it contributes to improving human relations and reinforces its corporate image. When it extends to all areas of the organization, it helps to achieve a healthy and harmonious work environment.

Create the company culture

It also creates business and work culture by educating workers and managers about the need to integrate and collaborate with organizational objectives. It also helps to guide the relations of the company's representatives with their associates and clients.

Examples of business protocol

The business protocol covers the procedures established in the business organization to organize events: meetings, visits, conferences, negotiations, protocol events, etc.

But also involves the way of communicating (internal communication) between the members of the organization and with customers and related (external communication). This includes from the way a telephone call is answered, to the way of wearing the uniform or the way of dressing.

Likewise, it includes the writing style for a letter or email and all the necessary elements to reinforce the company's corporate image.

An example of a business protocol is the reception of a telephone call. In the form of answering, greeting and presenting, there is implicit a whole business culture. It is therefore an element intimately related to the business or brand image.

Protocol in telephone call

- Good morning Mr. / Mrs.

- I'm Judith, how can I help / serve?

- I'll review your case, please do not withdraw.

- Thanks for calling, we are at your service.

- Have a happy day Sr / Sra.

Protocol in presentation, greeting and farewell

  • Stand up when greeting.
  • Shake hands with subtlety and smile.
  • Avoid kisses and effusive hugs.
  • Look the person in the eye when speaking.
  • Avoid the tuteo and the use of colloquial terms.
  • Be cordial and friendly in the deal.
  • Try to call the person by name if he knows.
  • Avoid excesses of confidence.
  • Avoid talking excessively about yourself and your personal life.

Clothing protocol

  • Do not use inappropriate garments or call too much attention.
  • Use clothes that help complement your personality.
  • Use appropriate clothing sizes.
  • Dress with tie / jacket / skirt / blouse.
  • Men should shave properly and take care of their physical appearance.
  • Women put on makeup properly.
  • Keep hands and nails clean and maintained.
  • Use perfumes or discreet lotions.


  1. Martínez, Julián Mesa: Business protocol manual: contents and elaboration steps. Retrieved on February 14, 2018 from
  2. What is protocol and what does it do for the company? Consulted by
  3. Why is protocol important in companies? Consulted of
  4. Protocol. Royal Spanish Academy. Usual Dictionary Consulted of
  5. The business protocol. Consulted of
  6. The importance of the business protocol. Retrieved from

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