Back to Work: 10 Tips to Get It Right

The Back to work Can be difficult after a long vacation, especially for mothers with newborns or people with a hard job. It is common for us to experience stress, due to a Mismatch between the demands of the labor situation and our capacities to face these demands.

At this time, we can present Symptoms of physical stress , Such as tiredness, headache, lack of concentration; Or psychological, such as irritability, Lack of motivation and sadness, among others.

Back to work

This is what is commonly called"post-vaccination syndrome / stress", and it is a normal reaction of the organism, since it is carrying out a Process of readaptation to the environment.

According to the psychologist Ana Fortea , Post-vaccination stress,"is a transient syndrome, which can last for about 10 days and if not, we would talk about a Depressive episode or other reaction".

For many people, this return to working life is a source of stress, due to the overexertion they have to carry out.

If you are one of Them, you should read the advice that we present below so that you can get back to the best possible way.

10 Tips for Getting the Job Back Well

1. Classify tasks according to their importance

Sort tasks

It is very important that we know how to differentiate the priority of each task. It is preferable that we waste some time at the beginning organizing our Agenda, instead of starting to work in a disorderly and unproductive way.

One option is to make a table with 3 columns:

- In the first, write the urgent tasks and only you can perform. These are the ones you will carry out the first few days.

- The second column will pick up what you should do in the medium term. You can propose to do them at the end of the week.

- Finally, add in the third column all the tasks that do not require your attention until a few weeks or months. From these, you can select What others can do for you. Learning to delegate tasks will help us focus on what is truly important.

The important thing is to be realistic by establishing our Planning So that we do not get frustrated if we do not complete it.

2. Leave work in the office

It is much more productive to organize ourselves with the schedule that we have established. If at any point we fail to reach our daily goal, it suits us Leave it for the moment, go out to play sports, rest or engage in other tasks.

The next day, when we have rested and repaired our forces, we will find it much easier to finish what we left pending.

The same happens with the lunch break times. We must not do without this space to advance our work. Take your time to Enjoy eating, at home or with your peers. It is certainly a social moment, so do not forget to enjoy it.

3. Get enough sleep

to rest well

There is no adequate number of hours of sleep for everyone. However, if you are one of those who need several cups of coffee to face the day You should consider increasing the number of hours of rest.

Among the benefits it brings you Restful sleep , We can highlight the following:

- Increased capacity of concentration .

- Improvement of care .

- Best Memory .

Therefore, a good rest positively influences our work performance.

After a vacation in which our sleep schedule has been irregular, we will find it difficult to resume the routine. Next we propose you Ways to adapt your dream effectively.

- Daytime siestas

Whenever your schedule allows, in these first weeks of adapting to the work schedule, you can consider making small daytime naps (30-45 Minutes), after which you will feel more rested and active.

- What do you do to sleep?

It is very common to read or watch TV before going to bed. However, we must bear in mind that if the task that we are carrying out Is attractive, will act to inhibit sleep.

It is desirable that you perform activities monotonous and boring to help you sleep more easily.

- Where do you sleep?

Take care that the physical characteristics of your place of rest are adequate to sleep.

A room with little or no light, no noise and with the right temperature, will help you to sleep more easily and your sleep time more Profitable

4. Resume leisure activities gradually


At the end of the summer holidays, many of us intend to start new leisure activities. Join us for language, sports or cooking classes Are some of the purposes for this new stage.

These goals can bring us many benefits, as long as we do not intend to start them all at the same time.

Remember that the less change our body feels, the less stress we will suffer and the more we will get out of what we are doing.

If we start too many activities at a time of work adaptation, we will end up feeling overwhelmed and leave activities shortly

5. Practice physical exercise


Some studies show that there is a Physical exercise And mental health.

Exercising our body gradually we will be able to relax, to fight the physical fatigue daily and Improve our self-esteem , Among many others Benefits.

In addition, it is a perfect time to disconnect from all the technological means that surround us.

Here are some tips to make it easier for you to do it.

As we mentioned in the previous section, we must do it gradually and not propose major changes at the beginning. A simple daily walk can Help us to perceive positive changes in our organism.

If the physical exercise is performed between the morning and the afternoon shift, you will feel more rested and prepared to face the remaining hours of work.

If you do not have much time to do sports, try to change some daily habits, such as walking or cycling to work.

Although at first it may seem like a great effort, surely in a few weeks you will notice the benefits of this new routine.

6. Consolidate the routines at the weekend

It is advisable to return to the schedules a few days before the holidays but, if you have already started to work, you can take advantage of the weekend to Put order in your daily habits, so you do not notice the difference with your routine the rest of the week.

Not going to bed too late, sleeping the necessary hours and eating at the intervals we usually do during the week will help us to adapt to The weekly routine more easily.

Also, do not forget to dedicate a space of the weekend to practice physical exercise. One option is to combine it with your social life, to make it work for you More entertaining.

Playing some sport as a team, as a couple or just taking a bike ride with your family, will contribute positively to your physical and emotional well-being.

7. Value the positive aspects of your work

Happy worker

Do not focus solely on the negatives. List the reasons why you are in that job, in addition to the economic ones.

In addition, this may be a good time to raise new job challenges. Value what your current job brings you, think about how you can improve and Put it into practice Only by setting new goals will we be able to move forward.

8. Be patient.

Think that you are not the only person who feels overwhelmed by these dates. After the holidays, there is an excess of accumulated work that does not allow us Move forward as fast as we would like.

Do not fret if you depend on other peers to finish your assignments, or if you feel pressured by a client to get your work done on time.

This is a stage in which many procedures are delayed, so we can only wait until everything is normal.

9. Do not compare your performance with that of others

This is a basic rule. We should not compare our work to anyone else's, not even to ourselves, before going on vacation.

Now we are going through a stage of readjustment to the environment, so we can not perform at the same level as a few weeks or months ago.

It is better that we propose to overcome ourselves every day, albeit with a realistic perspective and without frustration if we fail.

10. Encourage a positive attitude towards peers

Happy team

The relationship we maintain with the people around us in our working environment can positively or negatively influence our physical well-being
And emotional.

The extreme form of malaise is produced by the "Mobbing"or workplace harassment . This harassment can occur through social isolation, rumors, insults,
others. The victims may present symptoms such as anxiety, depression and high negative affect.

It is especially difficult for these people to return to work. Sometimes they even end up leaving their job.

On the contrary, a good relationship with the partners is one of the factors that gives us greater welfare in the workplace.

By changing some daily habits, you can foster a better relationship with your peers.

- Ask for help when you need it.

Sometimes we have reservations when asking for help from our colleagues or bosses, for fear that they see us as incompetent people.

However, asking for help can solve the problem that we face in less time and in a more effective way.

- Offer your help.

Thus, we will be promoting fellowship and eliminating signs of competitiveness present in some companies. Therefore, we will be happier in
the job.

- Make plans with your colleagues after work.

Sharing activities of leisure and free time, you will perceive a more dynamic and relaxed relationship during working hours.

If you put these tips into practice, you can get many benefits, among which include:

- Greater motivation.

- Fewer complaints.

- Lower work absenteeism.

- Increased job satisfaction.

- More productivity and efficiency.

- Greater job satisfaction.


  1. A. Belloch, B. Sandín, F. Ramos. Manual of Psychopathology Volume I. 2008.
  2. Antonio Cano Vindel"Post-Vacational Stress"Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress.
  3. Bonifacio Sandín Stress: an analysis based on the role of social factors, 2002.
  4. G. Rodríguez-Romo, M. Barriopedro, P. J. Alonso and M. Garrido-Muñoz. Relationship between Physical Activity and Mental Health in the Adult Population of Madrid. Revista de Psicología del Deporte 2015. Vol. 24, núm. 2, pp. 233-239.
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  7. Johann Wolfgang. Organizational, work group related and personal causes of mobbing / bullying at work. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER 70-85.
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